Optasia Library This page updated, January 31, 2025

The index below will give you links to a number of headings, which are the folders of the Optasia Library. You can arrow down and see the resources that are available under that heading.
If you are looking for a specific resource, you can do a word search on this page, arrow up to find which folder it is in, and then go to that folder in the Optasia Library.
If you already have the Optasia Library, and want to find a specific book, you can open Windows Explorer on your computer, highlight the Optasia Library, and use Control+F to open the Find edit box. Enter the name of the book you want and press Ender.
For example, if you want to find the book, "Difficult Sayings of Jesus," open Windows Explorer, open the Find edit box and enter the words Difficult Sayings of Jesus. The title will appear in the list of files, and you can enter on the resource you want and it will open. You can highlight the Optasia Library on your computer to limit the search, rather than searching your entire hard drive.
You can also enter just the word, "Difficult," and the results will show several books with that word in the title, and also many other files in which the word, "difficult" appears

Note that we have begun offering some of the library in Daisy format. The books available in this format are marked below with (Daisy Audio), and are available on request.



English Language Bibles

Hebrew and Greek Bibles

Braille Format Bibles
Spanish Bibles
German Bibles
Other Bibles
Teachings about God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Sin, Salvation, Church, End Times, etc.
Apologetics and Culture
Biblical Theology
Old Testament
New Testament
Church History
Creeds and Confessions
Devotional Discipleship
Family Marriage Singles
Missions and Evangelism
Pastoral Care
Prayer and Spirituality
Worship and liturgy
Additional Resources available on request This includes several song books, and various biblical and theological resources.

Optasia International Library

*Note. While Optasia Ministry is allowed by law, to distribute its resources in the United States,
certain publishers have given Optasia Ministry permission to distribute their resources internationally.
Books in the library marked with, *, are included in the International Optasia Library.
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), has negotiated the Marakesh Treaty, which allows us to distribute the entire Optasia Library to individuals living in countries that have ratified the Marakesh Treaty.
You can go to the following link to find out if the country you live in has ratified the Marakesh Treaty:
Or you may contact us for more information.

Bibles List

A. English Language Bibles

1. We offer 25 versions of the Bible in HTML format, unique with Optasia Ministry. These Bibles run in a web browser, such as Internet Explorer (you do not need to be online to use these Bibles).
Books, chapters and verses are easily accessible with links. There is some search capability.
This form of the Bible has been used on a Pac Mate, a Braille Note, and a Braille Sense as well as desk top computers and works well on these machines.
The Bibles available in the Optasia format are:
*Amplified Bible
*American Standard Version
*Christian Standard Version
*Contemporary English Version
*Darby Translation
*Douay Rheims 1899 American Edition
*English Standard Version
*God's Word Translation
*Good News Translation
*Holman Christian Standard Bible
*King James Version.
King James 21st Century
*New American Standard Bible
*New Century Version
*New International Readers Version
*New International Version 1984
*New International Version 2011
New International Version UK
*New King James Version
*New Living Translation
*New Revised Standard Version
*Revised Standard Version
*The Message (with verses grouped in paragraphs)
*The Message (with each verse numbered)
*Today's New International Version
Worldwide English New Testament,
*Wycliffe New Testament
*Youngs Literal Translation,
We also offer 17 of these versions in the Optasia Bible Library,
which allows users to easily compare readings in the different translations, with easy to use links.
The Optasia Bible Library is available in the Optasia International Library.
The versions available in the Optasia Bible Library are:
*Amplified Bible
*American Standard Version
*Contemporary English Version
*English Standard Version
*Good News Translation
*Holman Christian Standard Bible
*King James Version.
Legacy Standard Version
*New American Standard Bible
*New International Readers Version
*New International Version 1984
*New International Version 2011
*Today's New International Version
*New King James Version
*New Living Translation
*New Revised Standard Version
*The Message
2. We provide the above 16 versions in an html format, that is designed to work well on the Victor Stream Reader.
3. We provide the above versions in rtf or txt format to make them accessible in any word processor.
4. Study Bibles
*Amplified Study Bible
*KJV Women's Study Bible
*New International Version Study Bible. Users can access book introductions, notes, cross references and some study helps, including the concordance and subject index.
*Literary Study Bible
*NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible
*The Beyond Suffering Bible
*The Jesus Bible, NIV Edition, sixty-six books. one story. all about one name.
*Wilmington s GUIDE to the BIBLE, Dr. Harold L. Willmington
*NIV Passages Bible, Brian Hardin
*NLT Study Bible
The Original African Heritage STUDY BIBLE
The Macarthur Study Bible, By John F. Macarthur
*Reformation Study Bible, R. C. Sproul, Copyright 2015 by Ligonier Ministries

B. Hebrew and Greek Bibles

The following original language texts are in the Optasia format
1. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia for those who wish to read the Braille Hebrew Old Testament using Braille
2. Greek New Testament for reading in Braille
3. Greek New Testament which can be used with a screen reader to listen to the Greek text
4. The Optasia Original Language Library combines Biblia Hebraica with the English JPS Tenak And both Biblica Hebraica and the New Testament Greek linked to the NRSV

C. Braille Format Bibles

We have several Bibles that are in Braille format. Some Bibles are divided with each book as a separate file:
Amplified Bible
Common English Bible
Contemporary English Version
Douay Rheims 1899 American Edition
English Standard Version
God's Word Translation
Good News Translation
King James Version,
Modern Literal Version
New American Bible
New American Standard Bible 1977
New American Standard Bible 2020
New Century Version
New International Version 1984
New International Version 2011
New Jerusalem Bible
New King James Version
New Revised Standar Version
New Living Translation
Revised Standard Version
The Message
Today's New International Version
Passion Translation (NT, Psalms-Song of Songs)

The following Braille format bibles are available as single files with formatting for searching for books, chapters and verses
Christian Standard Bible
English Standard Veersion
King James Version
New American Standard Version 1977
New King James Version

D. Spanish Bibles

We provide a Spanish Bible, Biblia NVI , with the library.
Three other Spanish Bibles are available on request: Biblia Jerusalem, Biblia Latinoamericana, Biblia Reina Valera

D. Catholic Bibles

We have three Catholic Bibles which we provide with the Library: New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible, Christian Community Bible
We have an HTML version of the Ignatius Bible which is available upon request

E. German Bibles

The following German Bibles are available on request
Die Gute Nachricht - Die Bibel in modernem Deutsch. The German good news bible. Follows the same translation philosophy as its English equivalent
einheitsuebersetzung_html. The official German Catholic translation (does not contain the deuterocanonial books)
Elberfelder_unrevidiert, Conservative, literal translation
luther_html, 1912 traditional Luther Bible
Revidierte_Elverfelder, Literal and conservative in its translation, updated language from its predecessor
Schlachter2000txt, Conservative translation, includes notes

F. Other Bibles

We have a number of Bibles in various formats that are provided with the Library
King James Version, Old Testament with Strongs Numbers, rtf format. This can be used with the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament.
King James Version Apocrypha
Revised Standard Version, includes Apocrypha
The Scriptures, 2009 Edition, Institute for Scripture Research
The Story, The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, Selections from the New International Version
The following Bibles are available on request:
English Standard Version, txt format
Holman Christian Standard Bible, txt format
Amplified Bible, rtf format in a single file
Analytical Literal New Testament, txt format
English Majority Text, txt format
International Standard Version, rtf format
New American Standard Bible, txt format
New English Translation, txt format
Living Bible, Paraphrase (HTML, TXT, BRL)
J B Phillips New Testament, rtf
NET Bible, without notes
NET Bible, with notes
New English Bible

Books List

Reference List

Bible Vision - a program for searching for Greek and Hebrew key words
*A Family Guide to the Bible, Christin Ditchfield
*A Guide to New Religious Movements, Ronald Enroth, Editor
Anchor Bible Dictionary
Bakers Dictionary of Theology, Everett E. Harrison, editor
Bakers Dictionary of Religious Terms, Donald L Kauffman, editor
Brown Driver, Briggs, Hebrew-English Lexicon, Abridged
Christian Cyclopedia, Erwin L. Lueker
Concise New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis, Mois s Silva
*Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, David Noel Freedman
Encyclopedia of Christian Theology, Jean-Yves Lacoste
Harmony of the Gospels (formatted for easier use by blind persons)
*Jewish Encyclopedia
Mounce s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words
*Nelsons Quick Reference Topical Bible Index
*New International Encyclopedia of Bible Characters, The Complete Who s Who in the Bible, Paul D. Gardner
*New International Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, Gleason L. Archer Jr.
*NIV Bible Dictionary, J. D. Douglas and Merrill C. Tenney
*Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms, Stanley J. Grenz, David Guretski, Cherith Fee Nordling
Questions and Answers, Ray C. Stedman
*The Concise Dictionary of Christian Theology, Millard J. Ericckson
The Lion Handbook to the Bible, Third Edition, Pat and David Alexander
*Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Geoffrey W. Bromiley
*Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Laird Harris, Editor
*The Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms, SECOND EDITION , Revised and Expanded, Donald K. Mckim
*Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, W.E. Vine, Merrill F. Unger, William White, Jr.
What the Bible is All About, Dr. Henrietta C. Mears
*Where to Find It in the Bible, Ken Anderson
Word Pictures in the New Testament, Archibald Thomas Robertson
*Zondervan All-in-One Bible Reference Guide, Kevin Green
*Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible, 5 volumes
*Zondervans Great Bible Trivia Workout, Brad Densmore

Theology List:

Teachings about God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Sin, Salvation, Church, End Times, etc.
Systematic and General Theology
A Contemporary Anabaptist Theology, Biblical, Historical, Constructive, Thomas N. Finger
*A New Systematic Theology of The Christian Faith, Robert L. Reymond(also Daisy Audio )
*A Puritan Theology, Doctrine for Life, Joel R. Beeke AND Mark Jones
A Scientific Theology, Volumes 1-3, Alister E. McGrath
A Summa of the Summa, The Essential Philosophical Passages of St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica Edited and Explained for Beginners, PETER KREEFT
*A Survey of Bible Doctrine, by Charles Caldwell Ryrie
*A Theology of Lordship, John M. Frame
Basic Theology, Charles C. Ryrie
-The Doctrine of God
-The Doctrine of the Christian Life
-The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God
*Bible Doctrine, Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith, Wayne Grudem Edited by Jeff Purswell(also Daisy Audio)
*Biblical Doctrine, A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth, John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue
Christ and the Decree, Christology and Predestination in Reformed Theology from Calvin to Perkins, Richard A. Muller
*Christian Beliefs, Wayne A. Grudem, edited by Elliot Grudem(also Daisy Audio)
Christian Theology, Millard Erickson
Classic Christianity, A Systematic Theology, Thomas C. Oden
*God Is Love, A Biblical and Systematic Theology, Gerald Bray
Introduction to Dogmatic Theology, Edward Arthur Litton
*Jesus, Humanity and the Trinity, A Brief Systematic Theology, Kathryn Tanner
*Lectures in Systematic Theology, Henry Clarence Thiessen
Persons in Communion, An Essay on Trinitarian Description and Human Participation, Alan J. Torrance
*Pilgrim Theology, Core Doctrines for Christian Disciples, Michael Horton(also Daisy Audio)
Post Reformation Rdformed Dogmatics, Volume 1, Prolegomena to Theology, Richard A. Muller
Reformed Dogmatics, Herman Bavinck, one volume condensed
Reformed Dogmatics, Herman Bavinck, 4 volumes
*Reformed Systematic Theology, Volume 1:Revelation and God, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley
*Reformed Systematic Theology, Volume 2: Man and Christ, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley
*Reformed Systematic Theology, Volume 3: Spirit and Salvation, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley
*Reformed Systematic Theology, Volume 4: Church and Last Things, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley REFORMING PASTRevelation and Reason, Prolegomena to Systematic Theology, Colin E. Gunton
*Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas
*Summary of Christian Doctrine, Louis Berkhof
*Systematic Theology, Louis Berkhof
*Systematic Theology, John M. Frame
Systematic Theology, Robert L. Dabney
*Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem
Systematic Theology, Edited by Stanley M. Horton
Systematic Theology, Volumes 1 and 2, Robert W. Jenson
The Christian Ethos, Werner Elert
*The Christian Faith, Michael Horton
The Doctrine of God, Veli-Matti K rkk inen
*Theology for the Community of God, Stanley J. Grenz
The Wonderful Works of God, Instruction in the Christian Religion according to the Reformed Confession, Herman Bavinck

God and Creation
A Biblical and Scientific Refutation of Progressive Creationism , Jonathan Sariati Ph D
A Golden Chain, William Perkins
Before The Throne, Reflections on God s Holiness, Allen S. Nelson IV
Beginnings, Ancient Christian Readings of the Biblical Creation Narratives, Peter C. Bouteneff
*CREATED in GOD'S IMAGE, Anthony A. Hoekema
*Creation in Six Days, A Defense of the Traditional Reading of Genesis One, James B. Jordan
*Deep Comedy, Trinity, Tragedy, & Hope in Western Literature, Peter J. Leithart
Delighting in the Trinity, An Introduction to the Christian Faith, Michael Reeves
Delight in Creation, Scientists Share Their Work with the Church, Edited by Deborah Haarsma
Deus Trinitas, The Doctrine of the Triune God, David Coffey
Divine Providence, The Molinist Account, Thomas P. Flint
Does God Know Everything? An Examination Of The Knowledge Of God, Don Stewart
*Eternal Covenant, How the Trinity Reshapes Covenant Theology, Ralph Smith
Eternal God, A Study of God without Time, Paul Helm
*Experiencing the Trinity, The Grace of God for the People of God, Joe Thorn
Face of the Deep, A Theology of Becoming, Catherine Keller

*FATHER, SON, and Holy Spirit, Relationships, Roles, and Relevance, Bruce A. Ware
Glasshouse, Shattering the Myth of Evolution, Ken Ham, Bodie Hodge
God and Evil in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas, Herbert McCabe
God and the Creative Imagination, Metaphor, Symbol and Myth in Religion and theology, Paul Avis
God and Time, Essays on the Divine Nature, Gregory E. Ganssle, David M. Woodruff, Editors
God s Plan, To What Extent Has God Determined What Will Happen? Don Stewert
God Without Being, Hors-Texte, Second Edition, (Religion and Postmodernism), Jean-Luc Marion, Thomas A. Carlson, David Tracy
God without Parts, Divine Simplicity and the Metaphysics of God s Absoluteness, JAMES E. DOLEZAL
*God with Us, Divine Condescension and the Attributes of God, K. Scott Oliphint
I Love Jesus & I Accept Evolution, Dennis O. Lamoureux
In the Beginning, Foundations of Creation Theology, Herman Bavinck
Life in the Trinity, an introduction to theology with the help of the church fathers, Donald Fairbairn
Medieval Trinitarian Thought from Aquinas to Ockham, Russell L. Friedman
None Greater, Matthew Barrett
*On Who Is God, Mark Driscoll
*Our Triune God, Philip Ryken and Michael LeFebvre
Providence, Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange
Remythologizing Theology, KEVIN J. VANHOOZER
Retrieving Nicea, Khaled Anatolios
Science and the Spirit, A Pentecostal engagement with the sciences, Edited by James K. a. smith and amos Yong
Scripture and Metaphysics, Aquinas and the Renewal of Trinitarian Theology, Matthew Levering
Six Days, The age of the Earth and the Decline of the Church, Ken Ham
Starlight and Time, Solving the Puzzle of Distant Starlight in a Young Universe, D. Russell Humphreys
*The battle for the beginning , The Bible on Creation and the Fall of Adam , John F. MacArthur
*The Beauty of the Infinite, The Aesthetics of Christian Truth, David Bentley Hart
*The Deep Things of God, How the Trinity Changes Everything, Fred Sanders
The Design Revolution, Answering the Toughest Questions about Intellegent Design, William A. Dembski
The Evolution of Adam, What the Bible Does and Doesn't Say about Human Origins, Peter Enns
The Existence and Attributes of God, Stephen Charnock
The Forgotten Trinity, James White
The God of the Gospel, Robert Jenson's Trinitarian Theology, Scott R. Swain
The God Who Is Beauty, Beauty as a Divine Name in Thomas Aquinas and Dionysius the Areopagite, Brendan Thomas Sammon
*The Holiness of God, R. C. Sproul
The Language of God, Francis S. Collins
The Life and Theology of Paul, Guy Prentiss Waters
*The Meaning of Creation, Genesis and Modern Science, Conrad Hyers
The Mystery of Providence, John Flavel
The Phenomenon of Man, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The Promise of Trinitarian Theology, Colin E. Gunton
The Reality of God and the Problem of Evil, Brian Davies
The Search for the Christian Doctrine of God, The Arian Controversy 318-381, R. P. C. Sanson
*The Sovereignty of God, A. W. Pink
The Trinity : an interdisciplinary symposium on the Trinity , edited by Stephen T. Davis, Daniel Kendall, Gerald O'Collins
The Trinity and God the Creator, Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange
*The Trinity and the Kingdom, The Doctrine of God, Jurgen Moltmannn
The Trinity, R. B. Thieme, Jr.
The Trinity: One God In Three Persons, Understanding The Nature Of The God Of Scripture, Don Stewart
The Trinitarian Faith, The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church, Thomas F. Torrance
The Triune Creator, A Historical and Systematic Study, Colin E. Gunton
The Untamed God, A Philosophical Exploration of Divine Perfection, Simplicity and Immutability, Jay Wesley. Richards
*Trinity and Reality, An Introduction to the Christian Faith, Ralph AllanSmith
Trinity and Truth, Bruce D. Marshall
What Everyone Needs To Know about God, Don Stewart
*What Is Providence? Derek W. H. Thomas
Women and the Gender of God, Amy Peeler

Humanity, Sin
*Fallen, A Theology of Sin, Robert Peterson and Chris Morgan
Human Beings, Who We Are According To The Bible, Don Stewart
*Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers; The Necessity, Nature, and Means of It: with a resolution of Sundry Cases of Conscience Thereunto Belonging, John Owen, D.D.
*Overcoming Sin and Temptation, John Owen, Editted by Kelly M. Kapic and Justin Taylor
*ReSourcing Theological Anthropology, A Constructive Account of Humanity in the Light of Christ, Marc Cortez
Satan and the Problem of Evil, Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy, Gregory A. Boyd
*Sin: Not the Way It s Supposed to be, Cornelius Plantinga
The Biology of Sin, Grace, Hope, and Healing for Those Who Feel Trapped, Matthew S. Stanford
*The Christian Self Image: Issues and Implications, Wayne Josse
*The Christian Looks at Himself, Anthony Hoekema
*The Many Faces of Evil, Theological Systems and the Problems of Evil, Revised and
*The Task of Dogmatics, Explorations in Theological Method, Oliver D. Crisp
The Tripartite Nature of Man, Spirit, Soul and Body Applied to Illustrate and Explain the Doctrines of original Sin, the New Birth, the Disembodied State, and the Spiritual Body, REV. J. B. Heard
When Did Sin Begin? Human Evolution and the Doctrine of Original Sin, Loren Haarsma

Christ and Salvation
A Doctor at Calvary, The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ as Described by a Surgeon, PIERRE BARBET, M.D.
Assured, Discover Grace, Let Go of Guilt, and Rest in Your Salvation, Greg Gilbert
Atonement, Law, and Justice, The Cross in Historical and Cultural Contexts, Adonis Vidu
*Christ and Reconciliation, Veli-Matti K rkk inen
Christology, A Global Introduction, Veli-Matti K rkk inen
Christology in the Making, A New Testamen Inquiry into the Origins of the Doctrine of the Incarnation, Second Edition, JamesD.G.Dunn
*Counted Righteous in Christ, Should We Abandon the Imputation of Christ s Righteousness? John Piper
Crown of Thorns, Interweaving Atonement and Kingdom in Biblical and Systematic Theology, Jeremy R. Treat
Divinity and Humanity, The Incarnation Reconsidered, Oliver D. Crisp
Easter Uncut, What really happened and why it really matters, Carl Laferton
*Forgiveness, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
*From Heaven He Came and Sought Her, Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective, David Gibson and Jonathan Gibson
God Incarnate, Explorations in Christology, Oliver D. Crisp
Grace and Chruistology in the Early Church, Donald Fairbairn
*I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus, George Eldon Ladd
*In My Place He Stood, J. I. Pakker and Mark Dever
Iustitia Dei, A History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification, Third Edition, Alister E. McGrath
*Jesus Blood and Righteousness, Paul's Theology of Imputation, Brian Vickers
Jesus Christ, Eternal God, Heavenly Flesh and the Metaphysics of Matter, Stephen H. Webb
*Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross, Nancy Guthrie
Jesus Our Priest, A Christian Approach to the Priesthood of Christ, Gerald O Collins, SJ, AND Michael Keenan Jones
*Justification, God's Plan, Paul's Vision, N. T. Wright
King, Priest, and Prophet, A Trinitarian Theology of Atonement, Robert Sherman
Marks of His Wounds, Gender Politics and Bodily Resurrection, Beth Felker Jones
Mysterium Paschale, The Mystery of Easter, Hans Urs von Balthasar
*Precious Blood, The Atoning Work of Christ, Richard D. Phillips, editor
Raised? Doubting the Resurrection, Jonathan Dodson & Brad Watson
*Redemption Accomplished and Applied, John Murray
Risen, 50 Reasons Why the Resurrection Changed Everything, Steven D. Matthewson
Revisioning Christology, Theology in the Reformed Tradition, Oliver d. Crisp
*Saved by Grace, Anthony A. Hoekema
Surprised by Hope, N. T. Wright
The Anointed Son, A Trinitarian Spirit Christology, Myk Habets
The Atonement, Its meaning and significance, Leon Morris
The Atonement, Francis Turretin
The Atonement, Loraine Boettner
The Blood of Christ, R. B. THIEME, JR.
The Cross of Christ, John R. W. Stott
*The Future of Justification, John Piper
The God Who Justifies, James R. White
The Meaning of Jesus, Two Visions, Marcus J. Borg, N. T. Wright
The Message of Salvation, By God s Grace, for God s Glory, Philip Graham Ryken
The Person of Christ, Donald MACLEOD
The Way of Jesus Christ, Christology in Messianic Dimensions, Jurgen Moltmann
Union with Christ, Reframing Theology and Ministry for the Church, J. Todd Billings

Holy Spirit, Pentecostal
*Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? Four Views, Wayne A.Grudem General Editor
*A Theology of the Holy Spirit, The Pentecostal Experience and the New Testament Witness, FREDERICK DALE BRUNER
Baptism in the Holy Spirit, James D. G. Dunn
*BAPTIZED IN THE Spirit, Frank Macchia
Charisma vs. Charismania, Chuck Smith
*Charismatic Chaos, John MacArthur
Charismatic Gifts in the Early Church, The Gifts of the Spirit in the First 300 Years, Ronald A. N. Kydd
Christ and the Spirit, Spirit-christology in Trinitarian perspective, Ralph Del Colle
*Filled with the Spirit, John R. Levison
Finally Alive, What Happens When We Are Born Again, John Piper
Flame of Love, a Theology of the Holy Spirit, Clark Pinnock
*From Pentecost to the Triune God, A Pentecostal Trinitarian Theology, Steven M. Studebaker
Gift andGiver, The Holy Spirit for Today, Craig S, Keener
Giver of Life, The Holy Spirit in Orthodox Tradition, Fr. John W. Oliver
*He Who Gives Life, The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, Graham Arthur Cole
*I Believe in the Holy Spirit, Michael Green
*Justified in the Spirit, Creation, Redemption, and the Triune God, Frank D. Macchia
Living in the Spirit, The Way of Salvation, Revised and Expanded Edition, R. Hollis Gause
On the Cessation of the Charismata, The Protestant Polemic on Post-Biblical Miracles Revised & Expanded Edition, Jon Mark Ruthven.
Pentecostal Experience, An Ecumenical Encounter, Peter D. Neumann
Pentecostal Sacraments, Encountering God at the Altar, Daniel Tomberlin
Pentecostal Spirituality, A Passion for the Kingdom, Steven Jack Land
Pneumatology, Veli-Matti K rkk inen
*Rediscovering the Holy Spirit, Michael Horton
Renewing Christian Theology, Systematics for a Global Christianity, Amos Yong
Signs & Wonders, Why Pentecostalism Is the World s Fastest Growing Faith, Paul Alexander
*Spirit AND Power, Foundations of Pentecostal Experience, William W. Menzies and Robert P. Menzies
Spirit of Love, A Trinitarian Theology of Grace, Amos Yong
*Strange fire, the danger of offending the Holy Spirit with counterfeit worship, John MacArthur
*Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, Jack Deere
The Baptism and Gifts of the Spirit, D. MARTYN LLOYD-JONES
The Holy Spirit, Sinclair B. Ferguson
The Holy Spirit and You, A Guide to the Spirit Filled Life, Dennis J. Bennett, Rita Bennett
*The Pentecostal Principle, Ethical Methodology in New Spirit, Nimi Wariboko
The Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit, Edwin H. Palmer
*The Spirit of Life, Jurgen Moltman
The Spirit Poured Out on All Flesh, Amos Yong
The Spiritual Death of Jesus, A Pentecostal Investigation, William P. Atkinson
They Speak with OtherTongues, John L. Sherrill
Thinking in the Spirit, Douglas Jacobsen
*Thinking in Tongues, Pentecostal Contributions to Christian hilosophy (Pentecostal Manifestos James K. A. Smith
Tongue Speaking, An Experiment in Spiritual Experience,Morton T. Kelsey
To the Ends of the Earth, Pentecostalism and the Transformation of World Christianity, Allan Heaton Anderson
*Understanding Spiritual Gifts, Sam Storms
*What are spiritual gifts? Vern S. Poythress
Who's Afraid of the Holy Spirit? An Investigation into the Ministry of the Spirit of God Today, M. James Sawyer and Daniel B. Wallace, eds
Don Stewart Books
-How The Holy Spirit Works In Our Lives, Don Stewart
-Spiritual Gifts: Volume 1, What Are Spiritual Gifts? Are All Spiritual Gifts For Today? Don Stewart
- Spiritual Gifts: Volume 2, What Are The Various Gifts Of The Holy Spirit? Don Stewart
- The Gift Of Speaking In Tongues, What Does The Bible Have To Say? Donn Stewart
-Divine Healing, Does God Heal Everyone? Don Stewart
-The Baptism With The Holy Spirit, Don Stewart
- What Everyone Needs to Know About The Holy Spirit, Who Is the Spirit of God? Don Stewart

40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible, Robert L. Plummer
*Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy, J. Merrick, Stephen M. Garrett, General Editors
Fundamentalism and the Word of God, Some Evangelical Principles, J. I. PACKER
God's Word in Human Words, An Evangelical Appropriation of Critical Biblical Scholarship, Kenton Sparks
History of the Bible in English, From the earliest versions, F. F. BRUCE
*Holy Scripture, G. C. Berkouwer
Holy Scripture, Revelation, Inspiration and and Interpretation, Donald G. Bloesch
Holy Scripture, A Dogmatic Sketch, John Webster
*How to Choose a Translation, Gordon D. Fee and Mark L. Strauss
How We Got Our Bible, Ralph Earle
*Inerrancy and Worldview, Answering Modern Challenges to the Bible, Vern Sheridan Poythress
*In the Beginning, Language-A God Centered Approach, Vern Sheridan Poythress
*Journey into God s Word, J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays
*Living and Active, Scripture in the Economy of Salvation, Telford Work
*LIVING BY THE BOOK, Howard G. Hendricks, William D. Hendricks
Reading the Bible after Christendom, Lloyd Pietersen
*The Blue Parakeet, Scott McKnight
The Canon of Scripture, F. F. Bruce
The Domain of the Word, Scripture and Theological Reason, John Webster
*The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures, Edited by D. A. Carson
*The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism, Responding to New Challenges to Biblical Authority, G. K. Beale
The Fall of the Interpretation, Philosophical Foundations for a Creational Hermeneutic, James K. A. Smith
The Inclusive Language Debate, A Plea for Realism, D. A. Carson
The Living word of god, Rethinking the Theology of the Bible, Ben Witherington III
*The Protestant Doctrine Of Scripture, Cornelius Van Til
n The Scriptures, Dr. Francis Turretin
*The Shape of Sola Scriptura, Keith A. Mathison
The Sufficiency of Scripture, The Key to Revival, JOSEPH STEPHEN
*The Word of God for the People of God, An Entryway to the Theological Interpretation of Scripture, J. Todd Billings
Using the Bible in Practical Theology, Historical and Contemporary Perspective, Zoe Bennett
*Which Bible Translation Should I Use? Andreas Kostenberger and David Croteau
Don Stewart books on the Bible
-Bible Basics, An Introduction To Christian Beliefs, Don Stewart
-What Everyone Needs To Know About The Bible, Don Stewart -Ten Reasons To Trust The Bible (The Ten Wonders Of The Bible) Don Stewart
-Does The Bible Claim To Be The Word Of God? What Does It Say About Itself? Don Stewart
Is The Bible The Ultimate Source Of Authority? Does It Have The Final Say On All Matters? Don Stewart
Are The Right Books In The Old Testament? Should Any Books Be Added Or Subtracted? Don Stewart
Does The Old Testament Apocrypha Belong In The Bible? Don Stewart
Are The Right Books In The New Testament? Should Any Books Be Added Or Subtracted? Don Stewart
Answering Bible Difficulties, Don Stewart

The Church
*After Our Likeness, The Church as the Image of the Trinity, Miroslav Volf
*Against the Church, Douglas Wilson
An Introduction to Ecclesiology, Veli Matti K rkk inen
A Trinitarian Covenantal Theology of the Church, Soh Guan Chin
*Christ s call to reform the church, timeless demands from the Lord to his people, John MacArthur
Church for Every Context, An Introduction to Theology and Practice, Michael Moynagh, with Philip Harrold
Church,World and the Christian Life, Practical-Prophetic Ecclesiology, Nicholas M. Healy
*Consuming Jesus, Beyond Race and Class Divisions in a Consumer Church, Paul Louis Metzger
Hooker s Polity in Modern English, The Ecclesiastical Polity, Abridged and paraphrased John S. Marshall
*I Believe in the Church, David Watson
In the Ruins of the Church, Sustaining Faith in an Age of Diminished Christianity, R. R. Reno
Is Rome the True Church? Norman L. Geisler and Joshua M. Betancourt
Letters to a future church, words of encouragement and prophetic appeals, EDITED BY CHRIS LEWIS
Models of the Church , Avery Dulles
*Mother Kirk, Essays on Church Life, Douglas Wilson
One with God, Salvation as Deification and Justification, Veli-Matti Karkkainen
*People and Place, A Covenant Ecclesiology, Michael S. Horton
*PPROPHETIC JESUS, PROPHETIC CHURCH, The Challenge of Luke-Acts to Contemporary Christians, Luke Timothy Johnson
Royal Priesthood, A Theology of Ordained Ministry, T. F. Torrance
Sacrament of Salvation, An Introduction to Eucharistic Ecclesiology, Paul McPartlan
Shaping the Church, The Promise of Implicit Theology, Martyn Percy
Testing Fresh Expressions, Identity and Transformation, John Walker
The Church, God s People In Today s World, Don Stewart
The Church and Modern Constitutional Law, Philippus Jacobus Hoedemaker
*The Church in the Theology of the Reformers, Paul D. L. Avis
*The Church of Christ, A Biblical Ecclesiology for Today, Everett Ferguson
*The Church, The Gospel Made Visible, Mark Dever
*The Gift of the Church, Jim Samra
*The Great Exchange, by George Smeaton Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington
The New Testament Church, The Challenge of Developing Ecclesiologies, edited by John P. Harrison and James D. Dvorak
What Is Jesus Doing? God s Activity in the Life and Work of the Church, Edwin Chr. Van Driel
*Why the Church? Robert W. Wall

For the Life of the World, Sacraments and Orthodoxy, Alexander Schmemann
*Heavenly Participation, The Weaving of a Sacramental Tapestry, Hans Boersma
Nouvelle Th ologie and Sacramental Ontology, A Return to Mystery, Hans Boersma
*Sacramental Teaching and Practice in the Reformation Churches, G. W. Bromiley
Swear to God, The Promise and Power of the Sacraments, Scott Hahn
Baptism, Michael Green
*Baptism in the Early Church, Everett Ferguson
Baptism in the New Testament, G. R. Beasley-Murray
Baptism, Tithing and Church Discipline, The Meaning of Baptism, Ray C. Stedman
Believers and their Seed, Herman Hoeksema
Believers Baptism, Sign of the New Covenant in Christ, Thomas R. Schreiner, Shawn Wright
*Children of the Promise, Robert Booth
Infant Baptism in Historical Perspective, David F. Wright
It Takes a Church to Baptize, What the Bible Says about Infant Baptism, Scot McKnight
*The Baptized Body, Peter J. Leithart
The Biblical Doctrine of Infant Baptism, Pierre Marcel
*The Covenant of Grace, William Hendriksen
THE FATAL FLAW of the Theology Behind Infant Baptism, Jeffrey D. Johnson
The Rites of Christian Initiation, Their Evolution and Interpretation, Maxwell E. Johnson
*The Shaping of the Reformed Baptismal Rite in the Sixteenth Century, Hughes Oliphant Old
This Is My Body, The Presence of Christ in Reformation Thought, Thomas J. Davis
Troubled Waters, The real New Testament Theology of baptism, Ben Witherington III
*Understanding Four Views on Baptism, John H. Armstrong
*Why We Baptize Infants, Albertus Pieters

The Lord's Supper
*A review of the Doctrine of the Eucharist, With Four charges to the Clergy of Middlesex Connected with the Same Subject, Daniel Waterland
* Blessed are the Hungry, Meditations on the Lord's Supper, Peter J. Leithart
*Children at the Lord's Table, Cornelis Venema
Communion Meditations, George Gritter
*Cup of Wonder, Lloyd John Oglivie (Lord s Supper)
*Given For You, Reclaiming Calvin's Doctrine of the Lord's Supper, Keith Mathison
Leading from the Table, Paul Galbreath
Making a Meal of It, Rethinking the theology of the lord s Supper, Ben Witherington III
The Lord's Supper, Believers Church Perspectives, Edited by Dale R. Stoffer
*The Lord's Supper, Remembering and Proclaiming Christ until He Comes, Thomas R. Schreiner and Matthew R. Crawford
*The Mystery of the Lord s Supper, Sermons on the Sacrament preached in the Kirk of Edinburgh, Robert Bruce
Toward a Pentecostal Theology of the Lord's Supper, Foretasting the Kingdom, Chris E.W. Green
*Understanding Four Views on the Lord's Supper, John Hesselink, David P. Scaer, Thomas A. Baima Paul E. Engle John H. Armstrong, Russell D. Moore

Eschatology (End Times)
A Brief History of heaven, Alister E. McGrath
A Case for Amillennialism, Understanding the End Times, Kim Riddledarger
*Agents of the Apocalypse, A Riveting Look at the Key Players of the End Times, DR. David Jeremiah
Antichrist before the day of the Lord, what every Christian needs to know about the return of Christ, Alan Kurschner
*Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting, Biblical Anthropology and the Monism-Dualism Debate, John W. Cooper
*Bringing Heaven Down to Earth, Nathan Bierma
*Four views on hell, edited by William Crockett
Heaven, Randy Alcorn
Heaven, The Final Destination For Believers, Don Stewart
Hell, A Final Word, The Surprising Truths I Found in the Bible, Edward William Fudge
Hell, The Final Destination For Unbelievers, Don Stewart
Hell and Heaven in Narrative Perspective, Posts on hell and life after death from www.postost.net, Second edition, Andrew Perriman
*Hell Under Fire, Modern Scholarship reinvents Eternal Punishment, Christopher W. Morgan Robert A. Peterson
He Shall Have Dominion, A Postmillennial Eschatology, Kenneth L. Gentry
* Is Hell for Real or Does Everyone Go to Heaven? Eds. Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson,
*Kingdom Come, The Amillennial Alternative, Sam Storms
Resurrection and Judgment, Don Stewart
Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven, David Jeremiah
*The Bible and the Future, Anthony Hoekema
The Bible on the Life Hereafter, William Hendriksen
The Coming Glory, Hope Now for Life After Death, PAUL W. SWETS
The Day of Christ's Return, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
*The Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times, J. Daniel Hays, J. Scott Duvall, C. Marvin Pate
*The Eclipse of Christ in Eschatology, Abrio Konig
The Fire That Consumes, A Biblical and Historical Study of the Doctrine of Final Punishment, Third Edition, Edward William Fudge
The last word and the word after that, a tale of faith, doubt, and a new kind of Christianity, Brian D. McLaren
*The Millennium, Loraine Boettner
*The Second Coming, signs of Christ's return and the end of the age, John F. MacArthur.
*What Happens After You Die, A Biblical Guide to Paradise Hell and Life After Death, Randy Frazee
What Happens One Second After We Die? Don Stewart
What, Where, When Is the Millenium, Bradley Jones

*Engaging God's World, Cornelius Plantinga
THROUGH NEW EYES, Developing a Biblical View of the World, James B. Jordan

Baptism as a Sacrament in 20th-Century British Baptis Theology, Stanley Keith Fowler
Baptist Theology, A Four-Century Study, James Leo Garrett, Jr.
Polity, A Collection of Historic Baptist Documents, editors: Greg Gilbert and Shannon Mitchell
*Ready for Reformation? Tom Nettles
*The Baptist Heritage, Four Centuries of Baptist Witness, Harry Leon McBeth
The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology, A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist Federalism, Pascal DENAULT
The Kingdom of God, A Baptist Expression of Covenant & Biblical Theology, Jeffrey D. Johnson
Towards Baptist Catholicity, Essays on Tradition and the Baptist Vision, Steven R. Harmon

Calvin Reformed
*A Doctrinal Divinity, John Gill
Calvin and the Reformed Tradition, Richard A. Muller(also Daisy Audio)
Calvin, Participation, and the Gift, The Activity of Believers in Union with Christ, J. Todd Billings *Calvinism, Stone Foundation Lectures, Abraham Kuyper
*Calvin on the Christian Life, Glorifying and Enjoying God Forever, Michael Horton
Calvin's Christology, Stephen Edmondson( also Daisy Audio)
*Calvin's Ladder, A Spiritual Theology of Ascent and Ascension, Julie Canlis
Christ's Churches Purely Reformed, A Social History of Calvinism, Philip Benedict( also Daisy Audio)
Covenant and Election in the Reformed Tradition, David J. Engelsma(Daisy Audio)
Deviant Calvinism, Broadening Reformed Theology, Oliver D. Crisp
*easy chairs, HARD WORDS, Conversations on the Liberty of God, Douglas Wilson(also Daisy Audio)
For the Healing of the Nations, Essays on Creation, Redemption, and Neo-Calvinism, Edited by Peter Escalante and W. Bradford Littlejohn *Institutes of the Christian Religion John Calvin
Introduction to Reformed Scholasticism, Willem J. van Asselt
*Introducing the Reformed Faith, Biblical Revelation, Christian Tradition, Contemporary Significance, Donald K. McKim
John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine and Doxology, Burk Parsons
John Calvin's Ideas, Paul Helm
Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life, John Calvin
On Being Reformed, Distinctive Characteristics and Common Misunderstandings, I. John Hesselink(also Daisy Audio)
*Reformed Is Not Enough, Recovering the Objectivity of the Covenant, Douglas Wilson
*Reformed, What it Means, Why it Matters, Robert De Moor(also Daisy Audio)
Reformed Theology in America, A History of Its Modern Development, Edited by David F. Wells
The Basic Ideas of Calvinism, Sixth Edition, H. Henry Meeter
The Binding of God, Calvin's Role in the Development of Covenant Theology, Peter Alan Lillback
The History and Character of Calvinism, John T. Mc Neill
*The Joy of Calvinism, Knowing God s Personal, Unconditional, Irresistible, Unbreakable Love, Greg Forster(also Daisy Audio
The Potter s Freedom, A Defense of the Reformation and a Rebuttal of Norman Geisler s Chosen But Free, James White(Daisy Augio)
*The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, Loraine Boettner
The Sovereign Grace of God, A Biblical Study of the Doctrines of Calvinism, James R. White(also Daisy Audio)
The Unaccommodated Calvin, Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition, Richard A. Muller
What s So Great about the Doctrines of Grace, Richard D. Phillips(also Daisy Audio)
What the Bible Says about the Doctrines of Grace, Nathan Pitchford(Daisy Audio)

Arminian Theology, Myths and Realities, Roger E. Olson
Calvinism, Arminianism & The Word of God, Chuck Smith

Luther and Lutheranism
*A MORE RADICAL GOSPEL, Essays on Eschatology, Authority, Atonement, and Ecumenism, Gerhard O. Forde
*Baptism in the theology of Martin Luther, Jonathan D. Trigg
Bound Choice, Election, and Wittenberg Theological Method, From Martin Luther to the Formula of Concord, Robert Kolb
*Christian Dogmatics, Vol. 1, Carl E. Braaten, Robert W. Jenson, editors
*Christian Dogmatics, Volume 2, Carl E. Braaten, editor
*Christ Present In Faith, Luther's View Of Justification, Tuomo Mannermaa;Kirsi Irmeli Stjerna
Confessing the Gospel, A Lutheran Approach to Systematic Theology, 2 Volume, Edited by Sameuel H. Nafzger with John F. Johnson, David A. Lumpe, and D Howard W. Tepker
Dominus Mortis, Martin Luther on the Incorruptibility of God in Christ, David J. Luy
Heaven on earth, the blessings of God in the divine service, Arthur A. Just
*Historical Introductions to the Lutheran Confessions, Friederich Bente
Justification, The Article by which the Church Stands or Falls, Carl E. Braaten
Law and Gospel, how to read and apply the Bible, Carl Ferdinand
Law and Protestantism, The Legal Teachings of the Lutheran Reformation, John Witte Jr
*Lex Charitatis, A Juristic Disquisition on Law in the Theology of Martin Luther, Johannes heckel
*Living by Faith, Justification and Sanctification, by Oswald Bayer
Lutheran Theology, Steven D. Paulson
*Luther on Faith and Love, Christ and the Law in the 1535 Galatians Commentary, Sun-young Kim
Martin Luther's Theology, A Contemporary Interpretation, Thomas H. Trapp Oswald Bayer
Martin Luther s Understanding of God s Two Kingdoms, A Response to the Challenge of Skepticism, William J. Wright
Martin Luther, The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World, Eric Metaxas
*On Being a Theologian of the Cross, Reflections on Luther's Heidelberg Disputation, 1518, Gerhard O. Forde
The Bondage of the Will, Martin Luther(also Daisy Audio)
The Captivation of the Will, Luther vs. Erasmus on Freedom and Bondage, Gerhard O. Forde
The Christian Faith, A Lutheran Exposition, Robert Kolb
The fire and the staff, Lutheran theology in practice, Klemet I. Preus
The Foolishness of God, The Place of Reason in the Theology of Martin Luther, Siegbert W. Becker, John A. Trapp
The Legacy of Luther, Edited by R.C. Sproul and Stephen J. Nichols
TheLutheran Difference, An Explanation & Comparison of Christian Beliefs, General Editor Edward A. Engelbrecht
*The Preached God, Proclamation in Word and Sacrament, Gerhard O. Forde
The Self-Donation of God, A Contemporary Lutheran approach to Christ and His Benefits, Jack D. Kilcrease
*The Table Talk of Martin Luther, Martin Luther
*The Theology of Martin Luther, Paul Althaus
*Theology of the Lutheran Confessions, Edmund Schlink
*Theology the Lutheran Way, Oswald Bayer
The Spirituality of the Cross, The Way of the First Evangelicals, REVISED EDITION, Gene Edward Veith, JR.
*Union with Christ, The New Finnish Interpretation of Luther, Carl E. Braaten, Robert W. Jenson
Where God Meets Man, Luther s Down-to-Earth Approach to the Gospel, Gerhard O. Forde

Wesley Methodist
A Theology of Love, Mildred Bangs Wynkoop
A Wesleyan-Holiness Theology, J. Kenneth Grider
Grace, Faith & Holiness, A Wesleyan Systematic Theology, H. Ray Dunning
*The Theology of John Wesley, Holy Love In the Shape of Grace, Kenneth J. Collins
Methodist Theology, Kenneth Wilson

Jonathan Edwards
*A God Entranced Vision of All Things, The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards, John Piper & Justin Taylor
America's Theologian, A Recommendation of Jonathan Edwards, Robert WJenson
*A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards, George M. Marsden
Fullness Received and Returned, Trinity and Participation in Jonathan Edwards, Seng-Kong Tan
Jonathan Edwards, The Complete Works
Selected Writings of Jonathan Edwards, Edited by Harold P. Simonson
*The Supreme Harmony of All, The Trinitarian Theology of Jonathan Edwards, Amy Plantinga Pauw
The Theology of Jonathan Edwards, Michael J. McClymond and Gerald R. McDermott

*An Examination of Dispensationalism, William E. Cox
*Dispensationalism, Israel and the Church, The Search for Definition, Craig A. Blaising and Darrell L. Bock, Editors
*Dispensationalism Today, REVISED AND EXPANDED, Charles RYRIE
*The Case for Progressive Dispensationalism, The Interface Between Dispensational & Non-Dispensational Theology, Robert L. Saucy
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Charity in Truth, Caritas in Veritate, Encyclical Letter of the Supreme Pontiff
Covenant and Communion, The Biblical Theology of Pope Benedict XVI, Scott W. Hahn
Evangelical Catholicism, Deep Reform in the 21st Century Church, George Weigel
God Is Love, Deus Caritas Est, Encyclical Letter of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI
Hail, Holy Queen, The Mother of God in the Word of God, Scott Hahn
In the Presence of Our Lord, The History, Theology, And psychology of Eucharistic Devotion, Father Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R., AND James Monti
Introduction to Christianity, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Jesus of Nazareth, The Infancy Narratives, Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict
Jesus of Nazareth, From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration, Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI
Jesus of Nazareth, Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection, Joseph Ratzinger/Pope BenedictXVI
Letter and Spirit, Scott Hahn
Many Are Called, Rediscovering the Glory of the Priesthood, Scott Hahn
Mary Through the Centuries, Her Place in the History of Culture, Jaroslav Pelikan
*Medieval Exegesis, The Four Senses of Scripture, Vol. 1, (Ressourcement: Retrieval & Renewal in Catholic Thought) Henri de Lubac
Models Of The Eucharist, Kevin W. Irwin
Papal Economics, The Catholic Church on Democratic Capitalism, from Rerum Novarum to Caritas in Veritate, Maciej Zieba, Op
Prayer, Hans Urs Von Balthasar
Sacrifice and Community, Jewish Offering and Christian Eucharist, Matthew Levering
Seasons of Celebration, Thomas Merton
The Bible and the Liturgy, Jean Danielou, S.J.
The Church at Prayer1, An Introduction to the Liturgy, Edited by Aime Georges Martimort
The Church at Prayer2, Eucharist
The Church at Prayer3, The Sacraments
The Church at Prayer4, The Liturgy and Time
The Feast of Faith, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
The Hidden Manna, A Theology of the Eucharist, Second Edition, Reverend James T. O Connor
The Lamb's Supper, Scott Hahn
The Sacraments, An Interdisciplinary and Interactive Study, Joseph Martos
The Shape of the Liturgy, Dom Gregory Dix
The Triads, Gregory Palamas
The Trinity, An Introduction to Catholic Doctrine on the Triune God, Gilles Emery
Your Life Is Worth Living, Fulton Sheen

Five Solas
*Christ Alone, The Uniqueness of Jesus as Savior, Stephen Wellum
*Faith Alone, The Doctrine of Justification, Thomas R. Schreiner
*God s Word Alone, The Authority of Scripture, Matthew Barrett
*Grace Alone, Salvation as a Gift of God, Carl R. Trueman
*God s Glory Alone, The Majestic Heart of Christian Faith and Life, David VanDrunen

Natural Law
Biblical Faith and Natural Theology, James Barr
Biblical Natural Law, A Theocentric and Teleological Approach, Matthew Levering
Christianity and Classical Culture, The Metamorphosis of Natural Theology in the Christian Encounter with Hellenism, Jaroslav Pelikan
Darwinism and the Divine, Evolutionary Thought and Natural Theology, Alister E. McGrath
*Divine Covenants and Moral Order, A Biblical Theology of Natural Law, David VanDrunen
Institutes of divine jurisprudence, with selections from foundations of the law of nature and nations, Christian Thomasius, edited, translated, and with an introduction by Thomas Ahnert. *NATURAL LAW AND THE TWO KINGDOMS, A Study in the Development of Reformed Social Thought, David VanDrunen
Natural Law Ethics, An Evangelical Proposal, Thomas K. Johnson
*Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics, Stephen J. Grabill
The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology, Editted by William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland
The First Grace, Rediscovering the Natural Law in a Post-Christian World, Russell Hittinger
The Line Through the Heart, Natural Law as Fact, Theory, and Sign of Contradiction, J. Budziszewski With the Grain of the Universe, The Church's Witness and Natural Theology, Stanley Hauerwas
A Biblical and Theological Defense of a Multi-Intentioned View of the Extent of the Atonement, Gary Lee Shultz, Jr.
Across the spectrum : understanding issues in evangelical theology, Gregory A. Boyd and Paul R. Eddy
*Against Christianity, Peter J. Leithart
*Against Liberal Theology, Roger E. Olson
*a Generous Orthodoxy, BRIAN D. McLAREN
*Angels, Andrew Bandstra
*Angels, Elect and Evil, C. FRED DICKASON
Angels, God s Invisible Messengers, Don Stewart
An Introduction to Thrird World Theology, Edited by John Parratt
Aquinas, A Beginner s Guide, Edward Feser
*Arius, Heresy and Tradition, Rowan Williams
A Theology of Liberation, Gustavo Gutierrez, History, Politics, and Salvation, Revised Edition with a New Introduction
*Augustine for Armchair Theologians, Stephen Cooper
Bavinck, A Critical Biography, James Eglinton
Becoming God, The Doctrine of Theosis in Nicholas of Cusa, Nancy J. Hudson
Bread Not Stone, The Challenge of Feminist Biblical Interpretation, Elisabeth Sch ssler Fiorenza

Being As Communion, Studies in Personhood and the Church, John D. Zizioulas
But She Said, Feminist Practices of Biblical Interpretation, Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza
Cases of Conscience, M. W. Perkins
Christ-Centered Biblical Theology, Hermeneutical Foundations and Principles, Graeme Goldsworthy
*Christian Anarchy, Jesus' Primacy Over the Powers, Vernard Eller
Christian and Reformed Today, John Bolt
Christianity and Liberalism, The Origin of Paul's Religion, J. Gresham Machen
Christification, A Lutheran Approach to Theosis, Jordan Cooper
*Common Grace and the Gospel, Cornelius Van Til, K. Scott Oliphint
Cosmic Liturgy, The Universe According to Maximus the Confessor, Hans Urs Von Balthasar
Credo, Karl Barth
Dalit Theology and Dalit Liberation, Problems, Paradigms and Possibilities, Peniel Rajkumar's
Deification in Christ, Orthodox Perspectives on the Nature of the Human Person, Panayiotis Nellas
Discovering Biblical Equality, Complementarity without Hierarchy, General editors Ronald W. Pierce and Rebecca Merrill Groothuis
Divine Impassibility, Robert J. Matz, A. Chadwick Thornhill
Divine Meaning, Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics, Thomas F. Torrance
Doctrinal Topics, Ray Stedman
*Doctrine Matters, John Piper
Doing Theology with the Reformers, Gerald L. Bray(also Daisy Audio)
Emil Brunner, A Reappraisal, Alister E. McGrath
Eucharist, bishop, church, the unity of the church in the Divine Eucharist and the bishop during the First three centuries, John D. Zizioulas
Eucharistic Sacrifice and Patristic Tradition in the Theology of Martin Bucer 1534-1546, Nicholas Thompson
Evil Angels, Demons, and the Occult, The Dark World, Don Stewart
*Experiencing the Truth, Editor, Anthony J. Carter
*Faith Speaking Understanding, Performing the Drama of Doctrine, Kevin J. VanHoozer
Feminist theory and Christian Theology, Guides to Theological Inquiry, Serene Jones
*Five Views on Law and Gospel, Wayne G. Strickland
*Five Views on Sanctification, Stanley N. Gundary series editor
*Following Jesus, the Servant King, Jonathan Lunde
Foundations of Faith, Ray C. Stedman
*Four views on eternal security, J. Matthew Pinson, general editor
Freedom and Necesity, St. Augustine's Teaching onDivine Power and Human Freedom, Gerald Bonner
Getting the Garden Right, Adam s Work and God s Rest In Light of Christ, Richard C. Barcellos
God in the Wasteland, The Reality of Truth in a World of Fading Dreams, David F. Wells
*God of Weakness, John Timmer
*God s Kitchen, Theology You Can Eat & Drink, Michael Bull

Grace, Faith, Free Will, Contrasting Views of Salvation: Calvinism and Arminianism, Robert E. Picirilli
Heaven on Earth? Theological Interpretation in Ecumenical Dialogue, Edited by Hans Boersma and Matthew Levering
*How Does Sanctification Work? David Powlison
*How I Changed My Mind, Alan F. Johnson
*How to be Evangelical Without Being Conservative, Roger E. Olson
How (Not) to Speak of God, Peter Rollins
How to Read Karl Barth, The Shape of His Theology, George Hunsinger
Human Freedom, Divine Knowledge, and Mere Molinism, A Biblical, Historical, Theological, and Philosophical Analysis, Timothy A. Stratton
Imagining the Kingdom, James K. A. Smith
Indecent Theology, Theological perversions in sex, gender and politics, Marcella Althaus-Reid
Introducing Covenant Theology, Michael Horton(also Daisy Audio)
Introducing Radical Orthodoxy, Mapping a Post-secular Theology, James K. A. Smith
Introduction to the Theology of Karl Barth, Geoffrey W. Bromiley
Israelology, The Missing Link in Systematic Theology, Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
*Karl Barth and American Evangelicalism, Edited by Bruce L. McCormack & Clifford B. Anderson
Karl Barth s Critically Realistic Dialectical Theology, Its Genesis and Development 1909-1936, Bruce L. McCormack
LETTERS TO A young CALVINIST, An Invitation to the Reformed Tradition, James K. A. Smith
Living by Faith: Justification and Sanctification, Oswald Bayer
Love Alone Is Credible, Hans Urs Von Balthasar
*Miraculous Healing, Henry Wildeboer
Music as Theology, What Music Has to Say about the Word, Maeve Louise Heaney
*One with Christ, An Evangelical Theology of Salvation, Marcus Peter Johnson
Overcoming onto-theology, toward a postmodern Christian faith, Merold Westphal

Paradox in Christian Theology, An Analysis of Its Presence, Character, and Epistemic Status, James Anderson
Partaking in Divine Nature, Deification and Communion, Paul M. Collins
Perceiving God, The Epistemology of Religious Experience, William P. Alston
Peter Martyr Vermigli and the European reformations : semper reformanda , edited by Frank A. James III
Pillars of Grace, Steven J. Lawson
Powers and Submissions, Spirituality, Philosophy and Gender, Sarah Coakley
Praeambula Fidei, Thomism and the God of the Philosophers, RALPH MCINERNY
Predestination, Biblical and Theological Paths, Matthew Levering(also Daisy Audio)
Problems of authority in the Reformation debates, G. R. EVANS
*Professor J. Gresham Machen, his Life and Defense of the Bible, W. MASSELINK
*Promises, Promises, Promises from God, Joel Nederhood
*Protestant Theology in the 19th Century, Karl Barth
Putting Amazing Back into Grace, Embracing the Heart of the Gospel, Michael S. Horton, J. I. Packer
Radical Orthodoxy, A New Theology, Edited by John Milbank, Catherine Pickstock and Graham Ward
Reading the Decree, Exegesis, Election and Christology in Calvin and Barth, David Gibson
*Redeeming Philosophy,A God-Centered Approach to the Big Questions, Vern S. Poythress
*Return to Reason, A Critique of Enlightenment Evidentialism and a Defense of Reason and Belief in God, Kelly James Clark
*Righteous Sinners, Ron Julian
Satan, Our Adversary The Devil, Don Stewart
*Salvation and Sovereignty, A Molinist Approach, Kenneth Keathley
Speech and Theology, Language and the Logic of Incarnation, James K. A. Smith
*Spiritual Warfare, Jeff Stam
*Standing Forth, Collected Writings of Roger Nicole
Still Sovereign, Contemporary Perspectives on Election, Foreknowledge, and Grace, Thomas R. Schreiner and Bruce A. Ware
That You May Prosper, Dominion By Covenant, Ray R. Sutton
The Angelic Conflict, R. B. Thieme, Jr.
The Architecture of Theology, Structure, System, and Ratio, A. N. Williams
*The Christian Faith, An Introduction to Dogmatic Theology, Claude Beaufort
The Christian Ministry, J. B. Lightfoot
The City of God, St. Augustine of Hippo
*The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God, D. A. Carson
The Divine Sense, The Intellect in Patristic Theology, A. N. Williams
The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition, Norman Russell
The Eucharist and Ecumenism, George Hunsinger
The Evangelical Universalist, Gregory MacDonald
*The Fingerprints of God, Tracking the Divine Suspect through a History of Images, RobertT Farrar Capon
*The Five Theological Orations, Gregory of Nazianzus, Translated by Charles Gordon Browne, M.A. and James Edward
*The God of Promise and the Life of Faith, Scott J. Hafemann
*The Great Passion, An Introduction to Karl Barth's Theology, Eberhard Busch
The Ground of Union, Deification in Aquinas and Palamas, A. N. Williams
*The Heresy of Orthodoxy, How Contemporary Culture's Fasination with Diversity Has Reshaped Our Understanding of Early Christianity, Andreas j. Kostenberger and Michael J. Kruger
*The Institutes of Biblical Law, Rousas John Rushdoony
The King Is Coming, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
The knowledge of God and the service of God according to the teaching of the reformation, Karl Barth
*The Message of Evil and Suffering, Peter Hicks
*The Mother Heart of God, A Study on the PneumaticRole of the Woman, James Wesley Stivers
The Myth of Religious Neutrality, An Essay on the Hidden Role of Religious Belief in Theories, Revised Edition, Roy A. Clouser
*The nature of doctrine, Religion and Theology in a Postliberal Age, George A. Lindbeck
The Only Wise God, The Compatibility of Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom, William Lane Craig
The Orthodox Heretic, and Other Impossible Tales, Peter Rollins
The Orthodox Way, Kallistos T. Ware
The Plan of God, R. B. Thieme, Jr.
The principle of Protestantism, Philip Schaff
The problem with evangelical theology, testing the exegetical foundations of Calvinism, dispensationalism, and Wesleyanism, Ben Witherington III
The Puritan Hope, A Study in Revival and the Interpretation of Prophecy, Iain H. Murray
*The Reformation for Arm Chair Theologians, Glenn S. Sunshine
*The Secret Message of Jesus, Brian D. McLaren
The Suffering of the Impassible God, The Dialectics of Patristic Thought, PAUL L. GAVRILYUK

The Theological Origins of Modernity, Michael Allen Gillespie
*The Theology of B. B. Warfield, A Systematic Summary, Fred G. Zaspel
The Theology of Paul Tillich, Edited by Charles W. Kegley & Robert W. Bretall
The Thought of Thomas Aquinas, Brian Davies
The Truth about Angels, Terry Law
*The Ways of Judgement, (Bampton Lectures), Oliver O'Donovan
Theological Aesthetics, God in Imagination, Beauty, and Art, Richard Viladesau
Theological Method, Paul L. Allen
THEOLOGY, A Very Short Introduction, David F. Ford
Theology and Contemporary Critical Theory, Graham Ward, Second Edition
Theology and Social Theory, John Milbank
Theology and the Arts, Encountering God through Music, Art and Rhetoric, Richard Viladesau
Theology for the Third Millennium, Hans Kung
*Theology Is for Proclamation, Gerhard O. Forde
Theology, Music and Time, Jeremy S. Begbie
Thomism, The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, etienne gilson
Treatise on Divine Predestination, John Van Engen, Editor(also Daisy Audio)
Understanding the imago Dei, the thought of Barth, von Balthasar and Moltmann, Dominic Robinson(also Daisy Audio)
*Union with Christ, in Scripture, history, and theology, Robert Letham
Violence, Hospitality and the Cross, Hans Boersma
*What is New Covenant Theology? An Introduction, A. Blake White
Word and Church, Essays in Church Dogmatics, John Webster

Apologetics and Culture List

10 Answers for Atheists, How to Have an Intelligent Discussion About the Existence of God, Alex McFarland
*Above all earthly powers, Christ in a postmodern world, David F. Wells
A Christian Manifesto, Francis Schaeffer
*(A)Typical Woman, Free, Whole, and Called in Christ, Abigail Dodds
A Defence of the Christian State, The Case Against Principled Pluralism, and the Christian alternative, STEPHEN C. PERKS
*A Doubter's Guide to Jesus, AN Intorduction to the Man from Nazareth for Believers and Skeptics, John Dickson
*A Doubter's Guide to the Bible, Inside History's Best Seller for Believers and Skeptics, John Dixon
Against the Protestant Gnostics, Philip J. Lee
Alien Intrusion - UFOs and the Evolution Connection, Gary Bates
A Muslim View of Christianity, Mahmoud Ayoub
*Angels in the Architecture, A Protestant Vision for Middle Earth, Douglas Jones, Douglas Wilson
A New Kind of Christianity, Ten Questions that are Transforming the Faith, Brian D. McLaren
Answering Islam, The Crescent in Light of the Cross, Norman L. Geisler, Abdul Saleeb
A Practical Guide to Culture, Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today's World, Brett Kunkle, John Stonestreet
Apocalypse Now and Then, A Feminist Guide to the End of the World, Catherine Keller
Artists, citizens, philosophers, seeking the peace of the city, an Anabaptist theology of culture, Duane K. Friesen
A Theology of Public Life, charles mathewes
Augustine and Politics as Longing in the World, John von Heyking
A Public Faith, How Followers of Christ Should Serve the Common Good, MIROSLAV VOLF
A Secular Age, Charles Taylor
*BEING CONSUMED, Economics and Christian Desire, William T. Cavanaugh
Beyond Coincidence, The Beyond Series, Dr. Chuck Missler
Beyond Newton, The Beyond Series, Dr. Chuck Missler
Beyond Perception, The Beyond Series, Dr. Chuck Missler
Beyond Time and Space, The Beyond Series, By Dr. Chuck Missler
*Biblical Critical Theory, Christopher Watkin
Biblical Logic In Theory & Practice, Refuting the Fallacies of Humanism, Darwinism, Atheism, and Just Plain Stupidity, Joel McDurmon
Blindsided, The Radical Islamic Conquest, Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
*Bullies and Saints, John Dickson
*Busted, Exposing Popular Myths about Christianity, Fred von Kamecke
Can I Trust the Bible? R. C. Sproul
Christ and the Just Society in the Thought of Augustine, Robert Dodaro
*Christian Apologetics, Past and Present, Volume 1, William Edgar and K. Scott Oliphint
Christian Peacemaking & International Conflict, A Realist Pacifist Perspective, Duane K Friesen
Christian Fratricide, Why Christians Continue to be Divided Politically, Frank s. Kacer
Christianity and the Inquiring Mind, Louw Alberts
Christianity, Culture, and Liberalism, J. Gresham Machen
*Christian Theistic Evidences, Cornelius Van Til
Christian Theology of Public Policy Highlighting the American Experience, John M. Cobin
*Christian Worldview Handbook, editors David Dockery and Trevin Wax
*Confronting Christianity, 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion, Rebecca McLaughlin
Confronting Old Testament Controversies, Pressing Questions about Evolution,Sexuality, History,and Violence, Tremper Longman III
Consciousness and the Existence of God, A theistic argument, J. P. Moreland
*Covenantal Apologetics, Principles and Practice in Defense of Our Faith, K. Scott Oliphint
Created in the Image of God, Applications and Implications for our Cultural Confusion, David S. Dockery and Lauren McAfee
*Cultural Christians in the Early Church, A Historical and Practical Introduction to Christians in the Greco-Roman World, Nadya Williams *Cultural Engagement, Joshua Chatraw and Karen Swallow Prior
*Darwin s Pious Idea, Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong, Conor Cunningham
Defending the Faith, Cornelius Van Til
Desiring the Kingdom, Worship, Worldview, AND Cultural Formation, James K. A. Smith
Did Jesus Exist? Are The Written Accounts About Him Reliable? Don Stewart
Divine Economy, D.Stephen Long
Do Christians Worship Three Gods? Fouad Masri
Entertainment Theology, New-Edge Spirituality in a Digital Democracy, Barry Taylor
Environmental Stewardship in the Judeo-Christian Tradition
Escape from Reason, A Penetrating Analysis of Trends in Modern Thought, FRANCIS A. SCHAEFFER
Evidence That Demands a Verdict, historical evidences for the Christian faith, Revised Edition, Josh McDowell
-Evolution's Achilles Heels, Edited by Robert Carter
Exploring Reality, The Intertwining of Science and Religion, JOHN POLKINGHORNE
Exploring The History of Medicine, John Hudson Tiner
Exploring the World of Astronomy, John Hudson Tiner
*Expository Apologetics, Answering Objections with the Power of the Word, Voddie Baucham Jr.
*Facts and Mysteries of the Christian Faith, Albertus Pieters
Faith, Film, and Philosophy, Big Ideas on the Big Screen, Editted by R. Douglas Geivett and James S. Spiegel
Faith Is for Weak People, Responding to the Top Twenty Objections to the Gospel, Ray Comfort
Fast Living, How the Church will End Extreme Poverty, Scott Todd
Fault Lines, The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism s Looming Catastrophe, Voddie T. Baucham Jr.
Fight, A Christian Case for Non-Violence, Preston Sprinkle
*Finding Faith, A Search for What Makes Sense, Brian D. McLaren
*Finding Faith, A Search for What Is Real, Brian D. McLaren
Finding Truth, Five Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism and Other God Substitutes, Nancy Pearcey
*Five Views on Apologetics, Steven B. Cowan general editor
Forensic Faith, A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith, J. Warner Wallace
Free to Believe, Luke Goodrich
GENEROUS JUSTICE, How God's Grace Makes Us Just, Timothy Keller
Glorious Ruin, How Suffering Sets You Free, Tullian Tchividjian
God and Government, A Biblical, Historical, and Constitutional Perspective, Gary DeMar
God and Other Minds, A Study of the Rational Justification of Belief in God, Alvin Plantinga
God and Stephen Hawking, Whose Design Is It Anyway? John C. Lennox
God for a Secular Society, The Public Relevance of Theology, J rgen Moltmann
*God, Freedom and Evil, Alvin Plantinga
*God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel, Costi W. Hinn
*God in the Dock, C. S. Lewis
Guidance for Christian Engagement in Government, Abraham Kuyper
*Healing for a Broken World, Steve Monsma
Heresy, A History of Defending the Truth, Alister McGrath
How Reason Can Lead to God, Joshua Rasmussen
*Hope of Nations, John S. Dickerson
How Should We Then Live? Francis Schaeffer
How Would Jesus Vote? Do Your Political Views Really Align With The Bible? Darrell L Bock
*Idols for Destruction, Christian Faith and Its Confrontation with American Society, Herbert Schlossberg
*I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Norman L. Geisler, Frank Turek
*Imagine, Steve Turner
Incarnate, The Body of Christ in an Age of Disengagement, Michael Frost
In Defence of War, Nigel Biggar
*In Quest of the Historical Adam, A Biblical and Scientific Exploration, William Lane Craig
*Inside the Atheist Mind, Anthony DeStefano
Insights into Islam, Michael Youssef
*In the Days of Caesar, Pentecostalism and Political Theology, Amos Yong General Editor

*In This World of Wonders, Memoir of a Life in Learning, Nicholas Wolterstorff
*Intolerance of Tolerance, D. A. Carson
Introducing Apologetics , Cultivating Christian Commitment, James E. Taylor
Is God a Moral Monster? Making Sense of the Old Testament God , Paul Copan
Islam in Context, Peter G. Riddell and Peter Cotterell
*Is the Father of Jesus the God of Mohammed?, Timothy George
Jesus and John Wayne, How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation, Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Jesus and money, a guide for times of financial crisis, Ben Witherington
Jesus and the Disinherited, Howard Thurman
* Jesus for President, Politics for Ordinary Radicals, Chris Haw, Shane Claiborne
Jesus Matters, edited by James R. Krabill and David W. Shenk
Jesus, Right Where You Want Him, Your Biggest Questions,His Honest Answers, Phil Moore
*Jesus v. Evangelicals, Constantine R. Campbell
*Jews and Christians, People of God, Edited by Carl E. Braaten & Robert W. Jenson
Justice and the Social Order, Emil Brunner
*Kingdoms Apart, Engaging the Two Kingdoms Perspective, Edited by Ryan C. McIlhenny
*Kingdom Triangle, Recover the Christian Mind, Renovate the Soul, Restore the Spirit s Power, J.P.Moreland
Know the TRUTH, A Handbook of Christian Belief, Third Edition, Bruce Milne
*Know Why You Believe, K. Scott Oliphint
*Know Why You Believe, Paul E. Little
Last Call for Liberty, How America s Genius for Freedom Has Become Its Greatest Threat, Os Guinness
Laying Down the Sword, Why We Can't Ignore the Bible's Violent Verses, Philip Jenkins
Law and the Bible, Justice, Mercy and Legal Institutions, Edited by Robert F. Cochran Jr. and David VanDrunen
Letters from a Skeptic, A Son Wrestles with His Father's Questions about Christianity, Dr. Gregory A. Boyd AND Edward K. Boyd
*Letters to an American Lady, C. S. Lewis
Live not by lies, a manual for Christian dissidents, Rod Dreher
*Living in God's Two Kingdoms, A Biblical Vision for Christianity and Culture, David VanDrunen
*Logic, A God-Centered Approach to the Foundation of Western Thought, Vern Sheridan
Lord or Legend? Wrestling with the Jesus Dilemma, Gregory A. Boyd and Paul Rhodes Eddy
*Losing Our Virtue, Why the Church must recover It s Moral Vision, David F. Wells
Making Sense of God, Timothy Keller
*Me and We, God's New Social Gospel, Leonard Sweet
Mere Apologetics, How to Help Seekers and Skeptics Find Faith, Alister E. McGrath
Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
Miracles, C S Lewis
More Than a Carpenter, Josh McDowell
Mosques and Miracles, Stuart Robinson
Mothers, Children and the Body Politic, Ancient Christianity and the Recovery of Human Dignity, Nadya Williams
*Muslim, What You Need to Know About the Worlds Fastest Growing Religion, Hank Hanegraaff
Naming the Elephant, Worldview as a Concept, 2ND Edition, James W. Sire
Narrative Apologetics, Alister E. McGrath
Not a Day Care, The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Everett Piper
One Minute Answers to Skeptics' Top Forty Questions, Charlie H. Campbell
On Guard, William Lane Craig
*Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics and Philosophy of Religion, C. Steven Evans
Political Worship, Ethics for Christian Citizens, Bernd Wannenwetsch
Politics Reformed, The Anglo-American Legacy of Covenant Theology, Glenn A. Moots
Pollution and the Death of Man, Francis Schaeffer
Post-Secular Philosophy, Between Philosophy and Theology, Edited by Phillip Blond
*Powers, Weakness, and the Tabernacling of God, Marva J. Dawn
Presuppositional Apologetics, Stated and Defended, Greg L. Bahnsen
Race, A Theological Account, J. Kameron Carter
*Reasonable Faith, Christian Truth and Apologetics, Third Edition, William Lane Craig
Reason, Faith, and Revolution, Reflections on the God Debate, Terry Eagleton
*Reason Within the Bounds of Religion, Second Edition, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Religion on the Edge, De-Centering and Re- Centering the Sociology of Religion, Edited by Courtney Bender, Wendy Cadge Peggy Levitt AND David Smilde
Roots of Western Culture, Pagan, Secular, and Christian Options, Herman Dooyeweerd
*Saving Truth, Abdu Murray
Scientific Facts in the Bible, 100 Reasons to Believe the Bible is Supernatural in Origin, Ray Comfort
Scripture Twisting, 20 Ways the Cults Misread the Bible, James W. Sire
*Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity, Nabeel Qureshi
*Seven Reasons Why You Can Trust the Bible, Erwin Lutzer
Starlight, Time and the New Physics, How we can see starlight in our young universe, John Hartnett Ph.D.
*Surprised by Meaning, Science, Faith, and How We Make Sense of Things, Alister E. McGrath
*Tactics, A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, Gregory Koukl
Telling a Better Story, Josh Chatraw
*10 Things You Must Know about the Global War on Christianity, Johnnie Moore
The Allure of Gentleness, Defending the Faith in the Manner of Jesus, Dallas Willard
The Atheist's Fatal Flaw, Exposing Conflicting Beliefs, Norman L. Geisler and Daniel J. McCoy
The Benedict option, A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation, Rod Dreher
*The Bible and HumanSuffering, The Bigger Picture of Human Suffering, Rev. Mark Stephenson
The Bible and the Nations, A Syllabus, James B. Jordan, Th.M.
The Big Book of Bible Difficulties, Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe
The Calvinistic Concept of Culture, Henry R. Van Til
*The Case for a Creator, Lee Strobel
*The Case for Christ, Lee Strobel
*The Case for Christmas, Lee Strobel
*The Case for Easter, A Journalist Investigates the Evidence for the Resurrection, LEE STROBEL
*The Case for Faith, Lee Strobel
*The Case for the Real Jesus, Lee Strobel
The Case for Jesus, The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ, Brant Pitre, Robert Barron
The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus, Gary R. Habermas, Michael R. Licona
*The Case for Classical Christian Education, Douglas Wilson
The Christian Polity of John Calvin, Harro H pfl
The Clash of Orthodoxies, Law, Religion, and Morality in Crisis, Robert P. George
The Dawkins Delusion? Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine, Alister E. McGrath and Joanna Collicutt McGrath
The Dignity Revolution, Reclaiming the Bible's Rich Vision for Humanity, Dan Darling
The Economy of Desire, Christianity and Capitalism in a Postmodern World, Daniel M. Bell
The End of Life as We Know It, Ominous News from the Frontiers of Science, Michael Guillen
*The End of Reason, A Response to the new Atheists, Ravi Zacharias
*The End of Memory, Remembering Rightly in a Violent World, Miroslav Volf
The End of Our Exploring, Matthew Lee Anderson
*The Evidence for Jesus, James D. G. Dunn
THE FACTS ON SPIRIT GUIDES, John Weldon and John Ankerberg
*The Faithful Apologist, K. Scott Oliphint
The Fatal Flaw, Do the Teachings of Roman Catholicism Deny the Gospel, James R. White
The Federal Vision, Edited by Steve Wilkins & Duane Garner
*The Four Major Cults, Anthony Hoekema(also Daisy Audio)
The Future of Open Theism, Richard Rice
*The Gagging of God, Christianity Confronts Pluralism, D.A. Carson
*The Gathering Storm, R. Albert Mohler
The Genesis Account, Jonathan Sarfati
*The God I Don't Understand, Christopher J. H. Wright
The Gospel in the Marketplace of Ideas, Paul's Mars Hill Experience for Our Pluralistic World, Paul Copa and Kenneth D. Litwak The Great Divorce, C. S. Lewis
The Greatest Lie, Discover The Truth and Live Forever, Michael Youssef, PhD
*The Kingdom of Christ, The New Evangelical Perspective, Russell B. Moore
The Kingdom of the Cults, An Analysis of the Major Cult Systems in the Present Christian Era, Walter Martin
The Last Christian on Earth, Os Guinness The last superstition, a refutation of the new atheism, Edward Feser
The Life And Ministry Of Jesus Christ, The Greatest Story Ever Told, Don Stewart
The Long War Against God, The History and Impact of the Creation/Evolution Conflict, Dr. Henry Morris
The Lord of the Entire World, Lord Jesus, A Challenge to Lord Ceasar? Joseph D. Fantin
*The Missing Gospels, Unearthing the Truth Behind Alternative Christianities, Darrell L. Bock
*The Myth of a Christian Nation,How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church, Gregory A. Boyd
*The Myth of a Christian Religion,Losing Your Religion for the Beauty of a Revolution, Gregory A. Boyd
*THE PILGRIM S REGRESS, An Allegorical Apology for Christianity, Reason and Romanticism, C. S. LEWIS
The Politics of Discipleship, Becoming Postmaterial Citizens, Graham Ward
*The Politics of Jesus, Second edition, John Howard Yoder
The Powers That Be, Theology for a New Millennium, Walter Wink
*The Problem of God, Answering a Skeptic s Challenges to Christianity, Mark Clark
The Problem of Pain, C. S. Lewis
*The Reason for God, Timothy Keller
*The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution, Carl R. Trueman
*The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, Mark A. Noll
The Secular Creed, Engaging Five Contemporary Claims, Rebecca McLaughlin
The spirit of democratic capitalism, Michael Novak
*The Story of Reality, How the World Began, How it Ends and Everything Important that Happens Inbetween, Gregory Koukl
The Universe Next Door, James W. Sire
The Very Good Gospel, How Everything Wrong Can Be Made Right, Lisa Sharon Harper, Walter Brueggemann
*The Word of God and the Mind of Man, Ronald H. Nash
*The Two Cities of God, The Church's Responsibility for the Earthly City, Carl E. Braaten, ROBERT W. JENSON
*Things that Cannot Be Shaken, K. Scott Oliphint and Rod Mays
*This Dangerous Book, How the Bible Has Shaped Our World and Why It Still Matters Today, Steve Green
To Change the World, The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World, James Davison Hunter
Toxic Empathy, How Progressives Exploit Christian Compassion, Allie Beth Stuckey
Tricky, The Hardest Questions to Ask about Christianity...and Some Answers, Michael Dormandy and Carl Laferton
True Truth, Defending Absolute Truth in a Relativistic Age, Art Lindsley
Truth Decay, Defending Christianity Against the Challenges of Postmodernism, Douglas Groothuis
*Truth Matters, Andreas K stenberger, Darrell Bock, and Josh Chatraw
20 Compelling Evidences That God Exists, Kenneth D. Boa, Robert M. Bowman, Jr.
Unchristian, What a New Generation really Thinks about Christianity An Why it Matters, david kinnaman, Gabe lyons
Understanding Islam: Do Muslims Believe In The Same God As Christians? Don Stewart
*Understanding the Book of Mormon, Ross J. Anderson
*Understanding the Koran, Mateen Elass
*Until Justice and Peace Embrace, Nicholas Wolterstorff
*Vintage Jesus, Timeless Answers to Timely Questions, Gerry Breshears, Mark Driscoll
VIRAL, How Social Networking Is Poised to Ignite Revival, Leonard Sweet
Warranted Christian Belief, Alvin Plantinga
*We Cannot Be Silent, speaking truth to a culture redefining sex, marriage, and the very meaning of right and wrong, R. Albert Mohler Jr
Whatever Happened to the Human Race? Francis Schaeffer
What Has Christianity Ever Done for Us? How it shaped the modern world, Jonathan Hill
*What If Jesus Had Never Been Born, D. James Kenedy and Jerry Newcombe
What's the Big Deal About Jesus, John Ankerberg
When a Good God Lets Bad Things Happen, Duane Kelderman
When Critics Ask, A Handbook on Bible Difficulties, Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe
When Skeptics Ask, Norman L. Geisler and Ronald M. Brooks
Why God Won't Go Away, Engaging with the New Atheism, Alister McGrath
Without a Doubt, answering the 20 toughest faith questions Kenneth Richard Samples.
Your God Is Too Small, J. B. Phillips
What Would Jesus Deconstruct? The Good News of Postmodernism for the Church, John D. Caputo
When the Crosses Are Gone, Restoring Sanity to a World Gone Mad, MICHAEL YOUSSEF, Ph.D.
Who's Afraid of Postmodernism? (The Church and Postmodern Culture), Taking Derrida, Lyotard, and Foucault to Church, James K. A. Smith
Why did God let that happen? And other questions about God's goodness, power and the way he works in the world, Christopher Ash
*Writing in the Dust After September 11, Rowan Williams
Don Stewart Books:
Don Stewart, Bible and Science
-Biblical Creationism or Atheistic Evolution? Don Stewart
-Resolving Scientific Difficulties In Scripture, Don Stewart
-In the Beginning: The Creation and The Fall(Genesis 1-3), Don Stewart
-The Sons Of God, The Flood, The Tower Of Babel (Genesis 4-11), Don Stewart
-The Days Of Genesis And The Age of the Earth, Don Stewart
Don Steward, God
-Does The God Of The Bible Exist? Don Stewart
-God Has Spoken To Us, Are We Listening? Don Stewart

Books on Work and Faith
*Every Good Endeavor, Connecting Your Work to God s Work, TIMOTHY KELLER with Katherine Leary Alsdorf
*How the Church Fails Businesspeople (and what can be done about it), John C. Knapp
Saving the World at Work, Tim Sanders
*The Art of Work, Jeff Goins
*The gospel at work, how working for King Jesus gives purpose and meaning to our jobs, Sebastian Traeger and Greg D. Gilbert
Work: The Meaning of Your Life, Lester DeKoster

Archeology List

Archeology and the New Testament, John McRay
Masada, From Jewish Revolt to Modern Myth, Jodi Magness
Paul Apostle of the Gentiles
*Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls, F. F. Bruce
*The Ancient Library of Qumran, Frank Moore Cross
*The Dead Sea Scrolls Today, James C Vander Kam
The Stones and the Scriptures, Edwin M.Yamauchi
The Underwater Basilica of Nicea, Archeology in the Birthplace of Christian Theology, Mark Robin Fairchild

Biblical Theology List

Old Testament Biblical Theology List
*A Biblical History of Israel, Iain Provan V, Philips Long, Tremper Longman III
*Against the Gods, The Polemical Theology of the Old Testament, John D. Currid
Ancient Israel in Sinai, The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Wilderness Tradition, James K. Hoffmeier
*An Old Testament Theology, Bruce Waltke
*A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament, Bruce C. Birch
*A House for My Name, A Survey of the Old Testament, Peter J. Leithart
*A Journey to the Common Good, Walter Brueggemann
*Biblical Theology, Old and New Testaments, GEERHARDUS VOS
*By Oath Consigned, Meredith G. Kline
*Covenant and God’s Purpose for the World, Thomas R. Schreiner
Discovering Eve, Ancient Israelite Women in Context, Carol Meyers
Disruptive Grace, Reflections on God, Scripture, and the Church, Walter Brueggemann
*Enthroned On Our Praise, An Old Testament Theology of Worship, Timothy Pierce
Exploring the Old Testament: Vol 1: The Pentateuch, Gordon Wenham
Flame of Yahweh, Sexuality in the Old Testament, Richard M. Davidson
Forms of Deformity, Lynn Holden
*From Silence to Song, The Davidic Liturgical Revolution, Peter J. Leithart
*God Is a Warrior, Tremper Longman III & Daniel G. Reid
*Great Themes of the Bible, Volume 1, W. Eugene March
Handbook on the Penteteuch, Victor P. Hamilton
Hidden Prophets of the Bible, Finding the Gospel in Hosea through Malachi, Michael Williams
Highlights of the Bible, OT, Ray Stedman
*Introduction to the Old Testament, Tremper Longman and Raymond B. Dillard
*Images of the Spirit, Meredith G. Kline
*Interpreting Biblical Texts, Gene M. Tucker
Kingdom of Priests, A History of Old Testament Israel, Eugene H. Merrill
Knowing God Through the Old Testament, Christopher J. H. Wright
Leadership Roles of the Old Testament, KING, PROPHET, PRIEST, AND SAGE, Marty E. Stevens
Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes, Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible, E. Randolth Richards and Brandon J. O Brien
Neither Poverty Nor Riches, A Bibblical Theology of Material Possessions, Craig L. Blomherg
Old Testament Commentary Survey, Tremper Longman
*Old Testament Exegesis, Fourth Edition, A Handbook for Students and Pastors, Douglas Stuart
*Old Testament Survey, Paul R. House, Eric A. Mitchell
*Old Testament Theology, Basic Issues in the Current Debate , Revised Edition, Gerhard F. Hasel
Old Testament Turning Points, Bictor Matthews
*On the Old Testament, Mark Driscoll
Panorama of the Old Testament, Thomas R. Rodgers
Promise and Deliverance, Volumes 1-2, Herman Veldkamp
Puzzling Portraits, Seeing the Old Testament s Confusing Characters as Ethical Models, A. J. Culp
*Reading and Hearing the Word of God, Arie C. Leder
Reading the Prophets as Christian Scripture, Eric J. Tully
*Show them No Mercy, 4 Views on God and Canaanite Genocide, C. S. Cowles, Eugene H. Merrill, Daniel L. Gard, Tremper Longman III
Studies in Food and Faith, James B. Jordan
*Talk Through the Old Testament, Bruce Wilkinson, Kenneth Boa
The Documentary Hypothesis and the Composition of the Pentateuch, U. Cassudo
The Essential Bible Companion, Theodore W. Cooper Jr., John H. Walton, and Mark Strauss
The Gate of Heaven, The History and Symbolism of the Temple in Jerusalem, Margaret Barker
The God of Second Chances, Finding Hope through the Prophets of Exile, RON CLARK
The Gospel in the Pentateuch, 5 BOOKS, Henry Law
The King in His Beauty, A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments, Thomas R. Schreiner
The Lost World of the Prophets, Old Testament Prophecy and Apocalyptic Literature in Ancient Context, John H. Walton
The Meaning of the Pentateuch, Revelation, Composition and Interpretation, John H. Sailhamer
The Old Testament in Seven Sentences, A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic, Christopher J. H. Wright
The Old Testament law for the life of the church, Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ, Richard E.Averbeck
*The Promise-Plan of God, Walter C. Kaiser Jr
The Prophets, Abraham J. Heschel
*The Structure of Biblical Authority, Meredith G. Kline
The Unfolding Mystery of the Divine Name, The God of Sinai in our Midst, Michael P. Knowles
*The Wisdom Literature, Richard J. Clifford
*The Word Became Fresh, Dale Ralph Davis
Theological Interpretation of the Old Testament, A Book-by-Book Survey, Kevin J. Van Hoozer Walking the Bible, Bruce Feiler
What Say the Prophets? George H. Mennenga
What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About, A Survey of Jesus Bible, Jason S. DeRouchie
Where Was the Biblical Red Sea? Examining the Ancient Evidence, Barry J. Beitzel
Wisdom for Faithful Reading, Principles and Practices for Old Testament Interpretation,, John H. Walton
*Wisdom in Israel, Gerhard Von Rad
*Series: The Gospel in the Old Testament
- Living in the gap between promise and reality, the Gospel according to Abraham, Iain M. Duguid
- Living in the grip Of relentless grace, the Gospel in the lives of Isaac and Jacob, lain M. Duguid
- Crying out for vindication, the Gospel according to Job, David R. Jackson
- Right in their own eyes, the Gospel according to Judges, George M. Schwab
- From famine to fullness, the Gospel according to Ruth, Dean R. Ulrich
- After God's own heart, the Gospel according to David, Mark J. Boda
- Faith in the face of apostasy, the Gospel according to Elijah and Elisha, Raymond B. Dillard.
- Hope in the midst of a hostile world, the Gospel according to Daniel, George M. Schwab
-*Longing for God in an age of discouragement, the Gospel according to Zechariah, Bryan R. Gregory
New Testament Biblical Theology List
*A Clash of Kingdoms Discovery Guide, Paul Proclaims Jesus As Lord Part 1, Ray Vander Laan
A Marginal Jew, Rethinking the Historical Jesus,
- Volume ONE: The Roots of the Problem And the Person, John P. Meier
-Volume 2: Mentor, Message, and Miracles
-Volume 3, Companions and Competitors, John P. Meyer
-Volume 4, Law and Love, John P. Meyer
*A Mind for What Matters, Collected Essays, F. F. Bruce
Apostle Paul, His Life and Theology, Udo Schnelle
A New Testament Biblical Theology, G. K. Beale
*A Theology of John's Gospel and Letters, Andreas J. K stenberger
*A Theology of Luke's Gospel and Acts, Darrell L. Bock
*A Theology of Paul and His Letters, The Gift of the New Realm in Christ, Douglas Moo
*A Theology of the New Testament, Revised Edition, George Eldon Ladd
*Beginning from Jerusalem, Christianity in the Making, Volume 2, James D. G. Dunn
*Biblical Theology, Old and New Testaments, GEERHARDUS VOS
*Can We Trust the Gospels? Peter J. Williams
*Canon Revisited, Establishing the origens and Authority of the New Testament Books, Michael J. Kruger
*Christ and Community, The Gospel Witness to Jesus, suzanne henderson
Christ and Time, Oscar Cullmann
*Volume 1, The New Testament and the People of God
*Volume 4, Paul and the Faithfulness of God
* The New Testament and the People of God, Christian Origins and the Question of God, Volume, 1, N. T. Wright
Christmas Uncut, What really happened and why it really matters, Carl Laferton
COMMENTARY on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, Edited by G. K. Beale and D. A. Carson
Contagious holiness, JESUS' MEALS WITH SINNERS, Craig L. Blomberg
Crucifixion In the Ancient World and The Folly of the Message of the Cross, Martin Hengel
Deification in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition, A Biblical Perspective, Stephen Thomas
*Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, Joel B. Green and Scott McKnight
*Dictionary of New Testament Background, Craig E. Evans and Stanley E. Porter
*Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, Gerald F. Hawthorne and Ralph P. Martin
*Dictionary of the Later New Testament, Ralph P. Martin and Peter H. Davids
Empowered for Witness, The Spirit in Luke-Acts, Robert P. Menzies
Encountering the New Testament, A Historical and Theological Survey, Second Edition, Walter A. Elwell and Robert W. Yarbrough
Exegetical Fallacies, D. A. Carson
Focusing on the message: NT hermeneutics, exegesis and methods, Andrie du Toit
*Following Jesus, Biblical Reflections on Discipleship, N. T. Wright
*Four Gospels, One Jesus? A Symbolic Reading, Richard A. Burridge
*Four Views on the Apostle Paul, General Editor: Michael F. Bird
From Synagogue to Church, Public services and offices in the earliest Christian communities, JAMES TUNSTEAD BURTCHAELL
God's Empowering Presence, The Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paul, Gordon D. Fee
Hidden Gospels, How the Search for Jesus Lost Its Way, Philip Jenkins
*How God Became King, Getting to the Heart of the Gospels, N. T. Wright
*Interpreting the New Testament Text, Introduction to the Art and Science of Exegesis, Darrell L. Bock and Buist M. Fanning
* Introducing Jesus, Mark L. Strauss
*Introducing the New Testament, A Short Gide to Its History and Message, d.a. Carson, Douglas J. Moo, Edited by Andrew David Naselli
*Introduction to the New Testament, D.A. Carson and Douglas J. Moo
Jesus according to Scripture, Restoring the Portrait from the Gospels, Darrell L Bock
*Jesus and the Eyewitnesses, The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony, Richard Bauckham
JESUS A New Vision, Spirit, Culture, and the Life of Discipleship, Marcus J. Borg
*Jesus and His World, The Archaeological Evidence, Craig A. Evans
Jesus and Israel's Traditions of Judgement and Restoration, Steven M. Bryan
Jesus and the Nonviolent Revolution, Andr Trocm , Charles E. Moore
*Jesus the Son of God, A Christological Title Often Overlooked, Sometimes Misunderstood, and Currently Disputed, D. A. Carson
Kids and Kingdom, The Precarious Presence of Children in The Synoptic Gospels, A. James Murphy
*Living God's Word, Discovering Our Place in the Great Story of Scripture, J. Scott Duvall, J. Daniel Hays
*Nelson s New Testament survey, Mark L. Bailey
*The Four Dimensional Jesus, John Timmer
From Jesus Christ to Christianity, Edited by Gerhard van den Heever and Eben Scheffler
Gospel and spirit, Gordon D. Fee
*Holiness and Ecclesiology in the New Testament, Editted by Kent E. Brower & Andy Johnson
Israel in Prophecy, William Henriksen
Jesus and the Land, The New Testament Challenge to "Holy Land" Theology, GARY M. Burge
*Jesus and the Spirit, A Study of the Religious and Charismatic Experience of Jesus and the First Christians as Reflected in the New Testament, JAMES D.G. DUNN
Jesus Is Lord, Caesar Is Not, Evaluating Empire in New Testament Studies, Edited by Scot McKnight and Joseph B. Modica
Jesus Now and Then, Richard A. Burridge & Graham Gould
Jesus People, David Catchpole
*Jesus Remembered, Christianity in the Making, Volume 1, James D. G. Dunn
Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes, CULTURAL STUDIES IN THE GOSPELS, Kenneth E. Bailey
Magnifying God in Christ, A Summary of New Testament Theology, Thomas R. Schreiner
*Ministry in the New Testament , David Lyon Bartlett
Miracles, The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, Volumes 1,2, Craig S. Keener
Miracles Today, Craig S. Keener
Narssissist Universalism, A Psychoanalytic Reading of Paul s Epistles, Itzhak Benyamini
*New Testament Exegesis, A Handbook for Students and Pastors, Gordon D. Fee
New Testament Theology, Magnifying God in Christ, Thomas R. Schreiner
New Testament Theology, Volumes 1 and 2, the Teaching of Jesus and of Primitive Christianity According to the New Testament Sources, Dr. Willibalb Beyschlag, Rev. Neil Buchanan
Nobody's Mother, Artemis of the Ephesians in Antiquity and the New Testament, Sandra L. Glahn
*On the New Testament, Mark Driscoll
Origins of New Testament Christology, An Introduction to THE Traditions and Titles Applied to Jesus, Stanley E. Porter AND Bryan R. Dyer
*Patterns of Discipleship in the New Testament, Edited byRichard N. Longenecker
Paul and Palestinian Judaism, A Comparison of Patterns of Religion, E.P.Sanders
*Portraits of Paul, An Archaeology of Ancient Personality, Bruce J. Malina and Jerome H. Neyrey
*Paul: An Outline of His Theology, Herman Ridderbos
Paul and Judaism Revisited, A Study of Divine and Human Agency in Salvation, Preston M. Sprinkle
*Paul and the Faithfulness of God, N. T. Wright
*Paul, Apostle of the Heart Set Free, F. F. Bruce
Paul the Ancient Letter Writer, An Introduction to Epistolary Analysis, Jeffrey A. D. Weima
Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God, Gordon D. Fee
Paul, Fresh Perspectives, N. T. Wright
PAULINE CHRISTOLOGY, An Exegetical-Theological Study, GORDON D. FEE
Powers of Darkness, Principalities & Powers in Paul's Letters, Clinton E. Arnold
Pre-existance, Wisdom, and the Son of Man, A Study of the Idea of Pre-Existance in the New Testament, R. G. Hamerton-Kelly
Principles of Biblical Interpretation, SACRED HERMENEUTICS, L. BERKHOF
Reading Luke-Acts in the Pentecostal Tradition, Martin William Mittelstadt
Reading Paul. Michael J. Gorman
Reading the Gospels Wisely, A Narrative and Theological Introduction, Jonathan T. Pennington
Recovering the Scandal of the Cross, Atonement in New Testament and Contemporary Contexts, Second Edition, Joel B. Green and Mark D. Baker
Rethinking the Dates of the New Testament, Jonathan Bernier
Salvation in the New Testament, Perspectives on soteriology, Jan G. Vander Watt
Simply Christian, Why Christianity Makes Sense, N. T. Wright
Simply Good News, Why the Gospel Is News and What Makes It Good, N. T. Wright
Simply Jesus, A New Vision of Who He Was, What He Did, and Why He Matters, N. T. Wright
*Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus, Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg
*Social-Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels, Second Edition, BRUCE J. MALINA RICHARD L. ROHRBAUGH
*Stories with Intent, Klyne Snodgrass
Studies in the New Perspective on Paul, Essays and Reviews, Don Garlington
*The Apostle Paul, His Life, Thought, and Letters, Stanley E. Porter
*The Apostle Paul, Thomas R. Schreiner Luke Timothy Johnson Douglas A. Campbell Mark D. Nanos
*The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross, a study of the significance of some New Testament terms, Leon Morris
The Birth of the Messiah, Raymond Brown
*The Challenge of Jesus Parables, Edited by Richard N. Longenecker
The Charismatic Theology of St. Luke, Roger Stronstad
The conversations of Jesus, learning from his encounters, Simon J. Kistemaker
*The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown, An Introduction to the New Testament, Second Edition, 2009, 2016 by Andreas Kostenberger, L. Scott Kellum, and Charles L. Quarles
The Death of the Messiah, Raymond Brown
The Devil, Disease and Deliverance, Origins of Illness in New Testament Thought, John Christopher Thomas
The Essential Bible Companion, Theodore W. Cooper Jr., John H. Walton, and Mark Strauss
*The Final Days of Jesus, The Most Important Week of the Most Important Person Who Ever Lived, Andreas J. Kostenberger
The First Christmas, Paul L. Maier
The First Easter, Paul L. Maier
The First Urban Christians, Wayne A. Meeks
*The Four, A Survey of the Gospels, Peter J. Leithart
*The Gift of Prophecy in the New Testament and Today, Revised Edition, Wayne Grudem
*The Gospel according to Jesus, what is authentic faith? John F. MacArthur
*The Gospel according to Paul, Embracing the Good News at the Heart of Paul s Teachings, John MacArthur
*The Gospel of the Lord, How the Early Church Wrote the Story of Jesus, Michael F. Bird
The Greeks and the Gospel. J. B. Skemp
The historical reliability of the gospels, Craig L. Blomberg
*The Incarnation in the Gospels, Reformed Expository Commentary, Daniel M. Doriani Philip Graham Ryken Richard D. Phillips
The Jesus Legend, Paul Rhodes Eddy and Gregory A. Boyd
*The Kingdom and the Power, PETER J. LEITHART
*The King Jesus Gospel, Revisiting the Original Good News, Scot McKnight
The Longest Week, The Wrong Messiah, Kingdom of Fools, Nick Page
The Life of Christ, A Study Guide to The Gospel Record, M.S. Mills
The Life of Christ, Ray C. Stedman
*The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Alfred Edersheim
The Life of Jesus Christ, James Stalker
The Method and Message of Jesus Teachings, RevisedEdition, Robert H. Stein
*The Ministry and Message of Paul, Richard N. Longenecker
The Minor Prophets in the New Testament, Edited by Maarten J. J. Menken and Steve Moyise
The New Perspective on Paul, James Dunn
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE SCRIPTURES OF ISRAEL, Edited by Maarten J.J. Menken and Steve Moyise
The New Testament in Seven Sentences, A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic,Gary M Burge
*The New Testament World, Insights from Cultural Anthropology, Revised Edition, Bruce J. Malina
The New Testament You Never Knew Study Guide, N. T. Wright and Michael F. Bird
*Theological Issues in the Letters of Paul, J. Louis Martyn
*The Presence of the Future, George Eldon Ladd
The Prophethood of All Believers, A Study in Luke's Charismatic Theology, Roger Stronstad
*Theology of the New Testament Frank Thielman
The Parables of Jesus, Joachim Jeremias
The Partings of the Ways, Between Christianity and Judaism and their Significance for the Character of Christianity, Second Edition, James D. G. Dunn
The Passion of Christ, John Piper
The Race Set Before Us, A Biblical Theology of Perseverance & Assurance, Thomas R. Schreiner and Ardel B. Caneday
THE REST OF THE STORY, A Closer Look at Familiar Passages, Doug Greenwold
The Story of the Christ, Scot McKnight
*The Theology of Paul the Apostle, James G. B. Dunn
The Year that Changed the World, Colin Duriez
The Word of the Lord Grows, An Introduction to the Origin, Purpose, and Meaning of the NEW TESTAMENT, Martin H. Fraanzmann
Treasures of the Parables, Ray C. Stedman
Unity and Diversity in the New Testament, An Inquiry into the Character of Earliest Christianity, Third Edition, James D. G. Dunn
Upper Room Discourse, Ray C. Stedman
*Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus, Lois Tverberg
*What Saint Paul really said, was Paul of Tarsus the real founder of Christianity? N. T. WRIGHT
Who Do My Opponents Say that I Am? T. T Dark, Scot McKnight, Joseph B. Modica
*Who Do You Say That I Am, Mark Allan Powell and David R. Bauer, Editors
Whose Holy City? Jerusalem and the Future of Peace in the Middle East, Colin Chapman
Women in the Earliest Churches, Ben Witherington III

General Biblical Theology list
1177 B.C. The Year Civilization Collapsed, Eric H. Cline
A Basic Guide to Interpreting the Bible, Playing by the Rules, Second Edition, Robert H. Stein
*A Cultural Handbook to the Bible, John J. Pilch
Adventuring Through the Bible, Ray C. Stedman
A father who keeps his promises, God s covenant love in scripture, Scott Hahn
Abraham s Four Seeds, John G. Reisinger
*A Serrated Edge, A Brief Defense of Biblical Satire and Trinitarian Skylarking, Douglas Wilson
A Treatise on the Law and the Gospel, John Colquhoun
*Between the Testaments, D. S. Russel
Bible Matrix, an introduction to the DNA of the scriptures, Michael Bull
Bible Matrix II, THE COVENANT KEY, Michael Bull
*Biblical Exegesis, A Beginner's Handbook, Third Edition, John H. Hayes, Carl R. Holladay
*Bridging the Testaments, The History and Theology of God's People in the Second Temple Period, George Athas
But I Say Unto You, John G. Reisinger
Central Themes in Biblical Theology, Editors, Scott Hafemann and Paul House
Christian Figural Reading and the Fashioning of Identity, John David Dawson
Covenant and Creation, An Old Testament Covenant Theology, William J. Dumbrell
The Dead Sea Scrolls in English, Geza Vermes
Deep Exegesis, The Mystery of Reading Scripture, Peter J. Leithart
Exclusion and Embrace, A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation, Miroslav Volf
Find It in the Bible, Bob Phillips
*From Sabbath to Lord's Day: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Investigation, edited by D. A. Carson
God At War. The Bible and Spiritual Conflict, Gregory A. Boyd
God in Our Midst, The Tabernacle and Our Relationship with God, Daniel R. Hyde
*God's Glory in salvation through Judgment, A Biblical Theology, James M. Hamilton Jr.
*God's Kingdom through God's Covenants, A Concise Biblical Theology, Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum
*Grasping God's Word, J. Scott Duvall J. Daniel Hays
*Hard Sayings of the Bible, Walter Kaiser, Peter Davids, FF Bruce, Manfred Brauch
Honor, Patronage, Kinship and Purity, Unlocking New Testament Culture, David A. deSilva
*How to Read the Bible through the Jesus Lens, Michael Williams
How to Study the Bible for Greatest Profit, The Methods and Fundamental Conditions of the Bible Study that Yields the Largest Results, R. A. Torrey
Images of the Spirit, Meredith G. Kline
In Defense of Jesus, the New Lawgiver, John G. Reisinger
Inspiration and Incarnation, Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament, Peter Enns
Interpreting the Pauline Epistles, Thomas R. Schreiner
*Introduction to biblical hermeneutics, Walter C Kaiser Jr. and Moses Silva
*Introduction to Messianic Judaism, Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations, David Rudolth & Joel Willetts, GENERAL EDITORS
Israel and the Nations, The History of Israel from the Exodus to the Fall of the Second Temple, F.F. Bruce, Revised BY David F. Payne
*Is There a Meaning in This Text? the Bible, the reader, and the morality of literary knowledge, Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Jesus and Judaism, E.P Sanders
*Jesus and the God of Israel, God Crucified and Other Studies on the New Testament's Christology of Divine Identity, Richard Bauckham
Jesus Have I Loved, but Paul? A Narrative Approach to the Problem of Pauline Christianity, J. R. Daniel Kirk
*Kingdom through Covenant, A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants, Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum
Kinship by Covenant, A Biblical Theological Study of Covenant Types and Texts In the Old and New Testaments, Scott Walker Hahn
Law and Wisdom in the Bible, David Daubes, EDITED and COMPILED BY Calum Carmichael
Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes, Patronage, Honor and Shame in the Biblical World, E. Randolph Richards and Richard
Moses and Paul, Dispensers of Law and Grace, Cornelius R. Stam
Narratology and Biblical Narratives, D. F. Tolmie
Panorama of the Scriptures, Ray C Stedman
Prophecy, Ray C. Stedman
Reading Backwards, Figural Christology and the Fourfold Gospel Witness, Richard B. Hays
Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers, Christopher A. Hall
*Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, A Response to Evangelical Feminism, Edited by John Piper and Wayne Grudem
*Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation, The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos, Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Editor
Rediscovering Scripture's Vision for Women, Fresh Perspectives on Disputed Texts, Lucy Peppiatt
*Seven Things I Wish Christians Knew about the Bible, Michael F. Bird
Slavery, Sabbath, War and Women, Case Issues in Biblical Interpretation, Willard M. Swartley
The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary
The Bible, Theology, and Faith, A Study of Abraham and Jesus, R. W. L. Moberly
The Bible Made Impossible, Why Biblicism Is Not a Truly Evangelical Reading of Scripture, Christian Smith
*The Christ of the Covenants, O. Palmer Robertson
The Christian Mystery, From Pagan Myth to Christian Mysticism, Louis Bouyer
The Covenants, Robert BOYTE C. Howell
The Day the Revolution Began, Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus' Crucifixion, N. T. Wright
*The End of the Law, Jason Meyer
The Goldsworthy Trilogy, Graeme Goldsworthy
*The Great Angel, a study of Israel's second god, Margaret Barker
The Great High Priest, The Temple Roots of Christian Liturgy, Margaret Barker
*The Kingdom of God, edited by Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson
*The Kingdom of God and the Glory of the Cross, Patrick Schreiner
*The Law and the Gospel, Ernest G Reisinger
*The New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes, F. F. Bruce
*The Prophetic Imagination, Walter Brueggemann
The Right Doctrine from the Wrong Texts? Essays on the Use of the Old Testament in the New, Edited by G. K. Beale
*The Sabbath as Rest and Hope for the People of God , Guy Prentiss Waters
*The Samaritans, A Profile, Reinhard Pummer
The Scape Goat, Rene Girard
*The Scriptures testify about me, Jesus and the Gospel in the Old Testament, edited by D. A. Carson
*The Septuagint, What It Is and Why It Matters, Gregory R. Lanier and William A. Ross
The Temple and the Church's Mission, A Biblical Theology of the Dwelling Place of God G. K Beak
*THE UNFOLDING Mystery, Discovering Christ in the Old Testament, Second Edition, With Study and Application Questions, Edmund P. Clowney
*Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, Kenneth Berding, Jonathan Lunde
The Typology of Scripture, 2 Volumes in one, Patrick Fairbairn
Typology in Scripture, A Study of Hermeneutical Foreign Language Structures, Richard M. Davidson
Understanding the 66 Books of the Bible, David Jeremiah
War and Peace from Genesis to Revelation, King Jesus' Manual of Arms for the Armless, Vernard Eller
We Become What We Worship, A Biblical Theology of Idolatry, G. K. Beale
*What Is Biblical Theology? A Guide to the Bible s Story, Symbolism, and Patterns, James M. Hamilton Jr.
Wholeness in Christ, toward a biblical theology of holiness, William M. Greathouse

Old Testament List

*Old Testament Language:
A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar, Christo H.J. van der Merwe, Jackie A. Naud@e, Jan H. Kroeze
*A concise hebrew and aramaic lexicon of the old testament, William l. holladay
Aleppo Hebrew Bible with Vowels and Accents
Biblia Hebraica
Leningrad BRL Hebrew Bible with Vowels and Accents
An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax. Bruce K. Waltke, M. O'Connor
An Introduction to Aramaic, Second Edition, Frederick E. Greenspahn
Samaritan Pentateuch
Robinson s Paradigms and Exercises in Syriac grammar, Sixth Edition, Revised by J. F. Coakley, Transcribed 2019 by Sarah Blake LaRose
Introduction to the talmud and midrash, H. L. Strack and Gccunter Stemberger, Translated and edited by Markus Bockmuehl, Second Edition
Montana LXX Parallel, Converted to Braille by Ray McAllister, PhD
Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature by Marcus Jastro
The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon: Francis Brown, C. Briggs, S.R. Driver
Strongs Hebrew Greek Dictionary
Landes, Vocabulary Building Your Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary, Learning Words by Frequency and Cognate, Prepared and Arranged by George, M. Landes
Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew, Second Edition, J. WEINGREEN
English Tanakh, Jewish translation of the Old Testament
Chapter Verse differences between Christian and Jewish Scriptures
Rambam, a medieval Jewish text, includes translation (available on request)
Hebrew Inscriptions

*Genesis, New International Commentary, Victor P. Hamilton
Genesis, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Derek Kidner
*Genesis, NIV Application Commentary, John Walton
*Genesis, A Commentary, BruceK. Waltke, With Cathi J. Fredericks
*Genesis, Preaching the Word, Beginning and Blessing, R. Kent Hughes
*Genesis, The Expositors Bible Commentary, John H. Sailhamer
*Genesis, The Preachers Commentary, D. Stuart Briscoe
Genesis, Thomas R. Rodgers
*Genesis, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Genesis, Word Biblical Commentary, Gordon J. Wenham
Genesis, Brazos Theological Commentary, R. R. Reno
*Creation and Fall, A Theological Exposition of Genesis 1-3, DIETRICH BONHOEFFER
The Genesis Message, Harvey Smit
The Lost World of Adam and Eve, Genesis 2-3 and the Human Origins Debate, John H. Walton
The Lost World of Genesis One, Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate, John H. Walton
The Lost World of the Flood, Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate, Tremper Longman III & John H. Walton
Trees and Thorns, a commentary on genesis 2-4, James B. Jordan
*Genesis, Story of God Commentary, Tremper Longman Iii
Where Do We Stand?, A Slective Homiletical Commentary on the Old Testament, Volume 1, The Torah, Frederick Neumann
Genesis, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Allen P. Ross
Genesis, The IVP Bible Background Commentary
*Genesis 1-4, A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary, C. John Collins
Genesis in Space and Time, The Flow of Biblical History (Bible commentary for layman), Francis A. Schaeffer
*Genesis, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Genesis, The Preacher's Commentary series
Genesis, How to Read Genesiss, Tremper Longman III
Genesis, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
Genesis - The Method of Faith, Ray Stedman
*Genesis, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*Genesis, Living in the Light of Inextinquishable Hope, The Gospel According to Joseph, Ian M. Dugan and Matthew P. Harmon
*Genesis, Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors, Reading an Old Story in a New Way, Voddie Baucham JR.
*Genesis, Crossway Classic Commentary, John Calvin
Genesis, Beginnings of the Biblical Drama, Charles F. Kraft
Genesis, Notes on Genesis, Thomas R. Constable
Genesis, M. S. Mills, Study Guide
Genesis, John McArthur Bible Studies
Genesis, God’s Creative Call, 26 Studies for Individuals or Groups, Life Guide Bible Studies
*Exodus, NIV Application Commentary, Peter Enns
*Exodus, Preaching the Word, Saved for God's Glory, Philip Graham Ryken
*Exodus, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Ronald B Allen
*Exodus, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Exodus, Word Biblical Commentary, John I. Durham
*Exodus, The Preachers Commentary, Maxie Dunnam
Exodus, Bible Knowledge Commentary, John D. Hannah
Exodus, The IVP Bible Background Commentary
*Exodus, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Exodus, The Preacher's Commentary series
Exodus, The Law of the Covenant, An Exposition of Exodus 21-23, James B. Jordan
Exodus, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Exodus, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Exodus, Notes on Exodus, Thomas R. Constable
Exodus, John McArthur Bible Studies
*Leviticus, New International Commentary, Gordon J. Wenham
*Leviticus, NIV Application Commentary, Roy E. Gane
Leviticus, Holiness to the Lord, A Guide to the Exposition of the Book of Leviticus, Allen P. Ross
Leviticus, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, R. K. Harrison
*Leviticus, The Expositors Bible Commentary, R. Laird Harris
*Leviticus, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Leviticus, Word Biblical Commentary, John E. Hartley
Leviticus, Who shall ascend the mountain of the Lord? A Biblical Theology of the Book of Leviticus, L. Michael Morales
Leviticus, Bible Knowledge Commentary, F. Duane Lindsey
Leviticus, The IVP Bible Background Commentary
*Leviticus, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Leviticus, The Preacher's Commentary series
Leviticus, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
Leviticus, The Way to Wholeness, Ray C. Stedman
*Leviticus, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Leviticus, Notes on Leviticus, Thomas R. Constable
*Numbers, New International Commentary, Timothy R. Ashley
*Numbers, NIV Application Commentary, Roy E. Gane
*Numbers, Preaching the Word, God's Presence in the Wilderness, Iain M. Duguid
Numbers, Tyndale Commentary, Gordon J. Wenham
*Numbers, Expositors Bible Commentary, Ronald B Allen
*Numbers, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Numbers, The Old Testament for Everyone, John Goldingay
Numbers, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Eugene H. Merrill
Numbers, The IVP Bible Background Commentary
*Numbers, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Numbers, The Preacher's Commentary series
Numbers, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Numbers, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Numbers, Notes on Numbers, Thomas R. Constable
*Deuteronomy, New International Commentary, Peter C. Craigie
*Deuteronomy, NIV Application Commentary, Daniel I. Block
*Deuteronomy, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Earl S. Kalland
Deuteronomy, A Study Commentary on Deuteronomy, John D. Currid
*Deuteronomy, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Deuteronomy, Word Biblical Commentary, Duane L. Christensen (partial)
Deuteronomy, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Derek Kidner
Deuteronomy, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Edward J. Woods
*Deuteronomy, The Old Testament for Everyone, John Goldingay
Deuteronomy, Be Equipped, Acquiring the Tools for Spiritual Success, Warren W. Wiersbe
Deuteronomy, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Jack S. Deere
Deuteronomy, The IVP Bible Background Commentary
*Deuteronomy, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Deuteronomy, The Preacher's Commentary series
*Deuteronomy, Treaty of the Great King, The Covenant Structure of Deuteronomy, Studies and Commentary, Meredith G. Kline
Deuteronomy, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Deuteronomy, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Deuteronomy, Notes on Deuteronomy, Thomas R. Constable
*Joshua, New International Commentary, Marten H. Woudstra
*Joshua, NIV Application Commentary, Robert L. Hubbard
*Joshua, Expositors Bible Commentary, Donald H. Madvig
*Joshua: No Falling Words, Dale Ralph Davis
Joshua, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Richard S. Hess
*Joshua, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Joshua, Word Biblical Commentary, Trent C. Butler
*Joshua for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Joshua, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Joshua, The Preacher's Commentary series
Joshua, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Joshua, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Joshua, Concordia Commentary, Adolph L. Harstad
Joshua, Notes on Joshua, Thomas R. Constable
*Judges, NIV Application Commentary, K. Lawson Younger, Jr.
*Judges, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Herbert Wolf
*Judges: Such a Great Salvation, Dale Ralph Davis
*Judges, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Judges, Tyndale Commentary, Arthur E. Cundall
*Judges for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Judges, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Judges, The Preacher's Commentary series
Judges, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Judges, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Judges, Notes on Judges, Thomas R. Constable
*Ruth, NIV Application Commentary, K. Lawson Younger, Jr.
*Ruth, The Expositors Bible Commentary, F. B. Huey, Jr.
Ruth, Edward E. Campbell
*The Gospel of Ruth, Carolyn Custis James
*Ruth, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Ruth, Tyndale Commentary, Leon Morris
*Ruth, Reformed Expository Commentary, lain M. Duguid
Ruth for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Ruth, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Ruth, The Preacher's Commentary series
Ruth, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Ruth, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Ruth, Concordia Commentary, R. Reed Lessing
Ruth, Notes on ruth, Thomas R. Constable
Ruth, Study Guide, M. S. Mills
Ruth, John McArthur Bible Studies
*1 Samuel, New International Commentary, David Toshio Tsumura
*1 Samuel, NIV Application Commentary, Bill T. Arnold
*1 Samuel, The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Ronald F. Youngblood
*1 Samuel: Looking on the Heart, Dale Ralph Davis
*1 Samuel, Preaching the Word, Looking for a Leader, John Woodhouse
*1 Samuel, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
1 and 2 Samuel, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Joyce G. Baldwin
Reading the Old Testament: Samuel, A Literary and Theological Commentary, Johanna W.H. van Wijk-Bos
*1 Samuel, Word Biblical Commentary, Ralph W. Klein
1 Samuel, David, Lion and Lamb, Michael Mills
1 Samuel, David the Anointed, Daniel Doriant
1 Samuel, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
1 Samuel, Notes on the Bible, Thomas R. Constable
*1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone, John Goldingay
*1 and 2 Samuel, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*1 and 2 Samuel, The Preacher's Commentary series
*1 Samuel, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
1 Samuel, John McArthur Bible Studies
*1 Samuel, Christ-Centered Exposition 1 Samuel
Promises Broken, Promise Kept, A Reader's guide to 1 and 2 Samuel, Harry Fernhout
2 Samuel, Notes on 2 Samuel, Thomas R. Constable
*2 Samuel, NIV Application Commentary, Bill T. Arnold
2 Samuel, The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Ronald F. Youngblood
*2 Samuel, Word Biblical Commentary, A. A. Anderson
*2 Samuel: Out of Every Adversity, Dale Ralph Davis
*2 Samuel, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
2 Samuel, David, Lion and Lamb, Michael Mills
2 Samuel, David the Anointed, Daniel Doriant
2 Samuel, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*2 Samuel, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Promises Broken, Promise Kept, A Reader's guide to 1 and 2 Samuel, Harry Fernhout
*1 Kings, NIV Application Commentary, August H. Konkel
*1 Kings, The Expositor's Bible Commentary, R.D. Patterson and Herman J. Austel
*1 Kings, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*1 Kings, Word Biblical Commentary, Simon J. DeVries
*1 Kings: The Wisdom and the Folly, Dale Ralph Davis
1 Kings, My God Is Yahweh, Elijah and Ahab in an Age of Apostasy, M.B. Van t Veer
1 Kings, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
1 Kings, Notes on the Bible, Thomas R. Constable
*1 and 2 Kings, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*1 and 2 Kings, The Preacher's Commentary series
*1 and 2 Kings, The Kings and Their Gods,The Pathology of Power, Daniel Berrigan
2 Kings, Notes on 2 Kings, Thomas R. Constable
*1 Kings, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*2 Kings, NIV Application Commentary, August H. Konkel
*2 Kings, The Expositor's Bible Commentary, R.D. Patterson and Herman J. Austel
*2 Kings, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*2 Kings, Word Biblical Commentary, T. R. Hobbs
*2 Kings: The Power and the Fury, Dale Ralph Davis
2 Kings, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*2 Kings, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*1 Chronicles, NIV Application Commentary, Andrew E. Hill
*1 Chronicles, The Expositors Bible Commentary, J. Barton Payne
1 Chronicles, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, MARTIN J. SELMAN
1 Chronicles, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra Nehemiah, Peter Ackroyd
*1 and 2 Chronicles, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*1 and 2 Chronicles, The Preacher's Commentary series
*1 Chronicles, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*1 Chronicles, Word Biblical Commentary, Roddy Braun
1 and 2 Chronicles, Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire, A Theological Commentary on 1-2 Chronicles, Scott W. Hahn
*1 Chronicles, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*2 Chronicles, NIV Application Commentary, Andrew E. Hill
*2 Chronicles, The Expositors Bible Commentary, J. Barton Payne
2 Chronicles, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, MARTIN J. SELMAN
*2 Chronicles, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
2 Chronicles, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*2 Chronicles, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
1 and 2 Chronicles, Notes on 1 and 2 Chronicles, Thomas R. Constable
*Ezra, Nehemiah, New International Commentary, , F. Charles Fensham
Ezra & Nehemiah, Derek Kidner
*Ezra, Nehemiah, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Edwin Yamuchi
Ezra, Nehemiah, Peter Ackroyd
*Ezra, Nehemiah, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Ezra, Nehemiah, Word Biblical Commentary, H. G. M. Williamson
*Ezra, Nehemiah, Ester, Old Testament for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Ezra, Nehemiah, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
Ezra, Nehemiah, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Ezra Nehemiah, The Preacher's Commentary series
Nehemiah: Rebuilding the Walls, Ray C. Stedman
*Ezra, Nehemiah, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Ezra, Nehemiah, Notes on Ezra and Nehemiah, Thomas R. Constable
Nehemiah, John McArthur Bible Studies
*Nehemiah, Christ Centered Exposition, Nehemiah, Pray and Act
*Esther, NIV Application Commentary, Karen H. Jobes
*Esther, The Expositors Bible Commentary, F. V. Huey, Jr.
Esther, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, JOYCE G. BALDWIN
*Esther, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Esther, Reformed Expository Commentary
*Esther, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Esther, The Preacher's Commentary series
Esther, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
Esther: A Queen Under Control, Ray Stedman
*Esther, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Esther, Notes on Esther, Thomas R. Constable
Esther, John McArthur Bible Studies
*Job, New International Commentary, John E. Hartley
*Job, The NIV Application Commentary, John H Walton
*Job, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Elmer B. Smick
*Job, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Job, Tyndale Commentary, Francis I. Anderson
*Job, Word Biblical Commentary, David J. A. Clines
Sermons on Job, John Calvin
*Job for Everyone, John Goldingay
Job, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Roy B. Zuck
*Job, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Job, The Preacher's Commentary series
*Job, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
Job and Death No Dominion, Daniel Berrigan
Job: The Hardest Lesson, Ray C. Stedman
*Job, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Job, Notes on Job, Thomas R. Constable
*Psalms, New International Commentary, Nancy deClaisse-Walford, Rolf A. Jacobson, and Beth LaNeel Tanner
*Psalms, NIV Application Commentary, Gerald H. Wilson (Psalms 1-72)
*Psalms, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Willem A. VanGemeren
*Psalms, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Psalms, Word Biblical Commentary, Peter C. Craigie
Psalms, New Cambridge Bible Commentary Walter Brueggemann, William H. Bellinger, Jr.
Psalms, Adrian Curtis
Psalms, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Derek Kidner
ssalms, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Tremper Longman Iii
*The Psalms and the Life of Faith, Walter Brueggemann, Edited by Patrick D. Miller
*The Biblical Psalms in Christian Worship, A Brief Introduction and Guide to Resources, John D. Witvliet
*Psalms, Daily Study Bible, G. A. F. Knight
The Case for the Psalms, Why They Are Essential, N. T. WRIGHT
*A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, Philip Keller
*The Lord Is My Shepherd, William Barclay
*Psalms, Five Messianic Psalms, M. S. Mills
Psalms, Praying the Psalms of Jesus, James W. Sire
*Psalms for Everyone, 2 volumes, John Goldingay
*Abingdon Old Testament Commentary, Psalms, Richard J. Clifford
Psalms, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Allen P. Ross
*Psalms, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Psalms, The Preacher's Commentary series
Psalms, On the Book of Psalms, Exploring the Prayers of Ancient Israel, Nahum M. Sarna
Psalms for You, Christopher Ash
*Psalms, Holman Old Testament Commentary, Steven Lawson, Max Anders
Psalms, Treasury of David, Charles H. Spurgeon
Psalms, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
Psalms: The Worship of an Honest Heart, Ray C. Stedman
*Psalms, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Psalms, Notes on Psalms, Thomas R. Constable
Psalms, Invitation to the Psalms, Rolf A. Jacobson and Karl N. Jacobson
Psalms, Prayers of the Heart , 12 Studies for Individuals or Groups, Life Guide, Eugene H. Peterson
Psalms, Praying the Psalms, 9 Studies for Individuals or Groups, Life Guide BIBLE STUDIES, Juanita Ryan
Psalms, The 23rd Psalm, The Lord, Our Shepherd, Life Guide, Juanita Ryan
*Proverbs, New International Commentary, Bruce K. Waltke
*Proverbs, NIV Application Commentary, Paul Koptak
*Proverbs, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Allen P.Ross
*Proverbs, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Proverbs, Word Biblical Commentary, Roland E. Murphy
Proverbs, Tyndale Commentary, Derek Kidner
Proverbs, Brazos Theological Commentary, Daniel J. Treier
Proverbs, Katherine M. Hayes
God s Wisdom for Navigating Life, A Year of Daily Devotions in the Book of Proverbs, Timothy Keller and Kathy Keller
*Proverbs, Story of God Commentary, Ryan O Dowd
Proverbs, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Sid S. Buzzell
*Proverbs for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Proverbs, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Proverbs, The Preacher's Commentary series
Proverbs, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Proverbs, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Proverbs, smyth and helwys, milton P. horne
Proverbs, Notes on Proverbs, Thomas R. Constable
Proverbs, Learning to Live Wisely, Life Guide
*Proverbs, Christ Centered Exposition, Proverbs
*Ecclesiastes, New International Commentary, Tremper Longman III
*Ecclesiastes, The Expositors Bible Commentary, J. Stafford Wright
*Ecclesiastes, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Ecclesiastes, Word Biblical Commentary, Roland E. Murphy
*Ecclesiastes, , NIV Application Commentary, Ian Provan
*Ecclesiastes, Beyond Futility, David Allan Hubbard
Ecclesiastes, A Time to Mourn, and a Time to Dance, Derek Kidner
*Ecclesiastes, Living on the Ragged Edge, Charles Swindoll
Ecclesiastes, A table in the Mist , Jeffrey Just. Meyers
Ecclesiastes, Brazos Theological Commentary, Daniel J. Treier
Ecclesiastes, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Donald R. Glenn
*Ecclesiastes for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Ecclesiastes, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Ecclesiastes, The Preacher's Commentary series
Ecclesiastes, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
Ecclesiastes, The Inspired Book of Error, Ray C. Stedman
*Ecclesiastes, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Ecclesiastes, smyth and helwys, milton P. horne
Ecclesiastes, Notes on Ecclesiastes, Thomas R. Constable
*Ecclesiastes, Christ Centered Exposition, Ecclesiastes
*Song of Songs, New International Commentary, Tremper Longman III
*Song of Songs, NIV Application Commentary, Ian Provan
*Song of Songs, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Dennis F. Kinlaw
Song of Songs, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Lloyd G. Carr
*Song of Songs, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Song of Songs, Brazos Theological Commentary, Paul J. Griffiths
Song of Songs, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Jack S. Deere
*Song of Songs for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Song of Songs, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Song of Songs, The Preacher's Commentary series
Song of Songs, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Song of Songs, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Song of Songs, Concordia Commentary, Christopher W. Mitchell
Song of Songs, Notes on Song of Solomon, Thomas R. Constable
*Song of Songs, Our Tremendous Lover, a devotional commentary on the Song of Songs, Charles P. Schmitt
*Isaiah, New International Commentary, John Oswalt
*Isaiah, NIV Application Commentary, John N Oswalt,
*Isaiah, Expositors Bible Commentary, Geoffrey W. Grogan
*Isaiah, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Isaiah, , Word Biblical Commentary, John D. W. Watts
Isaiah, Introduction and Commentary, J. Alec Motyer
*Isaiah for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Isaiah, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Isaiah, The Preacher's Commentary series
Isaiah, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
Isaiah: The Salvation of the Lord, Ray C. Stedman
*Issaiah, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*Isaiah, Crossway Classic Commentary, John Calvin
Isaiah 1-39, smyth and helwys, Patricia Tull
Isaiah, Notes on Isaiah, Thomas R. Constable
*Isaiah, Christ Centered Exposition, Isaiah
*Jeremiah, New International Commentary, John Arthur Thompson
*Jeremiah, NIV Application Commentary, Terry C. Muck
*Jeremiah, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Charles L Feinberg
*Jeremiah, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Jeremiah, Tyndale Commentary, R. K. Harrison
The Theology of the Book of Jeremiah, Walter Brueggemann
*Jeremiah and Lamentations, Philip Graham Ryken
*Jeremiah for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Jeremiah, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Jeremiah, The Preacher's Commentary series
Jeremiah, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
Jeremiah, A Profile of Courage, Ray C. Stedman
*Jeremiah, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Jeremiah, Notes on Jeremiah, Thomas R. Constable
*Lamentations, The Expositors Bible Commentary, H. L. Ellison
*Lamentations, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Lamentations, Tyndale Commentary, R. K. Harrison
*Lamentations, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Lamentations, The Preacher's Commentary series
Lamentations, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Lamentations, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Lamentations, Notes on Lamentations, Thomas R. Constable
*Ezekiel, New International Commentary, Daniel I. Block
*Ezekiel, NIV Application Commentary, , Iain M. Duguid
*Ezekiel, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Ralph H. Alexander
Ezekiel, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, John B. Taylor
*Ezekiel, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Ezekiel, Word Biblical Commentary, Leslie C. Allen
Ezekiel, Brazos Theological Commentary, Robert Jenson
*Ezekiel, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Ezekiel, The Preacher's Commentary series
Ezekiel, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Ezekiel, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Ezekiel, Concordia Commentary 2 Volumes, Horace D. Hummel
Ezekiel, Notes on Ezekiel, Thomas R. Constable
Ezekiel, Notes on Ezekiel, Thomas R. Constable
*Daniel, NIV Application Commentary, , TremperLongman III
*Daniel, Preaching the Word, The Triumph of God's Kingdom, Rodney Stortz
*Daniel, Preaching Christ from Daniel, Foundations for Expository Sermons, Sidney Greidanus
*Daniel, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Gleason L. Archer, Jr.
*Daniel, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Daniel, Reformed Expository Commentary, Iain M. Duguit
Daniel, Tyndale Commentary, Joyce G. Baldwin
*Daniel, Word Biblical Commentary, John E. Goldingay
Daniel: Dreams and Dictators, Herman Veldkamp
Daniel, The Prophecies of Daniel And the Revelations of St. John, Viewed in Their Mutual Relation with an Exposition of the Principle Passages, August Auberlen
*Daniel, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Daniel, The Preacher's Commentary series
Daniel, The Handwriting on the Wall, A Commentary on the Book of Daniel. James B. Jordan
*Daniel and the twelve prophets for everyone, John Goldingay
Daniel, Daniel Under the Siege of the Divine, Daniel Berrigan
Daniel, Against the Flow, The Inspiration of Daniel in an Age of Relativism, John C. Lennox
Daniel, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
Daniel, On the Way to the Future, Ray C. Stedman
*Daniel, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Daniel, Concordia Commentary, Andrew E. Steinmann
Daniel, Notes on Daniel, Thomas R. Constable
Daniel, Study Guide, M. S. Mills
Daniel, John McArthur Bible Studies
Daniel, How to Read Daniel, Tremper Longman III
*Hosea, New International Commentary, J. Andrew Dearman
*Hosea, NIV Application Commentary, Gary V. Smit
*Hosea, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Leon J. Wood
*Hosea, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Hosea, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, David Allan Hubbard
Hosea: Love s Complaint, Herman Veldkamp
Hosea, The Minor Prophets, Homer Hailey
*Hosea, The Preachers Commentary, Lloyd J. Ogilvie
*Hosea, Word Biblical Commentary, Douglas Stuart
Hosea, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Robert B. Chisholm, Jr.
*Hosea, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Hosea, The Preacher's Commentary series
*hosea, Daniel and the twelve prophets for everyone, John Goldingay
Hosea, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Hosea, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Hosea, Notes on Hosea, Thomas R. Constable
*Joel, New International Commentary, Leslie C. Allen,
*Joel, NIV Application Commentary, David W. Baker
*Joel, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Richard D. Patterson
*Joel, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Joel, The Minor Prophets, Homer Hailey
*Joel, The Preachers Commentary, Lloyd J. Ogilvie
Joel, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, David Allan Hubbard
Joel, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Robert B. Chisholm, Jr.
*Joel, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Joel, The Preacher's Commentary series
*Joel, Daniel and the twelve prophets for everyone, John Goldingay
Joel, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Joel, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Joel, Notes on Joel, Thomas R. Constable
*Amos, NIV Application Commentary, Gary V. Smith
*Amos, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Thomas E. McCormiskey
Amos, The Farmer from Tekoa, Herman Veldkamp
Amos, The Minor Prophets, Homer Hailey
*Amos, The Preachers Commentary, Lloyd J. Ogilvie
*Amos, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Amos, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, David Allan Hubbard
Amos, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Donald R. Sunukjian
*Amos, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Amos, The Preacher's Commentary series
Amos, The Theology of the Book of Amos, John Barton
*Amos, Daniel and the twelve prophets for everyone, John Goldingay
Amos, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Amos, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Amos, smyth and helwys, James D. Nogalski
Amos, Notes on Amos, Thomas R. Constable
*Obadiah, New International Commentary, Leslie C. Allen
*Obadiah, NIV Application Commentary, David W. Baker
*Obaadiah, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Carl E. Armerding
*Obadiah, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Obadiah, The Minor Prophets, Homer Hailey
*Obadiah, The Preachers Commentary, Lloyd J. Ogilvie
Obadiah, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, David W. Baker
Obadiah, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Walter L. Baker
*Obadiah, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Obadiah, The Preacher's Commentary series
*Obadiah, Daniel and the twelve prophets for everyone, John Goldingay
Obadiah, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Obadiah, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Obadiah, smyth and helwys, James D. Nogalski
Obadiah, Notes on Obadiah, Thomas R. Constable
*Jonah, New International Commentary, Leslie C. Allen
*Jonah, NIV Application Commentary, James K. Bruckner
*Jonah, The Expositors Bible Commentary, H. L. Ellison
*Jonah, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Jonah, The Minor Prophets, Homer Hailey
*Jonah, The Preachers Commentary, Lloyd J. Ogilvie
Jonah, Concordia Commentary, R. Reed Lessing
*Jonah, Word Biblical Commentary, Douglas Stuart
Jonah, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Desmond Alexander
Jonah, Bible Knowledge Commentary, John D. Hannah
*Jonah, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Jonah, The Preacher's Commentary series
*Jonah, Daniel and the twelve prophets for everyone, John Goldingay
Jonah, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Jonah, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Jonah, Concordia Commentary, R. Reed Lessing
*Jonah, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Jonah, smyth and helwys, James Nogalski
Jonah, Notes on Jonah, Thomas R. Constable
Jonah, Study Guide, M. S. Mills
*Micah, New International Commentary, Leslie C. Allen
*Micah, NIV Application Commentary, Gary V. Smith
*Micah, A Commentary, Bruce K. Waltke
*Micah, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Thomas E. McComiskey
*Micah, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Micah, The Minor Prophets, Homer Hailey
*Micah, The Preachers Commentary, Walter C. Kaiser
*Micah, Word Biblical Commentary, Ralph L. Smith
Micah, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Bruce K. Waltke
Micah, Bible Knowledge Commentary, John A. Martin
*Micah, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Micah, The Preacher's Commentary series
*Micah, Daniel and the twelve prophets for everyone, John Goldingay
Micah, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
Micah, Notes on Micah, Thomas R. Constable
*Micah, Christ Centered Exposition, Micah
*Nahum, New International Commentary, O. Palmier Robertson
*Nahum, NIV Application Commentary, James K. Bruckner
*Nahum, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Carl E. Armerding
*Nahum, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Nahum, The Minor Prophets, Homer Hailey
*Nahum, The Preachers Commentary, Walter C. Kaiser
Nahum, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, David W. Baker
Nahum, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Elliott E. Johnson
*Nahum, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Nahum, The Preacher's Commentary series
*Nahum, Daniel and the twelve prophets for everyone, John Goldingay
Nahum, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Nahum, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Nahum, smyth and helwys, James Nogalski
Nahum, Notes on Nahum, Thomas R. Constable
*Nahum, Christ Centered Exposition, Nahum
*Habakkuk, New International Commentary, , O. Palmier Robertson
Habakkuk, *NIV Application Commentary, James K. Bruckner
*Habakkuk, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Carl E. Armerding
*Habakkuk, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
The Triumph of Faith in Habakkuk, Donald Gowan
Habakkuk, The Minor Prophets, Homer Hailey
*Habakkuk, The Preachers Commentary, Walter C. Kaiser
Performing Habakkuk, Faithful Re-enactment in the Midst of Crisis, Jeanette Mathews
Habakkuk, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, David W. Baker
Habakkuk, Bible Knowledge commentary, J. Ronald Blue
*Habakkuk, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Habakkuk, The Preacher's Commentary series
*Habakkuk, Daniel and the twelve prophets for everyone, John Goldingay
Habakkuk, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Habakkuk, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Habakkuk, smyth and helwys, James Nogalski
Habakkuk, Notes on Habakkuk, Thomas R. Constable
*Habakkuk, *Christ Centered Exposition, Habakkuk
*Zephaniah, New International Commentary, , O. Palmier Robertson
*Zephaniah, NIV Application Commentary, James K. Bruckner
*Zephaniah, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Larry Walker
*Zephaniah, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Zephaniah, The Minor Prophets, Homer Hailey
*Zephaniah, The Preachers Commentary, Walter C. Kaiser
Zephaniah, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, David W. Baker
Zephaniah, Bible Knowledge Commentary, John D. Hannah
*Zephaniah, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Zephaniah, The Preacher's Commentary series
*Zephaniah, Daniel and the twelve prophets for everyone, John Goldingay
Zephaniah, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Zephaniah, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Zephaniah, smyth and helwys, James Nogalski
Zephaniah, Notes on Zephaniah, Thomas R. Constable
*Zephaniah, Christ Centered Exposition, Zephaniah
*Haggai, New International Commentary, Pieter AVerhoef
*Haggai, NIV Application Commentary, Mark J. Boda
*Haggai, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Robert L. Alden
*Haggai, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Haggai, The Minor Prophets, Homer Hailey
*Haggai, The Preachers Commentary, Walter C. Kaiser
Haggai, Tyndale Old TestamentCommentary, Joyce G. Baldwin
Haggai, Bible Knowledge Commentary, F. Duane Lindsey
*Haggai, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Haggai, The Preacher's Commentary series
*Haggai, Daniel and the twelve prophets for everyone, John Goldingay
Haggai, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*haggai, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Haggai, smyth and helwys, James Nogalski
Haggai, Notes on Haggai, Thomas R. Constable
*Christ Centered Exposition, Haggai
*Zechariah, NIV Application Commentary, Mark J. Boda
*Zechariah, New American Commentary, George Klein
*Zechariah, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Kenneth L. Barker
*Zechariah, Reformed Expository Commentary, Richard D. Phillips
*Zechariah, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Zechariah, The Minor Prophets, Homer Hailey
*Zechariah, The Preachers Commentary, Walter C. Kaiser
Zechariah, Glory in Our Midst, A Biblical-Theological Reading of Zechariah's Night Visions, Meredith G. Kline
Zechariah, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Joyce G. Baldwin
Zechariah, Bible Knowledge Commentary, F. Duane Lindsey
*Zechariah, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Zechariah, The Preacher's Commentary series
*Zechariah, Daniel and the twelve prophets for everyone, John Goldingay
Zechariah, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Zechariah, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Zechariah, smyth and helwys, James Nogalski
Zechariah, Notes on Zechariah, Thomas R. Constable
*Zechariah, Christ Centered Exposition, Zechariah
*Malachi, New International Commentary, Pieter A. Verhoef
*Malachi, NIV Application Commentary, David W. Baker
*Malachi, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Robert L. Alden
*Malachi, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Malachi, The Minor Prophets, Homer, Hailey
*Malachi, The Preachers Commentary, Walter C. Kaiser
Malachi, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Joyce G. Baldwin
*Malachi, Word Biblical Commentary, Ralph L. Smith
Malachi, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Craig A. Blaising
*Malachi, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Malachi, The Preacher's Commentary series
*Malachi, Daniel and the twelve prophets for everyone, John Goldingay
Malachi, The Bible for Everyone, John Goldingay
*Malachi, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Malachi, smyth and helwys, James Nogalski
Malachi, Notes on Malachi, Thomas R. Constable
*Malachi, Christ Centered Exposition, Malachi

New Testament List

Weingreen Greek Grammar
*A Primer of Biblical Greek, N. Clayton Croy
New Testament Greek Text. These brf files can be used with a refreshable Braille display, or by those who are able to print the brf files. This text is also adapted into rtf format to give those with screen readers some access to the Greek text.
Novum Testamentum, Nestel Aland, 28th Critical Edition
*Ten Greek New Testaments
*Greek New Testament with parsing
*Braille Hebrew New Testaments
* Greek Extra Biblical Library
From Alpha to Omega, A Beginning Course in Classical Greek, Fourth Edition, Anne H. Groton
Greek Grammatical Analysis
*Strongs Hebrew Greek Dictionary
Greek Inscriptions
National Standard Greek Texts, For Native Greek Speakers (available on request). This text is not designed for New testament studies. See other resources above.
mark 1-8 A Handbook on theGreek Text, Rodney Decker (RTF format; PDF format on request
mark 9-16, A Handbook on the Greek Text, Rodney J. deckeR(RTF)
Going Deeper with New Testament Greek, Revised Edition, Andreas J. K stenberger, Benjamin L. Merkle, and Robert L. Plummer(RTF format, PDF on request)
*Matthew, New International Commentary, R. T. France
*Matthew, NIV Application Commentary, Michael J. Wilkins
*Matthew, Expositor's Bible Commentary, D. A. Carson
*Matthew, Commentary on Matthew, Frederick Dale Bruner
Matthew, Pillar New Testament Commentary, Leon Morris
*Matthew, Preaching the Word, The Sermon on the Mount, R. Kent Hughes
*Matthew, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*Matthew, Reformed Expository Commentary, Daniel M. Doriani
*Matthew, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Matthew, Tyndale Commentary, R. T. France
*Matthew, The Story of God Bible Commentary Series, Rodney Reeves
*Matthew: Evangelist andTeacher. R. T. France
*Matthew, Exalting Jesus in Matthew, Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary:Matthew, David Platt, Tony Merida, and Danny Akin
Matthew, Be Loyal, Following the King of Kings, , Warren W. Wiersbe
Matthew, The Theology of the Gospel of Matthew, Ulrich Luz
Matthew, The Message of Matthew, Michael Green
*Matthew for Everyone, Tom Wright
*Matthew, The Sermon on the Mount, Martin Lloyd Jones
Matthew, Christian Counter Culture, John Stott (Sermon on the Mount)
*Sermon on the Mount 1 Connect with God, Bill Hybels
*Sermon on the Mount, Scot Mcknight
*Matthew, Word Biblical Commentary, Donald A. Hagner
*Matthew, The Beatitudes, Thomas Watson
*Life Lessons from Matthew, Max Lucado
*Matthew, Story of God Commentary, Rodney Reeves
*Sermon on the Mount, Story of God Commentary, Scott McKnight
Matthew, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Louis A. Barbieri, Jr.
Matthew, The Gospel of the Son of God, AN INTRODUCTION TO MATTHEW, David R. Bauer
*Matthew, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Matthew, The Preacher's Commentary series
Matthew, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
Matthew: Behold Your King! Ray C. Stedman
*Matthew, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Concordia Commentary, MATTHEW 1:1-11:1, Jeffrey A. Gibbs
Matthew, Smyth and Helwys Bible Commentary Series, Ben Witherington
Matthew, Notes on Matthew, Thomas R. Constable
Gospels, Study Guide, M. S. Mills
Matthew, John McArthur Bible Studies
Matthew, John McArthur Commentaries
Matthew, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
*Matthew, An Exposition of Matthew, Charles R. Erdman
*Matthew, Hero of Heroes, Seeing Christ in the Beattitudes, Ian M. Duguid
*Matthew, Commentary on Matthew 5, Robert Wright
Matthew, Being Discipled by Jesus, 22 Studies for Individuals or Groups, Life Guide Bible Studies, Stephen Eyre and Jacalyn Eyre
Matthew: An Expositional Commentary, R.C. Sproul
*Matthew, Christ Centered Exposition, The Gospel Of The Kingdom
Matthew, The Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing, Jonathan T. Pennington
Matthew, The Dawn of Redeeming Grace, Sinclair B. Ferguson
*Mark, New International Commentary, William L. Lane
*Mark, NIV Application Commentary, David E. Garland
*Mark, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Walter W. Wessel
*Mark, Pillar Commentary, James, R. Edwards
*Mark, New International Greek Testament Commentary, R. T. France
*Mark for Everyone, Tom Wright
*Mark, Preaching the Word, R. Kent Hughes
*Mark, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*Mark, Abingdon New Testament Commentary, Clifton Black
*mark, Jesus the King, Understanding the Life and Death of the Son of God, Previously published as King's Cross, TIMOTHY KELLER
*Mark, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Mark, Tyndale Commentary, R. A. Cole
*The Gospel of Mark, A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary, Ben Witherington III
*MARK , Evangelist and Theologian, Ralph Martin
Mark, The Message of Mark, Donald English
*Mark, Word Biblical Commentary, Robert A. Guelich
*Mark, The Victory According to Mark, An Exposition of the Second Gospel, Mark Horne
*Mark as Story, An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel, David Rhoads and Donald Michie
*Life Lessons from Mark, Max Lucado
Mark, Bible Knowledge Commentary, John D. Grassmick
*Mark, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Mark, The Preacher's Commentary series
Mark, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
Mark: He Came to Serve, Ray C. Stedman
*Mark, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*Mark, The Story of God Commentary, Timothy G. Gombis
Mark, Black's New Testament Commentaries, Morna D. Hooker
Mark, Notes on Mark, Thomas R. Constable
Mark, John McArthur Bible Studies
Mark, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
*An Exposition of Mark, Charles R. Eerdman
Mark: An Expositional Commentary, R.C. Sproul
*Luke, New International Commentary, Joel B. Green
*Mark, Christ Centered Exposition, Mark
*Luke, NIV Application Commentary, Darrell L. Bock
*Luke, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Walter L. Leifeld
*Luke for Everyone, Tom Wright
Luke, Baker Exegetical Commentary, 2 Volumes, Darrell L. Bock
*Luke, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*Luke, Reformed Expository Commentary, Philip Graham Ryken
Luke, Brazos Theological Commentary, David Lyle Jeffrey
*Luke, Historian and Theologian, Enlarged Edition, Howard Marshall
*Luke, Insights on Luke, Charles Swindoll,
*Luke, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Luke, Tyndale Commentary, Leon Morris
Luke, The Message of Luke, Michael Wilcock
*Luke, Poet and Peasant, Kenneth Bailey (Lukan Parables)
*Luke, Through Peasant Eyes, Kenneth Bailey (Lukan Parables)
*Luke, Preaching the Word, That You May Know the Truth, R. Kent Hughes
*Luke, Word Biblical Commentary, John Nolland
*Luke, The Prodigal God, Timothy Keller
*Luke, Jesus' Parables of the Lost and Found, James W. Moore
Luke, Jesus v. Jerusalem, A Commentary on Luke 9:51-20:26, Jesus Lawsuit against Israel, Joel McDurmon
*Luke, Pillar New Testament Commentary, James R. Edwards
Luke, Bible Knowledge Commentary, John A. Martin
*Luke, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Luke, The Preacher's Commentary series
Luke, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
*Luke, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Luke, Concordia Commentary, Luke, 2 Volumes, Arthur A. Just Jr
*Luke, Crossway Classic Commentary, J. C. Ryle
Luke, Smyth and Helwys Bible Commentary Series, Richard B. Vinson
*Luke, Charles R. Eerdman
Luke, Notes on Luke, Thomas R. Constable
Luke, The Good News According to Luke, Eduard Schweizer
Luke, John McArthur Bible Studies
Luke, John McArthur Commentaries, Luke 1-10
Luke, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
Luke: An Expositional Commentary, R.C. Sproul
Luke: Be Compassionate, Luke 1-13, Warren W. Wiersbe
Luke, Be Courageous, Luke 14-24, Warren Wiersbe
Luke, Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament Commentary, Volume 3
*John, New International Commentary, Leon Morris
*John, New International Commentary, J. Ramsey Michaels
*John, NIV Application Commentary, Gary M. Burge
*John, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Merrill C. Tenney
*John for Everyone, Tom Wright
*John, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*John, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
John, The Message of John, Bruce Milne
*John, The Light Has Come, Leslie Newbigin
*John, The Gospel of John, F. F. Bruce
*John, Preaching the Word, That You May Believe, R. Kent Hughes
John, Richard A. Burridge
*John, Insights on John, Charles Swindoll
*John, Word Biblical Commentary, George R. Beasley-Murray
John, Black's New Testament Commentary, Andrew T. Lincoln
*The Gospel of John, A Commentary, Frederick Dale Bruner
John, The Gospel of John, Craig S. Keener
John, Love in the Gospel of John, An Exegetical, Theological, and Literary Study, Francis J. Moloney
John, Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel, Narrative Approaches to Seventy Figures in John, Edited by Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann
John, The Interpretation of John, Edited with an Introduction by John Ashton
John, Tyndale New Testament Commentary, Colin G. Kruse
John, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Edwin A. Blum
*John, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*John, The Preacher's Commentary series
the Farewell Discourse and Final Prayer of Jesus, An Evangelical Exposition of John 14-17, D. A. Carson
*Life Lessons from John, Max Lucado
John, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
John: Who is this Man? Ray C. Stedman
*John, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*John, Crossway Classic Commentary, John Calvin
*John, The Gospel of John, Charles R. Eerdman
John, Black's New Testament Commentaries, Andrew Lincoln
John, Notes on John, Thomas R. Constable
John, John McArthur Bible Studies,
John, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
John, John 1-12, Part 1: The Living Word of God, Life Guide Bible Studies, Douglas Connelly
John, JOHN 13-21, Part 2: The Way to True Life, Life Guide Bible Studies, Douglas Connelly
*Acts, New International Commentary, F. F. Bruce
*Acts, NIV Application Commentary, Ajith Fernando
*Acts, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Richard N. Longenecker
*Acts, Preaching the Word, The Church Afire, R. Kent Hughes
Acts, The Spirit, the Church and the World, John R. W. Stott
*Acts, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*Acts, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Acts, Tyndale Commentary, I. Howard Marshall
Acts, Baker Exegetical Commentary, Daryl L. Bock
Acts, The Message of Acts, John Stott
*Acts for Everyone, Tom Wright
*The Acts of the Apostles, A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary, Ben Witherington, III
The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus, Luke's Account of God's Unfolding Plan, Alan J. Thompson
Empowered Believers, The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts, Gonzalo Haya- Prats
*Life Lessons from Acts, Max Lucado
Acts, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Stanley D. Toussaint
*Acts, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Acts, The Preacher's Commentary series
Acts 1-12 For You, Charting the Birth of the Church, R. Albert Mohler
Acts, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
Acts, An Unfinished Story, Ray C. Stedman
*Acts, An Exposition, Charles R. Erdman
*Acts, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*Acts, Crossway Classic Commentary, John Calvin
Acts, Notes on Acts, Thomas R Constable
Acts, John McArthur Bible Studies
Acts, John McArthur Commentaries
Acts, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
Acts: An Expositional Commentary, R.C. Sproul
*Acts, Christ Centered Exposition,
Acts, An Exegetical Commentary, Craig S. Keener(volumes 1,2,3, 4)
*Acts, Paul W. Walaskay
*Romans, New International Commentary, Douglas Moo
*Romans, NIV Application Commentary, Douglas Moo
*Romans, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Everett F. Harrison
*Romans, Pillar New Testament Commentary, Colin G. Kruse
Romans, Baker Exegetical Commentary, Thomas R. Shriner
*Romans, Paul for Everyone, Tom Wright
*Romans, Preaching the Word, Righteousness from Heaven, R. Kent Hughes
Romans, International Critical Commentary, 2 volumes, C. B. E. Cranfield
*Romans, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*Romans, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Romans, The Message of Romans, John R. W. Stott
*Romans, Tyndale Commentary, F. F. Bruce
*Romans, Paul s Letter to the Romans, A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary, Ben Witherington III with Darlene Hyatt
*Romans, Insights on Romans, Charles Swindoll
*Romans, Word Biblical Commentary, James D. G. Dunn
Romans Homilies of St. Chrysostom
Romans, Be Right, Warren Wiersbe
Romans, The Future of the People of God, Reading Romans Before and After Western Christendom, Andrew Perriman
Reading Romans, A Literary and Theological Commentary, Luke Timothy Johnson
Romans, Justification of God, An Exegetical and theological Study of Romans 9:1-23, Second Edition, John Piper
*Romans, The Mystery of Romans, THE JEWISH CONTEXT OF PAUL'S LETTER, Mark D. Nanos
*Unlocking Romans, resurrection and the justification of God, J. R. Daniel Kirk
Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes, Honor and Shame in Paul's Message and Mission, Jackson W. Couverture
*Preaching Romans, Four Perspectives, Edited by Scot McKnight and Joseph B. Modica
*Life Lessons from Romans, Max Lucado
Romans, Bible Knowledge Commentary, John A. Witmer
*Romans, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Romans, The Preacher's Commentary series
*Supernatural Living for Natural People, The Life Giving Message of Romans 8, Raymond Ortlund
Romans, The Justification of the Ungodly, An Interpretation of Romans, Volumes 1-2, Jonathan F. Grothe
Romans, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
Romans: The Master Key to Scripture, Ray C. Stedman
Romans, The Epistle of Paul to the Romans, CHARLES R. Erdman
*Romans, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*Romans, Crossway Classic Commentary, Charles Hodge
Romans, Smyth and Helwys Bible Commentary Series, Charles H. Talbert
Romans, Black's New Testament Commentary, Revised Edition, C. K. Barrett
Romans, Notes on Romans, Thomas R. Constable
*Romans, The Letter to the Romans, Frederick Dale Bruner
Romans, The Gospel According to Grace, A Clear Commentary on the Book of Romans, Chuck Smith
Romans, John McArthur Bible Studies
Romans, John McArthur Commentaries
Romans, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
Romans: An Expositional Commentary, R.C. Sproul
Romans, Men Made New, Romans 5-8, John R. Stott
*1 Corinthians, New International Commentary, Gordon Fee
*1 Corinthians, NIV Application Commentary, Craig Blomberg
*1 Corinthians, Expositor's Bible Commentary, W. Harold More
*1 Corinthians, Pillar Commentary, Roy E. Ciampa and Brian S. Rosner
*1 Corinthians, Paul for Everyone, Tom Wright
*1 Corinthians, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*1 Corinthians, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
1 Corinthians, Baker Exegetical Commentary, David E Garland
1 Corinthians, Tyndale Commentary, Leon Morris
1 Corinthians, The Message of 1 Corinthians, David Prior
*1 Corinthians, Conflict and Community in Corinth, A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on 1 and 2 Corinthians, Ben Witherington III
*1 Corinthians, Twelve Challenges Churches Face, Mark Dever
1 Corinthians, The Spirit and the Congregation, Ralph P. Martin
Showing the Spirit, a theological exposition of 1 Corinthians 12-14, D. A. Carson
1 Corinthians, Paul and the Rhetoric of Reversal in 1 Corinthians, The Impact of Paul's Gospel on His Macro-Rhetoric, Matthew R. Malcolm
1 Corinthians, Paul as an Administrator of God in 1 Corinthians, John K. Goodrich
*1 Corinthians 13, Love within Limits, Lewis Smedes
1 Corinthians, Bible Knowledge Commentary, David K. Lowery
*1 Corinthians, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*1 Corinthians, The Preacher's Commentary series
1 Corinthians: Epistle to the 21st Century, Ray C. Stedman
1 Corinthians, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
*1 Corinthians, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
1 Corinthians, Concordia Commentary, Gregory J. Lockwood
*1 Corinthians, Crossway Classic Commentary, Charles Hodge
1 Corinthians, Smyth and Helwys Bible Commentary Series, Robert Scott Nash
1 Corinthians, Black's New Testament Commentaries, C. K. Barrett
1 Corinthians, Notes on 1 Corinthians, 2007 Edition, Dr. Thomas L. Constable
1 Corinthians, John McArthur Bible Studies
1 Corinthians, John McArthur Commentary,
1 Corinthians, Through the Bible, J. Vernon Mc Gee
*2 Corinthians, New International Commentary, Paul Barnett
*2 Corinthians, NIV Applicationk Commentary, Scott J Hafemann
*2 Corinthians, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Murray J. Harris
*2 Corinthians, Paul for Everyone, Tom Wright
*2 Corinthians, Preaching the Word, Power in Weakness, R. Kent Hughes
*2 Corinthians, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*2 Corinthians, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
2 Corinthians, Tyndale Commentary, Colin G. Kruse
2 Corinthians, The Message of 2 Corinthians, Paul Barnett
*2 Corinthians, Word Biblical Commentary, Ralph P. Martin
*Life Lessons from 2 Corinthians, Max Lucado
2 Corinthians, Bible Knowledge Commentary, David K. Lowery
*2 Corinthians, Pillar New Testament Commentary
*2 Corinthians, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*2 Corinthians, The Preacher's Commentary series
2 Corinthians, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
2 Corinthians: authentic Christianity, Ray C. Stedman
*2 Corinthians, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*2 Corinthians, The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, Charles R. Eerdman
2 Corinthians, Smyth and Helys Bible Commentary Series, Mitzi Minor
2 Corinthians, Black's New Testament Commentaries, C. K. Barrett
2 Corinthians, John McArthur Bible Studies
2 Corinthians, John McArthur Commentaries
2 Corinthians, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
*Galatians, New International Commentary, Ronald Y. K. Fund
*Galatians, NIV Application Commentary, Scot McKnight
*Galatians, Expositor's Bible Commentary, James Montgomery Boice
*Galatians, Reformed Expository Commentary, Philip Graham Ryken
*Galatians, Crossway Classic Commentary, Martin Luther
*Galatians, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*Galatians, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Galatians, Insights on Galatians, Charles Swindoll
*Grace in Galatia, A Commentary on St Paul s Letter to the Galatians, Ben Witherington III
Galatians, The Message of Galatians, John R. W. Stott
*Galatians, Paul for Everyone, Tom Wright
*Galatians, Word Biblical Commentary, Richard N. Longenecker
Galatians, BE FREE, Warren W. Wiersbe
Galatians, Craig S. Keener
*Life Lessons from Galatians, Max Lucado
Galatians, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Donald K. Campbell
*Galatians, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Galatians, The Preacher's Commentary series
Galatians, The Shape of Galatians, A Covenant-Literary Analysis, Michael Bull
Galatians, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
*Galatians, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Galatians, Black's New Testament Commentary, James D. G. Dunn
Galatians, John McArthur Bible Studies
Galatians, John McArthur Commentaries
Galatians, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
*Galatians, Christ Centered Exposition, Galatians, Freed by Grace
*Ephesians, New International Commentary, F. F. Bruce
*Ephesians, NIV Application Commentary, Klyne Snodgrass
*Ephesians, Expositor's Bible Commentary, A. Skevhngton Wood
*Ephesians, Pillar New Testament Commentary, PETER T. O'BRIEN
*Ephesians: Preaching the Word, The Mystery of the Body of Christ, R. Kent Hughes
*Ephesians, 3 Volumes, Martin Lloyd Jones
*Ephesians, Paul for Everyone, Tom Wright
*Ephesians, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
Ephesians, Baker Exegetical Commentary, Frank Thielman
*Ephesians, Reformed Expository Commentary, Bryan Chapell
*Ephesians, Practice Resurrection, Eugene Peterson
*Ephesians, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Ephesians, Insights on Ephesians, Charles Swindoll
Ephesians, Tyndale Commentary, Francis Foulkes
Ephesians, The Message of Ephesians, John Stott
*Ephesians, Word Biblical Commentary, Andrew T. Lincoln
*Ephesians, A Commentary, Stephen E. Fowl
Ephesians, Thomas Goodwin
Ephesians, Darrell L. Bock
*Life Lessons from Ephesians, Max Lucado
Ephesians, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Harold W. Hoehner
*Ephesians, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Ephesians, The Preacher's Commentary series
Ephesians, The Christian in Complete Armor, William Gurnall
Ephesians, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
Ephesians, The Calling of the Saints, Ray C. Stedman
*Ephesians, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*Ephesians, Crossway Classic Commentary, Charles Hodge
Ephesians, Black's New Testament Commentary, John Muddiman
Ephesians, Notes on Ephesians, Thomas R. Constable
Ephesians, John McArthur Bible Studies
Ephesians, John McArthur Commentaries
Ephesians, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
*Ephesians, An Exposition of Paul's Letter to the Ephesians, Charles R. Eerdman
*Philippians, New InternationalCommentary, Gordon Fee
*Philippians, NIV Application Commentary, Frank Thielman
*Philippians, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Homer A Kent, Jr.
*Philippians, Paul for Everyone, Tom Wright
*Philippians, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*Philippians, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Philippians, The Message of Philippians, J. A. Motyer
*Philippians, Preaching the Word, The Fellowship of the Gospel, R. Kent Hughes
*Philippians, Word Biblical Commentary, Gerald F. Hawthorne
*Philippians, Story of God Commentary, Lynn H. Cohick
Philippians, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Robert P. Lightner
*Philippians, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Philippians, The Preacher's Commentary series
Pilippians For You, Steven J. Lawson
Philippians, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
Philippians: Christ, Our Confidence & Strength, Ray C. Stedman
*Philippians, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Philippians, Smyth and Helwys Bible Commentary Series, Todd D. Still
Philippians, Black's New Testament Commentary, Markus Bockmuehl
Philippians, Notes on Philippians, Thomas R. Constable
Philippians, John McArthur Bible Studies
Philippians, John McArthur Commentaries
Philippians, Colossians, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
Philippians, An Exposition of Philippians, Charles R. Eerdman
*Colossians, New International Commentary, F. F. Bruce
* Colossians, NIV Application Commentary, David E. Garland
*Colossians, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Curtis Vaughan
*Colossians and Philemon, Pillar Commentary, Douglas J. Moo
*Colossians, Preaching the Word, The Supremacy of Christ, R. Kent Hughes
*Colossians, Paul for Everyone, Tom Wright
*Colossians, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*Colossians, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Colossians, Tyndale Commentary, N. T. Wright
COLOSSIANS, Encouragement to Walk in All Wisdom, John Paul Heil
Colossians, The Message of Colossians and Philemon, Dick Lucas
*Colossians, The Hope of Glory, Sam Storms
*Colossians, Word Biblical Commentary, Peter T. O brien
Colossians, Clothing the Body of Christ at Colossae, A Visual Construction of Identity, Rosemary Canavan
Colossians, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Norman L. Geisler
*Colossians, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Colossians, The Preacher's Commentary series
Colossians, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
Colossians, Power to Endure with Joy, Ray C. Stedman
*Colossians, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Colossians, Be Complete, Become the Whole Person God Intends You to Be, Warren W. Wiersbe
Colossians, Notes on Colossians, Thomas R. Constable
Colossians, Study Guide, M. S. Mills
Colossians, John McArthur Bible Studies
Colossians, John McArthur Commentaries
Colossians and Philemon, The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians and Philemon, Charles R. Eerdman
*1 and 2 Thessalonians, New International Commentary, Leon Morris
*1 and 2 Thessalonians, NIV Application Commentary, Michael W. Holmes
*1 and 2 Thessalonians, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Rober L. Thomas
*1 and 2 Thessalonians, Paul for Everyone, Tom Wright
*1 and 2 Thessalonians, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*1 and 2 Thessalonians, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*1 and 2 Thessalonians, Word Biblical Commentary, F. F. Bruce
*1 and 2 Thessalonians, Pillar Commentary, Gene L. Green
1 and 2 Thessalonians, The Message of Thessalonians, John Stott
*1 and 2 Thessalonians, Crossway Classic Commentary, John Calvin
1 and 2 Thessalonians, Smyth and Helwys Commentary, Linda McKinnish Bridges
1 and 2 Thessalonians, Notes on 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Thomas R. Constable
1 Thessalonians, Waiting for Christ's Return, Herman Veldkamp
*The Practice of Hope, ideology and intention in First Thessalonians, Nestor O. Miguez
*Christ-Centered Exposition , 1 Thessalonians, Real People—Real Gospel—Real City
*Christ Centered Exposition, 2 Thessalonians, Good News About God's Church
1 and 2 Thessalonians, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Thomas L. Constable
*1 and 2 Thessalonians, Zondervan Critical Introductions, Nijay K. Gupta
1 and 2 Thessalonians, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*1 and 2 Thessalonians, The Preacher's Commentary series
Be Ready, Living In Light of Christ s Return, Commentary on 1 an 2 Thessalonians, Warren W. Wiersbe
1 and 2 Thessalonians, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
1 and 2 Thessalonians: Hope for a Hopeless World, Ray C. Stedman
*2 Thessalonians, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
1 and 2 Thessalonians, Black's New Testament Commentaries, Ernest Best
1 and 2 Thessalonians, Study Guide, M. S. Mills
1, 2 Thessalonians, John McArthur Bible Studies
1,2 Thessalonians, John McArthur Commentaries
1,2 Thessalonians, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
1 and 2 Thessalonians, An Exposition, Charles R. Eerdman
*1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, New International Commentary, Philip Towner
*1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, NIV Application Commentary, Walter L. Liefeld
*1 and 2 Timothy, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Ralph Earle
*1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Paul for Everyone, Tom Wright
*1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
1 and 2 Timothy, John McArthur Commentaries
*Christ-Centered Exposition 1 Timothy, Authority andHope for a Pastor and His Church
*Christ Centered Exposition, 2 Timothy, The Making of a Gospel-Centered Leader
1,2 Timothy, Titus, An Exposition of the Pastoral Epistles, Charles R. Eerdman
1,2 Timothy, Philemon, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
1 Timothy, Titus, The Message of 1 Timothy and Titus, John Stott
1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, *Insights on 1, 2 Timothy, Titus, Charles Swindoll
*1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Preaching the Word, To Guard the Deposit, Bryan Chapell
*1 Timothy, Reformed Expository Commentary, Philip Graham Ryken
1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Bible Knowledge Commentary, A. Duane Litfin
*CALLED TO LEAD, Paul s Letters to Timothy for a New Day, Anthony B. Robinson & Robert W. Wall
1, 2 Timothy, Titus, Tyndale Commentary, Donald Guthrie
*1 and 2 Timothy, titus, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*1 and2 Timothy, Titus, The Preacher's Commentary series
2 Timothy, The Message of 2 Timothy, John Stott
1 and 2 Timothy, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
1 & 2 Timothy, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Smyth and Helwys Bible Commentary Series, 1 & 2 Timothy-Titus, W. Hulitt Gloer
Timothy: The Pastor's Primer, Ray C. Stedman 1 and 2 Timothy, Notes on 1 and 2 Timothy, Thomas R. Constable
1, 2 Timothy, John McArthur Bible Studies
*Titus, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Edmond Hiebert
Titus For You, Tim Chester
Titus, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
*Titus, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Titus, Smyth and Helwys Bible Commentary Series, W. Hulitt Gloer
1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Black's New Testament Commentaries, The Pastoral Epistles, J. N. D. Kelly
Titus, John McArthur Bible Studies
Titus, John McArthur Commentaries
*Titus, Christ Centered Exposition, Saved to Serve, Titus
*Philemon, New International Commentary, F. F. Bruce
*Philemon, NIV Application Commentary, David Garland
*Philemon, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Arthur A. Rupprecht
*Philemon, Preaching the Word, R. Kent Hughes
*Philemon, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*Philemon, Tyndale Commentary, N. T. Wright
*Philemon, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Philemon, The Message of Colossians and Philemon, Dick Lucas
*Philemon, Paul for Everyone, Tom Wright
Philemon, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Edwin C. Deibler
*Philemon, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Philemon, The Preacher's Commentary series
Philemon, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
*Phuilemon, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Philemon, Concordia Commentary, John G. Nordling
Philemon, Smyth and Helwys Bible Commentary Series, Todd D. Still
Philemon, Notes on Philemon, Thomas R. Constable
Philemon, Study Guid, M. S. Mills
Philemon, John McArthur Bible Studies
Philemon, John McArthur Commentaries
*Hebrews, New International Commentary, F. F. Bruce
*Hebrews, New International Commentary, GARETH LEE COCKERILL
*Hebrews, NIV Application Commentary, George H. Guthrie
*Hebrews, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Leon Morris
*Hebrews, Pillar Commentary, Peter T. O'Brien
*Hebrews for Everyone, Tom Wright
*Hebrews, Preaching the Word, An Anchor for the Soul, R. Kent Hughes
*Hebrews, Reformed Expository Commentary, Richard D. Phillips
Hebrews, The Message of Hebrews, Raymond Brown
*Hebrews, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*Hebrews, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*Hebrews, Word Biblical Commentary, William L. Lane
Hebrews Through New Eyes, Christ and His Rivals, Douglas Wilson
*Hebrews, A Faith That Endures, The Book of Hebrews Applied to the Real Issues of Life, J. Dwight Pentecost
Hebrews, Be Confident, Live by Faith, not by Sight, Warren Wiersbe
Hebrews, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Zane C. Hodges
*Hebrews, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Hebrews, The Preacher's Commentary series
Hebrews, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
Hebrews: All About Faith, Ray C. Stedman
*Hebrews, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*Hebrews, Crossway Classic Commentary, John Owen
Hebrews, Smyth and Helys Bible Commentary SeriesHebrews/ James, by Edgar V. McKnight & Christopher Church
Hebrews, Notes on Hebrews, Thomas R. Constable
Hebrews, John McArthur Bible Studies
Hebrews, John McArthur Commentaries
Hebrews, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
*Hebrews, An Exposition of the Book of Hebrews, Charles R. Eerdman
*Hebrews, The Epistle to the Hebrews, A Commentary on the Greek Text, Paul Ellingworth
*Hebrews, Christ Centered Exposition, Hebrews
*James, New International Commentary, James B. Adamson
*James, New International Commentary, Scott McKnight
*James, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Donald W. Burdick
James, Baker Exegetical Commentary, Dan G. McCartney
*James, NIV Application Commentary, David P. Nystrom
*James, Reformed Expository Commentary, Daniel M. Doriani
*James, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*James, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
James, The Message of James, J. A. Motyer
*James, Preaching the Word, Faith that Works, R. Kent Hughes
*Insights on James, Charles Swindoll
James, Be Mature, Warren Wiersbe
*James, Word Biblical Commentary, Ralph P. Martin
James, Bible Knowledge Commentary, J. Ronald Blue
*James, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*James, The Preacher's Commentary series
James, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
*James, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
James, Black's New Testament Commentary, Sophie Laws
James, Notes on James, Thomas R. Constable
James, Study Guide, M. S. Mills
James, John McArthur Bible Studies
James, John McArthur Commentaries
James, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
*James, Christ Centered Exposition, James, Faith Perseveres
*1 Peter, New International Commentary, Peter H Davids
*1 Peter, NIV Application Commentary, Scot McKnight
*1 Peter, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*1 Peter, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
1 Peter, Tyndale Commentary, Wayne A. Grudem
1 Peter, The Message of 1 Peter, Edmund Clowney
*1 Peter, Word Biblical Commentary, J. Ramsey Michaels
1 Peter, Baker Exegetical Commentary, Karen H. Jobes
*1 Peter, Story of God Commentary, Dennis R. Edwards
1 Peter, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Roger M. Raymer
1 Peter, The Doctrine of Salvation in the First Letter of Peter, Martin Williams
1 Peter For You, Offering Real Joy on Our Journey Through this World, Juan Sanchez
1 Peter, Crossway Classic Commentary, Robert Leighton
1 Peter, The Ultimate Commentary on 1 Peter
*1 and 2 Peter and Jude, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Edwin A. Blum
1 and 2 Peter, *Insights on 1 and 2 Peter, Charles Swindoll
1, 2 Peter, Jude, Smyth and Helwys Bible Commentary Series, Richard B. Vinson, Richard F. Wilson, and Watson Mills
1 and 2 Peter, Notes on 1 and 2 Peter, Thomas R. Constable
1 and 2 Peter, Study Guide, M. S. Mills
1 and 2 Peter, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
*2 Peter, The Promise of His Appearing, An Exposition of Second Peter, Peter J. Leithart
2 Peter, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Kenneth O. Gangel
*2 Peter, Crossway Classic Commentary, Griffith Thomas
*2 Peter and Jude, Pillar Commentary, PETER H. DAVIDS
*2 Peter and Jude, NIV Application Commentary, Douglas J. Moo
2 Peter and Jude, The Message of 2 Peter and Jude, Dick Lucas and Christopher Green
*2 Peter and Jude, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*2 Peter and Jude, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
*2 Peter and Jude, Word Biblical Commentary, Richard J. Bauckham
2 Peter and Jude, Tyndale Commentary,
*1 and 2 Peter, Jude, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*1 and 2 Peter, Jude, The Preacher's Commentary series
1 and 2 Peter,and Jude The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
*1, 2 Peter, Jude, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*Jude, The Acts of the Apostates, Maxwell Coder
Jude, Acts of the Apostates, Arlen Chitwood
Jude, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Edward C. Pentecost
1, 2 Peter, Jude, Black's New Testament Commentary, NORMAN DAVIDSON Kelly
1, 2 Peter, John McArthur Bibles Studies
1,2 Peter, John McArthur Commentaries
1,2 Peter, 1-2 Peter: An Expositional Commentary, R.C. Sproul
*The Epistles of John, New International Commentary, I. Howard Marshall
*The Epistles of John, NIV Application Commentary, Gary M. Burge
*Epistles of John, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Glenn W. Barker
*The Epistles of John, F. F. Bruce
*The Epistles of John, Pillar Commentary, Colin G. Kruse
Epistles of John, Baker Exegetical Commentary, Robert W. Yarbrough
*The Epistles of John, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
The Epistles of John, Tyndale Commentary, John Stott
The Epistles of John, John MacArthur
*The Epistles of John, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
The Message of John's Letters, David Jackman
*The Epistles of John, Word Biblical Commentary, Stephen S. Smalley
*Christ Centered Exposition, 1 John, A Life Like No Other: Jesus the Incarnate Word
*Christ-Centered Exposition - 2 John, Truth or Consequences. What you believe about Jesus Really Matters
*Christ-Centered Exposition, 3 John, Does Your Life Bring Praise to the Name of Jesus? Four Men and Their Reputations
1 John, Be Real, Turning from Hypocrisy to Truth, Warren W. Wiersbe
*1, 2, and 3 John, Story of God Commentary, Constantine R. Campbell
1, 2, 3 John, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Zane C. Hodges
*1, 2, 3 John, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
1, 2, 3 John, The Preacher's Commentary series
1 John: The Fruit of Fellowship with Christ, Ray C. Stedman
1, 2, 3 John, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
1,2,3 John, Smyth and Helys Bible Commentary Series, Jones, Peter Rhea.
1,2,3 John, Notes on 1, 2, 3 John, Thomas R. Constable
1,2,3 John, Discovering Genuine Christianity, 12 Studies for Individuals or Groups, Ron Blankley
1, 2, 3 John, Study Guide, M. S. Mills
1, 2, 3 John, John McArthur Bible Studies
1,2,3 John, John McArthur Commentaries
2,3 John, Jude, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
*Jude, Crossway Classic Commentary, Thomas Manton
Jude, Notes on Jude, Thomas R. Constable
Jude, Study Guide, M. S. Mills
Jude, John McArthur Bible Studies
Jude, John McArthur Commentaries
*Revelation, New International Commentary, Robert H. Mounce
*Revelation, NIV Application Commentary, , Craig S. Keener
*Revelation, Expositor's Bible Commentary, Alan F. Johnson
*Revelation, Albertus Pieters
Revelation, Baker Exegetical Commentary, Grant R. Osborne
Revelation, More Than Conquerors, An Interpretation of the Book of Revelation, William Hendriksen
Revelation, Interpreting the Book of Revelation, J. Ramsey Michaels
Revelation, The theology of the Book of Revelation, Richard Bauckham
Revelation, The Climax of Prophecy, Studies on the Book of Revelation, Richard Bauckham
Revelation, Victory through the Lamb, A Guide to Revelation in Plain Language, Mark Wilson
*Revelation, Daily Study Bible, William Barclay
*Revelation, Matthew Henry, in updated English, Edited by Martin Manser
Revelation, Tyndale Commentary, Leon Morris
Revelation, The Message of Revelation, Michael Wilcock
*Revelation, Insights on Revelation, Charles R. Swindoll
*Revelation, Four Views, Steve Gregg
*Revelation, Four Views on the Book of Revelation, C. Marvin Pate, Kenneth L. Gentry Jr., Sam Hamstra, Robert L. Thomas
*Revelation, Word Biblical Commentary, David E. Aune
Revelation: Reversed Thunder, Eugene Peterson
Revelation, To the One Who Conquers, Sam Storms
Revelation, The Prophecies of Daniel And the Revelations of St. John, Viewed in Their Mutual Relation with an Exposition of the Principle Passages, August Auberlen
Revelation, Bible Knowledge Commentary, John F. Walvoord
Revelation, Reformation Readings of the Apocalypse, Irena Backus
*Revelation, NIV Compact Commentary, John Sailhamer
*Revelation, The Preacher's Commentary series
Revelation, Before Jerusalem Fell, Dating the Book of Revelation, An Exegetical and Historical Argument, Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.
Revelation, God and History in the Book of Revelation, New Testament Studies in Dialogue with Pannenberg and Moltmann, Michael gilbertson
Revelation, The Days of Vengeance, An Exposition of the Book of Revelation, David Chilton
Revelation, The Beast of Revelation, Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.
Revelation For You, Tim Chester
Revelation, Teach the Text, J. Scott Duvall
*Revelation, Preaching the Word, The Spirit Speaks to the Churches, James M. Hamilton, Edited by R. Kent Hughes
*Revelation, A Commentary, George Eldon Ladd
Revelation, The Bible for Everyone, N. T. Wright
Revelation, The End -- and a New Beginning, Ray C. Stedman
*Revelation, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
*Revelation, Crossway Classic Commentary, Matthew Henry
Revelation, Smyth and Helwys Bible Commentary Series, Mitchell G. Reddish
Revelation, Black's New Testament Commentaries, Ian Boxall,
Revelation, Notes on Revelation, Thomas R. Constable
Revelation, John McArthur Commentaries
Revelation, Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee
*Revelation, The Revelation of John, Charles R. Erdman
Revelation, The Sermons to the Seven Churches of Revelation, Jeffrey A. D. Weima
*Revelation, Christ Centered Exposition, Revelation
Revelation, The Triumph of God, 14 Studies for Individuals or Groups, Life Guide, R. Paul Stevens
Letters to the Seven Churches, Updated Edition, W M. Ramsey, Edited by Mark W. Wilson
Revelation, A Shorter Commentary, G. K. Beale with David H. Campbell

Church History List

NT Timeline *70 Great Christians Changing the World, Geoffrey Hanks
A Century of the English Church in New South Wales, E. C. Rowland
A History of the Christian Church, Williston Walker
*A Dictionary of Women in Church History, Mary l. Hammack
An Australian Evangelist, With an Account of the Origin and Growth of The Sydney Central Methodist Mission, William George Taylor
Ante Nicean Fathers, Volume 1, Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson
A History of the Church Missionary Society in Australia and Tasmania, S. M. Johnstone, B.A., Tu.L,
A South Australian Romance, How a Colony was Founded and a Methodist Church Formed, Rev. John Blacket
*Backgrounds of Early Christianity, Second Edition, Everett Ferguson
Christianity in Eurafrica, A History of the Church in Europe and Africa, Steven Paas
*Christianity THROUGH THE CENTURIES, A History of the Christian Church, Earle Cairns
Church History 101, The Highlights of Twenty Centuries, Sinclair B. Ferguson, Joel R. Beeke, Michael A. G. Haykin(also Daisy Audio)
*Church History, Volume ONE: From Christ to Pre-Reformation, Everett Ferguson
*Church History in Plain Language, Bruce L. Shelley, both Third and Fourth Editions
Corrie TenBoom Keeper of the Angels, Christian Heroes Then and Now, Janet Benge
Defending Constantine, The Twilight of an Empire and the Dawn of Christendom, Peter J. Leithart
Documents of the Christian Church, Henry Bettenson, Editor
Early Christian Doctrines, J. N. D. Kelly
Early Christian Thought and the Classical Tradition, Studies in Justin Clement, and Origen, Henry Chadwick
Early Evangelical Revivals in Australia, Bob Evans
A. R. Edgar, A Methodist Greatheart, The Life Story of Alexander Robert Edgar, W. J. Palamountain (Australia)
Examination of the Council of Trent, Martin Chemnitz
Evangelical Calvinism, Essays Resourcing the Continuing Reformation of the Church, edited by Myk Habets and Bobby Grow
Evangelicalism in Modern Britain, A History from the 1730s to the 1980s, D. W. Bebbington
*For Better For Worse, Stories of the Wives of Early Pastors of the Christian Reformed Church, Janet Sjaarda Sheeres
Glorious Gospel Triumphs, John Watsford (Australia)
*Fistful Of Heroes (History Makers), John Charles Pollock
Five English Reformers, John C. Ryle
*Foxe's Book of Martyrs, John Foxe
Hearts of Fire, Voice of the Martyrs
Heaven Below, Early Pentecostals and American Culture, Grant Wacker
History of the Christian Church, Philip Schaff
History of the World Christian Movement, Volume 1, Dale T. Irbin, Scott W. Sunquist
Jesus Through the Centuries, His Place in the History of Culture, Jaroslav Pelikan
Jesus Wars, How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens, and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe for the Next 1,500 Years, Philip Jenkins
Judaism andHellenism, Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the Early Hellenistic Period, Martin Hengel
*Katie Luther, First Lady of the Reformation: The Unconventional Life of Katharina von Bora, Ruth A. Tucker
*Know the Theologians, Jennifer Powell McNutt and David W. McNutt
Liberty in the Things of God, The Christian Origins of Religious Freedom, Robert Louis Wilken
*LORD JESUS CHRIST, Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity, LARRY W. HURTADO
Meet the Puritans, Joel R. Beeke and Randall J. Pederson
Ministers of a New Medium, Kirk D. Farney
New Testament History, A Narrative Account, Ben Witherington
Nicaea and Its Legacy, An Approach to Fourth-Century Trinitarian Theology, Lewis Ayres
One Blood, 200 Years of Aboriginal Encounter with Christianity: A Story of Hope, , John Harris
Perspectives on the Christian Reformed Church, Studies in Its History, Theology, and Ecumenicity, Peter De Klerk and Richard R. De Ridder, Editors
Pillars of Faith, , Nancy Tatom Ammerman .
*Pursued by God, Christopher Meehan
Ralph Naden, guiding Aboriginal youth
Readings in Historical Theology, Robert F. Lay
*Readings in the History of Christian Theology, Volumes 1, 2, William C. Placher
Readings in World Christian History, John W. Coakley, Andrea Sterk
Richard Hooker, Reformer and Platonist, W.J. Torrance Kirby
*Son of Secession, Douwe J. Vander Werp, Janet Sjaarda Sheers
Ten Decades, The Australasian Centenary History of the London Missionary Society, Rev. Joseph King
The History of the Christian Church, 3 Volumes, Leigh Churchill
The Blood of Martyrs
The birth of Europe
*The Advent of Evangelicalism, Exploring Historical Continuities, Edited by Michael A. G. Haykin and Kenneth J. Stewart
The Age of Knights and Friars, Popes and Reformers
The Believers' Church, The History and Character of Radical Protestantism, Donald F. Durnbaugh
The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature, Edited by Frances Young, Lewis Ayres, Andrew Louth
The First Thousand Years, A Global History of Christianity, Robert Louis Wilken
story Of The Christian Church Complete Eight Volumes In One by Philip Schaff The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation, Second Edition, Alister E. McGrath
The Evangelical Conversion Narrative, Spiritual Autobiography in Early Modern England, D. Bruce Himndmarsh
The Lord of History, Reflections on the Inner Meaning of History, Jean Danielou
The Next Christendom, The Coming of Global Christianity, Revised and Expanded Edition, Philip Jenkins
The Orthodox Church, An Introduction to Eastern Christianity Timothy Ware
The Reformation, Diarmaid MacCulloch
The Reformed and Presbyterian Faith: A View from Nigeria, Rev. Timothy Palmer, Ph.D.
*The Rise and Development of Calvinism, John H. Bratt
The Spirit of Early Christian Thought, Seeking the Face of God, Robert Louis Wilken
The Story of Christianity, Volumes 1 and 2, Justo L. Gonzalez
The Story of Christian Theology, Roger Olson
*The Unfinished Reformation, why Catholics and Protestants are still divided, 500 years later, Gregg Allison and Chris Castaldo
*The Unquencheable Flame, Discovering the Heart of the Reformation, Michael Reeves
Theology in America, Christian Thought from the AGE OF THE Puritans to the Civil War, E. Brooks Holifield
*Things We Couldn’t Say, Diet Eman, with James Schaap
*Three Men Came to Heidelberg, and Glorious Heretic, Thea VanHalsema
*Tried by Fire, The Story of Christianity's First Thousand Years, William J. Bennett
*Tyndale : the man who gave God an English voice, David Teems
Unto God and Caesar, Religious Issues in the Emerging Commonwealth, 1891-1906 (Australia) When Faith Is Forbidden, 40 Days on the Frontlines with Persecuted Christians, Nettleton
Other Church History Resources

Creeds and Confessions List

A Body of Divinity, Sermons upon the Westminster Catechism, Thomas Watson
An Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles, Edward Harold Browne
*An Exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith, Robert Shaw
Credo, Meditations on the Apostles Creed, Hans Urs von Balthasar
Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical notes. Volumes 1,2, 3, Philip Schaff, Editor
Faith Unfolded, A Fresh Look at the Reformed Faith, Jim Osterhouse(also Daisy Audio
Heidelberg Catechism
*A Mighty Comfort, The Christian Faith According to the Heidelberg Catechism, Fred H. Klooster
*Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, Zacharias Ursinus
*Comfort and Joy, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
*Our Only Comfort, Fred Klooster
*The Good News We Almost Forgot, Kevin DeYoung
The Heidelberg Story, Edward J. Masselink
You Are Not Your Own, Belonging to God in an Inhuman World, Alan Noble
Plain Talk About the Apostles Creed, Albert Currey Winn
*The Apostles Creed, R. Albert Mohler
The Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
*The Theology of the Westminster Standards, Historical Context and Theological Insights, J. V. Fesko
*The Westminster Confession of Faith for Study Classes, Second Edition, G. I. Williamson
Catechism of the Catholic Church U. S
*Know the Creeds and Councils, Justin Holcomb
Westminster Larger Catechism: A Commentary, Johannes Geerhardus Vos
Belgic Confession
A Place to Stand, Cornelius Planginga, Jr

Ethics List

Books on the Ten Commandments
- * Decisions, Jack Rhoda
- * Do We Still Need the Ten Commandments, John Timmer
- God's Psychiatry, Charles Allen
-How the Commandments SET Us Free, mark mitchell
- Liberating Limits, John Huffman
-*Mere Morality, Lewis Smedes
-*The Ten Commandments, Manual for the Christian life, Jochem Douma
- *The Law of Perfect Freedom, Relating to God and Others through the Ten Commandments, Michael S. Horton
- The Ten Commandments for Today, William Barclay
-The Ten Commandments, Manual for the Christian life, Jochem Douma
*A Case for Character, Towards a Lutheran Virtue Ethics, Joel D. Biermann
A Community of Character, Toward a Constructive Christian Social Ethic, Stanley Hauerwas
*Agape and Eros, The History of the Christian Idea of Love, Anders Nygren
*A War of Loves, David Bennett
Abortion, A Rational Look at an Emotional Issue, R. C. Sproul
Begotten or Made? Oliver O'Donovan
Biblical Christian Ethics, David Clyde Jones
*Bioethics and the Christian Life, David VanDrunen
*Bioethics, Life and Death Choices, Ruth Groenhout
Biology and Christian Ethics, Stephen R. L Clark
Born Again This Way, Coming Out, Coming to Faith, and What Comes Next, Rachel Gilson
Christian Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems, Michael Banner
*Christian Theistic Ethics, Volume 3, In Defense of Biblical Christianity
*Costly Obedience, Mark A. Yarhouse
Creation and Covenant, The Significance of Sexual Difference in the Moral Theology of Marriage, Christopher Roberts
Decision Making and the Will of God, Garry FriesenAnd Robin Maxson
Embodied, Transgener Identity, the Church, and What the Bible Has to Say, Preston Sprinkle
Every Young Man's Battle, Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation, Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker with Mike Yorkey
*Ethical Reflections, Henry Stob
Ethics, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
*Ethics and moral reasoning, a student s guide, C. Ben Mitchell, David S. Dockery,series editor
Ethics in a Multicultural World, Bernard T.Adeney
Evil and Christian Ethics, Gordon Graham
Forgiveness and Christian Ethics, Anthony Bash
God and the Transgender Debate, What Does the Bible Actually Say About Gender Identity, Andrew Walker
Gray Matters, Brett McCracken
Holy Sexuality and the Gospel, Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God's Grand Story, Christopher Yuan
How long, O Lord? reflections on suffering and evil, D. A. Carson
How to Decide What's Really Important, Fritz Ridenour
*Imitating Jesus, Richard A. Burridge
In Defence of War, Nigel Biggar
Is God anti-gay? And other questions about homosexuality, the Bible and same-sex attraction, Sam Allberry
*Justice in Love, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Justice : Rights and Wrongs, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Living ethically in the '90s, J. KERBY ANDERSON, EDITOR
*Living in a Gray World, Preston Sprinkle
Love Is an Orientation, Elevating the Conversation with the Gay Community, Andrew Marin

Love Thy Body, Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality, Nancy R. Peardey
Messy grace, how a pastor with gay parents learned to love others without sacrificing conviction, Caleb Kaltenbach
One Body, An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics, Alexander R. Pruss
On God and Dogs, A Christian Theology of Compassion for Animals, Stephen H. Webb
Openness Unhindered, Further Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert on Sexual Identity and Union with Christ, Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
*Principles of Conduct, Aspects of Biblical Ethics, John Murray
Queer Theology, Rethinking the Western Body, Edited by Gerard Loughlin
Radical love, an introduction to queer theology, Patrick S. Cheng
Rethinking Sexuality, God's Design and Why It Matters, Juli Slattery
Revisioning Pentecostal Ethics, The Epicletic Community, Daniel Castelo
Rights and Christian ethics, Kieran Cronin
*Same-Sex Mirage, Phantasmagoria at the Altar and Some Biblical Responses, Douglas Wilson
*Self, world, and time, Ethics as theology 1, an induction, Oliver O Donovan
Setting Love in Order, Hope and Healing for the Homosexual, Mario Bergner
*Sex for Christians, Lewis Smedes
Sexual Authenticity, An Intimate Reflection on Homosexuality and Catholicism, Melinda Selmys
SITUATION ETHICS TRUE OR FALSE, A dialogue between Joseph Fletcher and John Warwick Montgomery
*The Bible and homosexual Practice, Texts and Hermeneutics, Robert a. J. Gagnon
*The Divine Imperative, A Study in Christian Ethics, Emil Brunner
The Emperor's New Gender, A Present-Day Parable of Pluralistic Ignorance, Vicki Joy Anderson
The End of Sexual Identity, Why Sex Is Too Important to Define Who We Are, Jenell Williams Paris
The Four Cardinal Virtues, Josef Pieper
The Gifting God, A Trinitarian Ethics of Excess, Stephen H .Webb
The Hauerwas Reader, Stanley Hauerwas, Edited by John Berkman and Michael Cartwright
The Moral Law, Kevan Ernest
The Moral Quest, Stanley i. Crenz
The Peaceable Kingdom, A Primer in Christian Ethics, Stanley M. Hauerwas
The plausibility problem, Ed Shaw
The Same Sex Controversy, Defending and Clarifying the Bible's Message About Homosexuality, JAMES R.WHITE & JEFFREY D. NIELL
The Sources of Christian Ethics, Servais Pinckaers
The Wisdom of the Christian Faith, Michael Mcfall, Paul Moser
Theonomy in Christian Ethics, Third Edition, Greg L. Bahnsen
Torn, Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate, Justin Lee
*Transforming Homosexuality, What the Bible Says about Sexual Orientation and Change, Denny Burk, Heath Lambert
20 Hot Potatoes Christians Are Afraid To Touch, Anthony Campolo
The Just War Revisited, Oliver O'Donovan
What Would You Do? A Serious Answer to a Standard Question, John H. Yoder

Devotional Discipleship List

Books of Devotions
Advent Devotions
-*Celebrate Jesus, Charles R. Swindoll
-*Expecting, Devotions for Advent, Scott Hozee
-*Longing for More: Devotions for Advent Other Books of Devotions
-*66 Ways God Loves You, Experience God's Love for You in Every Book of the Bible, Jennifer Rothschild
-*101 Things Jesus Has Done for You
-A Year with C. S. Lewis, Daily Readings from His Classic Works, Edited by Patricia S. Klein
-Be Thou My Vision, A Liturgy for Daily Worship, Jonathan Gibson
-*Beyond Doubt, Cornelius Plantinga
- *Daily Discipleship, LeRoy Eims
-Daylight, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
-Devotions and Prayers of John Calvin, Compiled by Charles E. Edwards
-Dynamic Devotionals, William Krutza
-Everyday Prayers, 365 Days to a Gospel-Centered Faith, Scotty smith
-*For the Love of God, Volume 1, D. A. Carson
-*For the Love of God, Volume 2, D. A. Carson
-Foundations, A 260-Day Bible Reading Plan for Busy Believers, Robby & Kandi Gallaty
-*Go for the Goal, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
-Heart of the Matter, Daily Reflections for Changing Hearts and Lives, Nancy B. Winter, editor, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
-*It s All Grace, Jacob D. Epinga
-*Living and Loving Life, Howard Vanderwell
-Long Story Short, Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God, Old Testament, Marty Machowski
Old story new, ten-minute devotions to draw your family to God (New Testament), Martin Machowski
-My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers
-*Near to God, Abraham Kuyper
-On Your Way Rejoicing, Louis Tamminga
-*Sacred Meditations John Gerhard
-*Springs in the Valley, Charles Cowman
-*The Forever People, Joel Nederhood
-*The One Year Book of Hope, Nancy Guthrie
-*The Songs of Jesus, A Year ofDaily Devotions in the Psalms, Timothy Keller
-The Soul at Rest, a journey into contemplative prayer, Tricia McCary Rhodes
-To Live with Christ, DEVOTIONS BY Bo Giertz
-Twilight, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
-*Walking On Water, Wayne Brouwer
-Where Are You? Henry DeMoor
*10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity, Rebecca McLaughlin
*31 Days toward Trusting God, Jerry Bridges
*A Fellowship of Differents, Showing the World God's Design for Life Together, Scot Mcknight
After You Believe, Why Christian Character Matters, N. T. Wright
*A Grace Revealed, How God Redeems the Story of Your Life, Jerry Sittser
*All My Friends Have Issues, Amanda Anderson
All of Grace, Charles H. Spurgeon
A Matter of Life and Death, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, R. B. Thieme, JR.
*Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce, John Piper
And It Was Good, Meditations on Genesis, Elizabeth Harcourt Mitchell
And the Angels Were Silent, Max Lucado
ANSWERS forToday, Volumes1&2, BY Chuck Smith
Answers to Questions About Spiritual Warfare, David Jeremiah
A New Way to Be Human, Charlie Peacock
A Path Through Suffering, Elisabeth Elliot
*A Resilient Life, You Can Move Ahead No Matter What, Gordon MacDonald
*A Shared Christian Life, Ben Witherington III
Ask It, The Question that Will Revolutionize How you Make Decisions, Andy Stanley
*Attributes of God, A. W. Pink
Authentic Christianity The Book, Ray C. Stedman
*Authentic Faith, Gary Thomas
*Awaken Your Inner Hero, 7 Steps to a Successful and Meaningful Life, Victor Hugo Manzanilla
A Woman's Walk with God, Elizabeth George
*A Year of Biblical Woomanhood, How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband Master , Rachel Helb Evans
Basics for Believers, The Core of Christian Faith and Life, D. A. Carson
*Be Light, Samuel Rodriguez
Beautiful Resistance, Jon Tyson
Being God's Image, Carmen Joy Imes
*Believe, Living the Story of the Bible to Become Like Jesus, Randy frazee
*Beloved Dust, Kyle Strobel and Jamin Goggin
*Big truths for young hearts, teaching and learning the greatness of God, Bruce A. Ware
*Blessed Are the Misfits, Great News for Believers who are Introverts, Spiritual Strugglers, or Just Feel Like They're Missing Something, Brant Hansen
Book of Bible Promises, Ron Rhodes
Born Again, Charles Colson
*Brave New Discipleship, Cultivating Scripture-driven Christians in a Culture-driven World, Max Anders
Break Open the Sky, Saving Our Faith from a Culture of Fear, Stephan Bauman
*Breathing Grace, What You Need More Than Your Next Breath, Harry Kraus, M.D.
Broken, 7 Christian Rules That Every Christian Ought to Break as Often as Possible, Jonathan Fisk
Building High Commitment in a Low-Commitment World, Bill Hull
But What About God s Wrath? The Compelling Love Story of Divine Anger, Kevin Kinghorn
Called, The Crisis and Promise of Following Jesus Today, Mark Labberton
Characters in Scripture, Ray C. Stedman
*Caring for One Another, 8 Ways to Cultivate Meaningful Relationships, Edward T. Welch
Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Patty Aubery, Nancy Mitchell
CHOOSE THE LIFE, Exploring a FAITH That Embraces Discipleship, Bill Hull
Christian, At Ease! R. B. Thieme, Jr.
Christian Living, Ray C. Stedman
Christian Virtutes, 9 Studies for Individuals or Groups, Life Guide Bible Studies, Cindy Bunch

Christmas and Easter, Ray C. Stedman
*Church, Why Bother, Philip Yancey
Compelled by love, the most excellent way to missional living, Ed Stetzer and Philip Nation
Connecting Like Jesus, Tony Campolo
*Contagious Christian Living, Joel R. Beek
*Contemplative Bible Reading, Richard Peace
Convergence, Spiritual journeys of a Charismatic Calvinist, Sam Storms
Costly Grace, Rob Schenck
*Counterfeit Gods, Timothy Keller
*Counterfeit Gospels, Rediscovering the Good News in a World of False Hope, Trevin Wax
Crazy Love, Francis Chan
Crucify!, Why the Crowd Killed Jesus, Timothy J Stoner
David and Goliath, Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants, Malcolm Gladwell
*Death by Living, N. D. Wilson
Didn't See It Coming, Overcoming the Seven Greatest Challenges That No One Expects and Everyone Experiences, Carey Nieuwhof
*Dietrich Bonhoeffer s Christmas Sermons, Edwin Robertson , Editor
*Digital disciple, real Christianity in a virtual world, Adam Thomas
*Dirty God, Jesus in the Trenches, Johnnie Moore
*Disappointment with God, Philip Yancey
Disciples Obey, How Christians unknowingly rebel against Jesus, Edward N. Gross
*Disciplines of a Godly Man, R. Kent Hughes
*Disruptive Compassion, Hal Donaldson
Discovering God in Stories from the Bible, Philip Graham Ryken
Divine Discontent, Pursuing the Peace Your Heart Longs For, MICHAEL YOUSSEF
Divine Guidance, R. B. Thieme, Jr.
Done with That, Bob Merritt
DO YOU LOVE ME? Jesus Questions the Church, Michael H. Crosby
Earthen Vessels, Matthew Lee Anderson
Emails to Rail, Larry Doughan
EMPOWERED BY PRAISE, How God Responds When You Revel In His Glory, Michael Youssef
Enjoying God, Experience the Love of God in Everyday Life, Tim Chester
Enough, Contentment in an Age of Excess, Will Samson, Shane Claiborne
Essentialism, Greg Mckeown
*Everybody Always, Bob Goff
*Everybody's Normal, Till You Get to Know Them, John Ortberg
*Everyones a Genius, Unleashing Creativity for the Sake of the World, Alan Briggs
Eyes Wide Open, See and Live the Real You, Jud Wilhite Bill Taaffe
*Facing Your Giants, Max Lucado
*Faith. Hope. Love, The Christ-Centered Way to Grow in Grace, Mark Jones
Finding Friendship with God, Floyd McClung
* Finding the Will of God, A Pagan Notion? Second Edition, Bruce K. Waltke
Find Your Miracle, How the Miracles of Jesus Can Change Your Life Today, Chris Shook, Kerry Shook
*Find Your Place, Rob Wegner and Brian Phipps
Fingerprint of God, The church as a Living Body, Ron Bryce, MD
*Five Pillars Of Biblical Success, Gary North
Following Christ in a Consumer Society, The Spirituality of Cultural Resistance, John F Kavanaugh, 25th anniversary edition
*Following Jesus without Embarrassing God, Tony Campolo
*Follow Me, A Call to Die. A Call to Live, David Platt
Follow the Cloud, Hearing God's Voice One Next Step at a Time, John Stickl
Forgotten God, Francis Chan (includes Study Guide)
*For the Body, Timothy C. Tennent
Freedom in Christ, Neil T. Anderson
* Friend-ish, Kelly Needham
From Eternity to Here, Rediscovering the Ageless Purpose of God, Frank Viola
*From Tablet to Table, Where Community Is Formed and Identity Is Found, Leonard Sweet
*Fully Devoted, John Ortberg
Gagging Jesus, Things Jesus Said We Wish He Hadn t, Phil Moore
Gardening Your Life, Heidi Vermeer Quist
*Gentle Thunder, Max Lucado
Giving, Gimmick or Grace? R. B. Thieme, Jr.
Blittering Vices, a new look at the seven deadly sins and their remedies, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
*God at Work, Your Christian Vocation in All of Life, Gene Edward Veith, Jr.
God Came Near, Max Lucado
*God's Outrageous Claims, Lee Strobel
God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life, The Myth of the Modern Message, Ray Comfort
God of Tomorrow, How to Overcome the Fears of Today and Renew Your Hope for the Future, Caleb Kaltenbach
*God So Loved, He Gave, Kelly M. Kapic
*Goliath Must Fall, Winning the Battle Against Your Giants, Louie Giglio
Good News for Anxious Christians, 10 Practical Things You Don't Have to Do, Phillip Cary
*Gospel in Life, STUDY GUIDE, Timothy Keller
*Gospel Wakefulness, Jared C. Wilson
*Grace Awakening, Charles Swindoll
Grace Is Greater, God s Plan to Overcome Your Past, Redeem Your Pain, and Rewrite Your Story, kyle idleman
Grounded in the Faith, Kenneth Erisman
Harvest, Chuck Smith and Tal Brooke
Heaven is Real, Ron and Glenda Pettey
*He Chose the Nails, Max Lucado
Help My Unbelief, Barnabas Piper
*He Still Moves Stones, Max Lucado
He That Is Spiritual, Lewis Sperry Chafer
Hidden Dangers, Combatting Threats to Healthy Relationships, Kim Beckham
Holy Spirit Power, Charles Spurgeon
*Honest to God, John A. T. Robinson
Hope Against Darkness, Richard Rohr
How Can It Be Alright When Everything's All Wrong, Lewis Smedes
*How Jesus Saves, Joshua M. McNall
*How Now Shall We Live? Charles Colson
How to Be a Best Friend Forever, Making and Keeping Lifetime Relationships, Dr. John Townsend
How to Be a Perfect Christian, Your Comprehensive Guide to Flawless Spiritual Living, The Babylon Bee
How to be Born Again, Billy Graham
*How to Have that Difficult conversation, Henry Cloud and John Townsend
*How to Live Through a Bad Day, Jack W. Hayford
Humble orthodoxy, holding the truth high without putting people down, Joshua Harris, with Eric Stanford
Humility, C. J. Mahaney
*I Am a Church Member, Discovering the Attitude That Makes the Difference, Thom S. Rainer
I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body, Rubem Alves
*I Quit, Geri Scazzero with Pete Scazzero
*If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat, John Ortberg
Imperfect Disciple, Grace for People Who Can't Get Their Act Together, Jared C. Wilson
In Christ alone, Living the Gospel Centered Life, Sinclair B. Ferguson
*In His Image, Paul Brandt and Philip Yancey
In The beginning There was Darkness, One Blind Man's experiences with the bible, John More Hull
In the Shepherd's Arms, Max Lucado
*In the Grip of Grace, Max Lucado
Insurgence, Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, Frank Viola
*Irresistible, Andy Stanley
Is It Real? John MacArthur
*It's Friday, But Sunday's Coming, Tony Campolo
*I Will, Nine Traits of the Outwardly Focused Christian, Thom S. Rainer
Jesus and the Feasts of Israel, Richard Booker
*Jesus Called He Wants His Church Back, Ray Johnston
*Jesus Calling, Sarah Young
Jesus Career Counselor, How to Find (and Keep) Your Perfect Work, Laurie Beth Jones
Jesus Claims - Our Promises, A Study of the I Am Sayings of Jesus, Maxie Dunnam
* Jesus, Continued, Why the Spirit Inside You Is Better Than Jesus Beside You, J. D. Greear
*Jesus > religion, why he is so much better than trying harder, doing more, and being good enough, Jefferson Bethke
*Jesus, Life Coach, Learn from the Best, Laurie Beth Jones
Jesus LORD OF YOUR Personality, Four Powerful Principles for Change, BOB RUSSELL with Rusty Russell
*Jesus Parables about Discipleship, James W Moore
*Jesus' Parables About Making Choices, James W. Moore
*Jesus' Parables about Priorities, James W. More
*Jesus' Parables of Life, James W. Moore
*Jesus + Nothing = Everything, Tullian Tchividjian
Jesus the Fool, The Mission of the Unconventional Christ, Michael Frost
*Just Like Jesus, Max Lucado
Keep in Step with the Spirit, Finding fullness in Our Walk with God, New Expanded Edition, J. I. Packer
*Kingdoms in Conflict, Charles Colson
Knowing God, J.I. Packer
Know Your Real Enemy, Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Knowledge of the Holy, A. W. Tozer
Known, Finding Deep Friendships in a Shallow World, Dick Foth, Mark Batterson, Ruth Foth
Learning to Speak God from Scratch, Jonathan Merritt
Lectures to My Students, Charles H. Spurgeon
Let God Talk to You, Becky Tirabassi
*Let Me Tell You a Story, Tony Campolo
Letters to the Church, Francis Chan
Let Us Be What We Are, The Joys and Chalenges of Living the Little Way, Clarence J. Enzler
*Lies men believe, and the truth that sets them free, Robert Wolgemuth
*Life Lessons, Ephesians, Max Lucado
Life Sentence, Charles Colson
Living In The Light Of Eternity, Understanding Death, Dying and The Afterlife, Don Stewart
Living The Christian Life, What It Means to Be a Christian, Don Stewart
Living the Cross Centered Life, C. J. Mahaney
Living Water, Chuck Smith
*Look Unto Me, Jim Reimann
*Losing the Cape, The Power of Ordinary in a World of Superheroes, Dan Stanford
Lost in the Cosmos, The Last Self-Help Book, Walker Percy
*Love Does, Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World, Bob Goff
Love Is a Verb, Gary Chapman
*Loving God, Charles Colson
Making Life Work, Bill Hybels
*Manna, when you're out of options, God will provide, Steve Farrar
Me! A Priest? The Priesthood of the Grace Believer, David K. Spurbeck
*Men of the Bible, Larry Miller
Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ, John Owen
Mere Churchianity, Finding Your Way Back to Jesus-Shaped Spirituality, Michael Spencer
Mind Viruses, Diagnosing What s Defeating You, Mike D. Robertson
*Momentum for Life, Biblical Principles for Sustaining Physical Health, Personal Integrity and Strategic Focus, Revised Edition, Michael Slaughter
*More Difficult Sayings of Jesus, William Neil
Move Toward the Mess, John Hambrick, Andy Stanley
*My Life in Christ, John Iliytch
*Neighbors and Wise Men, Sacred Encounters in a Portland Pub and Other Unexpected Places, TONY KRIZ
Never Settle for Normal, The Proven Path to Significance and Happiness, Jonathan Parnell
No Rusty Swords, dietrich bonhoeffer
*not a fan, Becoming a completely committed follower of Jesus, kyle idleman
*Not God Enough, Why Your Small God Leads to Big Problems, J. D. Greear
Not My Will, How Much Will Surrender Cost? Francena H. ARNOLD
Nothing to Prove, Why We Can Stop Trying So Hard, Jennie Allen
*No Wonder They Call Him Savior, Max Lucado
*Now That I m a Christian, What It Means to Follow Jesus, C. Michael Patton
*One Incredible Moment, Max Lucado
*One Minute After You Die, Erwin Lutzer
One Way Love, Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World, Tullian Tchividjian
*Ordinary, Michael Horton
ordinary HERO Becoming a Disciple Who Makes a Difference, Neil Cole
Original Jesus, What he really did and why it really matters, Carl Laferton
Outflow, Steve Sjogren and David W. Ping
Overcoming Shame, Mark W. Baker
* Owen on the Christian Life, Living for the Glory of God in Christ, Matthew Barrett and Michael A. G. Haykin
Pathways Bible Study Method, A better way to do Bible study, Alan J. Lewis
*People Fuel, John Townsend
*Permission to Speak Freely, Essays and Art on Fear, Confession, and Grace, Anne Jackson
*Picturing the Gospel, Neil Livingstone
*Planting Trust, Denise George
*Powering Up, Jack Graham
*Practicing Affirmation, God-Centered Praise of Those Who Are Not God, Sam Crabtree
*Prepare for Battle, BASIC TRAINING IN SPIRITUAL WARFARE, Neal & Yvonne Pirolo
*Prime Time, Herbert Barks
*Principles of Spiritual Growth, Myles J Stanford
Puritan Gems, Wise and holy sayings of Thomas Watson
Purpose by Design, Jerome McGhe
Pursued, Jud Wilhite
Pursuing Sexual Wholeness, Andrew Comiskey
Radical Together, David Platt
*Reaching for the Invisible God, Philip Yancey
*Real Artists Dont Starve, Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative Age, Jeff Goins
*Real Christian, Bearing the Marks of Authentic Faith, Todd Wilson
*Real Followers, Beyond Virtual Christianity, Michael Slaughter with Warren Bird
Rebound and Keep Moving! R. B. Thieme, Jr.
Reciprocal Church, Becoming a Community Where Faith Flourishes Beyond High School, SHARON GALGAY KETCHAM
Rejoicing in Christ, Michael Reeves
*Relational Intelligence, Dharius Daniels
Remember and Return, Rekindling Your Love for the Savior, A Devotional, John MacArthur
Renewed Day by Day, A. W. Tozer
Rescuing Christmas, The Search for Joy that Lasts, Carl Laferton
*Rings of Fire, Walking in Faith through a Volcanic Future, Leonard Sweet
*Rumors of Another World, Philip Yancey
*Rumors of God, Experience the Kind of Faith You've Only Heard About, Darren Whitehead & Jon Tyson
*Run to Win the Prize, perseverance in the New Testament, Thomas R. Schreiner
*Safe in the Shepherd's Arms, Max Lucado
*Safe People, How To Find Relationships That Are Good For You And Avoid Those That Aren't, Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr John Townsend
*Satisfied, Discovering Contentment in a World of Consumption, Jeff Manion
Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis
Searching for Spring, Christine Hoover
*Secrets of the Christian Life, Philip Yancey
*Secret Survivors, Jen Howver and Megan Hutchinson
Sermons of Richard Sibbes
Sermons of Thomas Manton
Shake Free, Samuel Rodriguez
*Shelter in God, Your Refuge in Times of Trouble, DR. David Jeremiah
*Sighing for Eden, William Willimon
Slave Market of Sin, R. B. Thieme, Jr.
So Beautiful, Leonard Sweet
Soul Cravings, Erwin Raphael McManus
Speaking Truth in Love, Counsel in Community, David Powlison
*Spiritual Depression, Martin Lloyd Jones
Spiritual Health Check, 16 Steps to a Thriving Christian Life, Carl Laferton
Spiritual Simplicity , Doing Less, Loving More, Chip Ingram, Chris Tiegreen
Stop Dating the Church! Joshua Harris
*Strangely Bright, Can You Love God and Enjoy This World? Joe Rigney
*Stronger than the Struggle, Uncomplicating Your Spiritual Battle, Havilah Cunnington
*Success, God's Way, CHARLES STANLEY
*Supernatural Power for Everyday People, Experiencing God s Extraordinary Spirit in Your Ordinary Life, Jared C. Wilson
*Tell Me a Story, Scott McClellan
Ten Questions Christians Are Asking, David Jeremiah
*10 questions to diagnose your spiritual health, Donald S. Whitney
*The 4 Wills of God, The Way He Directs Our Steps and Frees Us to Direct Our Own, Dr. Emerson Eggeric
*The Applause of Heaven, Max Lucado
The Best Question Ever, Andy Stanley
The Bible Promise Book, King James Version
The Blurred Cross, A Writer's Difficult Journey with God, Richard Bauckham
*The Body, Charles Colson
The Bookends of the Christian Life, Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington
The Bride(zilla) of Christ, What to Do When God's People Hurt God's People, Ted Kluck
The Bumps Are What You Climb on, Encouragement for Difficult Days, Warren W Wiersbe
*The Burden Is Light, Jon Tyson
The centering moment, Howard Thurman
The Christian In Christ, An Introduction to "In Christ" Truth, The Believer's Position and Possessions in Christ, David K. Spurbeck Sr.
The Cost of Discipleship, Revised and Unabridged Edition Containing Material Not Previously Translated, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
*The Crown and the Fire, Meditations on the Cross and the Life of the Spirit, Tom Wright
The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor, Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Jesus, Mark Labberton
*The Daniel Dilemma, How to Stand Firm and Love Well in a Culture of Compromise, Chris Hodges
The Daring Mission of William Tyndale, Steven J. Lawson
The Dark Side of Christmas, Verlyn Verbrugge
*The Deadly Sins and the Beatitudes, Jeff Cook
*The Difficult Sayings of Jesus, William Neil
*The Divine Commodity, Skye Jethani
*The Divine Romance, Gene Edwards
The End of Me, Kyle Idleman
*The Faith of the Outsider, Frank Anthony Stina
The Forgotten Fear, Where Have All the God Fearers Gone? Albert N. Martin
*The fruitful life, the overflow of God s love through you, Jerry Bridges
*The Fruit of the Spirit, John Sanderson
The God of Yes, Jud Wilhite
*The Gospel According to Satan, Jared C. Wilson
*The Gospel Comes with a House Key, Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post-Christian World, Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
The Gospel of Yes, Mike Glenn
*The Grand Weaver, Ravi Zacharias
*The Greatest Thing in the World, Henry Drummond
*The Great House of God, Max Lucado
The Heist, How Grace Robs Us of Our Shame, Chris Durso
*The hole in our Gospel, Richard Stearns
*The Holy Spirit, Billy Graham
*The Household and the War for the Cosmos, Recovering a Christian Vision for the Family, C. R. Wyley
*The Implications of Public Confession, Abraham Kuyper
*The Jesus I Never Knew, Philip Yancey
*The Jesus of Suburbia, Mike Erre
*The Jesus Prescription for a Healthy Life, Leonard Sweet
The Life of Jesus (four volumes), Tim Shenton
The Light and the Glory, Peter Marshall David Manuel
*The Lord s Prayer, Joachim Jeremias
The Love Language of God, Gary Chapman
*The Magnificent Obsession, Ann Graham Lotzf
*The Man in the Mirror, Solving the 24 Problems Men Face, Patrick Morley
*The Ministry of Ordinary Places, Shannan Martin
*The Naked Gospel, Truth You May Never Hear in Church, Andrew Farley
*The one Jesus loves, grace is unconditionally given, intimacy is relentlessly pursued, Robert Crosby
*The Opposite Life, Alex Seeley
*The Philippian Fragment, Calvin Miller
*The Peace God Promises, Closing the Gap between What You Experience and What You Long For, Ann Spangler
The Perfectionism Book, Will van der Hart and Rob Waller
The Power of Belonging, Will Van Der Hart and Rob Waller
*The Prayer that Turned the World Upside Down, The Lord s Prayer as a Manifesto for Revolution, R. Albert Mohler
The Prodigal Son, R. B. Thieme, Jr.
The Questions of Jesus, Challenging Ourselves to Discover Life's Great Answers, John Dear
*The Radical Disciple, John R. W. Stott
*The Relationship Principles of Jesus, Tom Holiday
The Saint's Spiritual Delight, And A Christian on the Mount, Thomas Watson
The Secret Battle of Ideas about God, Overcoming the Outbreak of Five Fatal Worldviews, Jeff Myers
The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert, An English Professor's Journey into Christ, Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
*The Seven Desires of Every Heart, Mark and Debra Laaserf
*The Seven Money Types, Tommy Brown
The Shack, Wm. Paul Young
*The Story of Everything, How You, Your Pets, and the Swiss Alps Fit into God s Plan for the World, Jared C. Wilson
The story we find ourselves in, further adventures of a new kind of Christian, Brian D. McLaren
*The 10 dumbest things Christians do, Mark Atteberry
*The Things of Earth, Treasuring God by Enjoying His Gifts, Joe Rigney
The Touch of the Master s Hand, Charles Stanley
*The Training of the Twelve, A. B. Bruce
*The Underestimated Gospel, Jonathan Leeman - General Editor
The Wating Father, Helmut Theilicke
*The Ways of the Along sider, Growing Disciples Life to Life, BILL MOWRY
The Well-Played Life, Why Pleasing God Doesn't Have to Be Such Hard Work, Leonard Sweet
the Woman at the Well, Dale Evans Rogers
The Worry Book, Finding a path to freedom, Will van der Hart and Rob Waller
*Thinking. Loving. Doing, General Editors John Piper and David Mathis
This Invitational Life, Steve Carter
*This Is Love, The Extraordinary Story of Jesus, Max Lucado
Those People, The True Character of the Homeless, Richard Bahr
Thoughts for Young Men, John Charles Ryle
Thou Shall, Freedom to Strip Away the "Nots" and Discover What God Really Wants, Jamie Snyder
Thriving in Babylon, Why hope, humility and wisdom matter in a Godless Culture, Larry Osborne
*Tokens of Trust, An Introduction to Christian Belief, Rowan Williams
To Live in Joy, Elaine Stedman
Torn, Trusting God When